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Everything posted by BKKTRAVELER

  1. Been wondering about it for a long time. We read about quite a lot of refusal of entries from airports but not at borders. Is it really much easier there for people who stayed in Thailand for a long time with (bogus) visas? We keep reading from people worried they'll be refused at BKK, DMK and such, is that their "easy" way out?
  2. Air purifiers, that's why there is no pollution in Bangkok ????
  3. I bought vouchers from Landmark during Covid and I agree that the place has been nicely renovated compared to a decade ago. I didn't go to their steakhouse for a long time but I went back to their buffet for brunch and it was rather nice overall. They always do promotions on Eatigo for their food outlets so it's not a bad option. Still, I would choose Shangri La if I'm with my family. It all depends on OP and if he has a specific purpose for this trip. Regardless, enjoy your stay!
  4. It's great that some people here want to achieve some sort of sustainability and be eco-friendly. Too bad 99% of the rest of the population couldn't care less. Like you all I have seen roads and lands filled with more garbage than you could imagine. Plastic being burned with highly toxic smokes quite regularly and the sea being trashed beyond recognition. I won't criticize if they finally try to do something about it, even though it may take a few more decades to sink into people's minds...
  5. OP, do you have an old electric bill with you? Or maybe just a photo of one bill in your phone? If so, you can send it to anyone you know in Thailand (friend, gf...) and they can go scan the barcode from the photo at 7/11 to pay for you. Heck, if it's really 50 baht I'm even willing to do it for you ???? If not, call the juristic office of your building and ask if they can check for you if you have unpaid bills (they should manage to find out). I'm sure a solution will be worked out then. Also, the PEA company will not cut your electric meter for 1 month. They do it at 3 months currently and never did it below 2 months.
  6. The fact that there is no staff (juristic office, technician or security) is a red flag in my opinion. Maintenance is clearly not done if what the resident told you is true. The owner who wants to sell fast (he will probably pressure you soon enough with classic sales strategies) is another warning. There is nothing more expensive than something that is too cheap. Meaning that what is offered to you may actually be worth less or nothing. I would pass if I were you. Wish you the best in your search.
  7. A place where you'll spend too much money for not so much. Been there, done that..
  8. Well, it's good he has other talents because as a public health minister... not so much.
  9. ???????? I think I would have left upon arriving, pretending to be on the phone with an emergency. I would have missed quite the party though...
  10. I guess you are right about them being repeat offenders. Still, to make this room that dirty must take months. Months of living among trash... It's just mind blowing.
  11. I mean... How does a person manage to live their life like that? How can you live for extended period of times in such filth? I hope the landlord has a rental contract and will be able to get compensation. This is just not ok...
  12. At this price, it's a steal! Emphasis on the word "steal"...
  13. I don't know which school cops attend, but it should be highly ranked worldwide. So many alumni manage to make millions/billions while on basic salaries. Well done fellas, well done...
  14. Sure... Why not... Heck, I believe you now. I heard if you tell yourself the same lie over and over again, it becomes true. Fine strategy used by politicians for the longest time.
  15. I can give it to you now if you want...
  16. Agreed, should start there to see if something really went wrong and he didn't return as scheduled.
  17. That's surprising, every time I rented, bought or sold units, agents were quite helpful. It's been a while and services may have declined.
  18. Ah yes, the good old law: witches and ghosts do not require helmets.. ????????
  19. Honestly, just contact an agent. Send all your requirements and ask them to send you back possible options. If not happy, contact another agency. Arrange a visit when you're satisfied with the option(s). I agree with others that 10-15k may not give you what you want.
  20. When you thought the country couldn't go any further downhill... I feel like this circus will keep going on past next elections. Thailand as a whole should be ahead of where it is now, it is just being held back by bad management.
  21. This man is clearly part of the problem then. Let's hope he never gets anywhere near being PM in the future. There should be hefty fines and it should be fully enforced. Then, people will start following the rules and we'll stop reading news about dads crying about their 14 years old daughters dying because being on phone while on their bikes... Or because no helmet, no seatbelt, DUI, speeding, ignoring traffic lights or whatever that is. You can't have it all. Enforce strict traffic laws or keep having skyrocket high road death numbers.
  22. No other drugs but he did mix with alcohol and other members here think that's a bad mix.
  23. I see, thanks for that detail. I talked to him today and he is coming back to earth.. He said he mixed edibles and alcohol and then just kept doing that for days... He told his company he got really sick but they don't seem to be buying it and his boss will see him Monday morning. Trouble coming...
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