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Posts posted by Yankeesvsredsox

  1. 5 hours ago, seajae said:

    I have no problem with an adult being trans gender, it is their right, doing so does not make them automatically male or female(which many actually state) but it does help them mentally and most do live a better life for it, I knew a few in my younger years and they were really great people, I always enjoyed their company but they didnt become trans females when they were children and did so using rational adult thinking. Young kids do not have the necessary maturity and rational thinking to have life altering medical procedures, they may feel it is right at the time but as we have seen there are those that have gone through the procedures and have regreted it a lot as they aged and matured but it has been too late for them to reverse what was done to them. There are laws for voting age, drinking age, driving age etc, the same needs to be done in this regard as it does effect the rest of their lives and not being mature enough, being able to think rationally without any peer presure or having enough life experience to make such a life altering decision is needed. Sexual orientation can be obvious at young ages and should be accepted by everyone but that does not involve life/body altering changes, this is a whole different kettle of fish and under age kids do need protection until they can make a mature decision with full knowledge of what is involved, I find it very suspect when adults are pushing for young kids with immature thinking to go through life altering procedures to change their bodies.


    “I find it very suspect when adults are pushing for young kids with immature thinking to go through life altering procedures to change their bodies”.


    Totally totally,Radical .


    (especially of change or action) relating to or affecting the fundamental nature of something; far-reaching or https://www.encyclopedia.com/science-and-technology/chemistry/organic-chemistry/radical

  2. 56 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    To be clear, the FBI we’re invited by Biden’s personal lawyers to conduct the search, hence no search warrant required:


    "This was a voluntary, proactive offer by the president's personal lawyers to DOJ to have access to the home," said White House spokesperson Ian Sams.




    What a mess  huh?The POTUS and his son are being investigated at the same time. First time ever.


    President Biden and his son Hunter have made history as the first president-son duo to be simultaneously – but separately – under federal investigation.



  3. 46 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

    Trump's got a lot of loon followers, when he spreads conspiracy theories they listen and act. You may have noticed.

    To be fair!
    Apparently the left also has some baggage to! There wasn't much fuss 

    when a guy went to assassinate a Sc justice after the roe v wade leak and then this below 

    “That’s right,” Pelosi told MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell when asked to address her comments about Trump on January 6. “I would have punched him out. I said I would have punched him out. I would have gone to jail. And I would have been happy to do so.”


  4. 1 hour ago, Phoenix Rising said:

    your yahoo article,

    Tucked into a bill Trump signed into law in January 2018 was a provision increasing the punishment for knowingly removing classified materials with the intent to retain them at an “unauthorized location.”
    The agency involved with Trump staff suggested to put a extra lock on the door after being shown what yahoo says is unauthorized. Side noteThey were also negotiating with another agency earlier in the year according to news reports to hand over other docs that the GSA packed into boxes  during the transition .

    Furthermore Trump isnt the first Potus to have docs according to the source

    Really got love the presumption that the news is trying to insinuate!


  5. 1 minute ago, morrobay said:

    However I would say the vaccine has saved lives in the group with the group with these comorbidities 





    And with the help of other medicine such as antivirals imop 

  6.  You might be shunned from obtaining the Govt vax  . You have to wait until your sixth month. You mentioned your at 5. I went 3 days before my 6th month and was denied,up here in Isan

  7. 31 minutes ago, rabas said:

    Thank you. I know the Constitution and in a tour de force of understanding, I know how all the pieces fit together. Neither the Constitution nor law can be taken piecemeal or applied bit by bit as many on your side often try to do. Your rights give you no right to violate mine. One thing I know for certain is that nothing in the Constitution give you or anyone the right to riot, burn down, and destroy other peoples protected property, or to harm or kill innocent people.

      Well said but does the constitution apply in his case! Sometimes its like blowin in the wind tryin to lecture people who haven't grew up with the constitution,Its is under attack by the far left radicals  who are hell bent on destroying America and its founders ideas

  8. 15 hours ago, webfact said:

    Birx declined to comment. Asked about her concerns, a source familiar with her thinking noted she had recently traveled to Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, and South Carolina - several of which are coronavirus hot spots - and that many of those states implemented recommendations she provided.

    "A source familiar with her thinking" 

    So now the left knows what you think

  9. 26 minutes ago, teatime101 said:

    In 1943 any 'patriotic' American would have cheered a flag like that. Now the 'patriots' cheer on the fascists. Being anti-fascist is not 'far left'. It's the appropriate position for any decent person to hold.

    These people are far left militants,  antifa and their flag should be hung in Bidens front yard ! It's the appropriate position for any decent person to hold as you say

    • Like 1
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  10. 4 hours ago, BobBKK said:

    Lots of sense here and honesty. It might not sound 'nice' but blacks do the most crime, kill the most people and also whine the most. Having said that it is obvious that kneeling on someone for 8 minutes, no matter what a scumbag they may be, is OTT and, obviously, dangerous as in Floyds case. NOW it's being made into a huge drama for political purposes. I agree with MLK - be colour blind.

    With out taking away from that nitwit kneeling on GF throat and that he should be held responsible for it.


    You brought in politics and huge drama! Like any political movement such as BLM ,one must research their founders and their ideology and to what end they will go to create their existence as a movement .

    I think all colors can see through their radical  agenda

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