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Posts posted by Yankeesvsredsox

  1. On 6/30/2020 at 12:08 PM, dexterm said:

    Fascinating way that they caught him. Used DNA to compare with distant family members who had submitted their DNA to Genealogy sites simply out of curiosity as to their ancestry. Then narrowed it down through family trees to possible suspects. The rest good police work.


    Raises hope that other cold cases could be solved using similar methods.

    Yup the DNA testing to show percentage of a positive, went up to Einsteinian figures

  2. 8 hours ago, DrTuner said:

    Thai customs certainly is doing their part in "controlling" online deliveries from abroad. A message from DHL to me:


    'Please be informed that this shipment has arrived in Thailand and subjected to customs formal clearance which original passport is normally required for paperless registeration as an importer. '


    Ain't that just great. Has been added in the last few months, was not required before. Thailand is closing in to becoming another military controlled hermit Myanmar.


    Gotcha by the short hairs ,try waxing!


    The country wants to squeeze you from your money 

  3. On 6/29/2020 at 5:24 AM, webfact said:

    Vice President Mike Pence refused repeated opportunities to say the phrase "Black Lives Matter" on Sunday, telling CBS' "Face the Nation" program: "I really believe that all lives matter and that's where the heart of the American people lies."


    Pence added that he views the Black Lives Matter movement as having a "political agenda of the radical left" that calls for cutting off funding for police departments and tearing down monuments.

    Come on Pence this was your opportunity to say it like it is! You could of mentioned the ideology of that movements founders !



    The protests spread to over 2,000 cities and towns in all 50 states and all 5 permanently-inhabited territories, as well as in over 60 other countries, with demonstrators supporting those seeking justice for Floyd and the wider Black Lives Matter movement, and speaking out against police brutality.

    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_George_Floyd_protests_in_the_United_States#:~:text=The protests spread to over,speaking out against police brutality.


    These protests  in many cities and towns resulted in riots  with shootings ,looting's  and burning of black and white businesses . Last but not least the destruction of many cultural monuments of American presidents!



  4. It seems like Biden has no problem with Unleashing  the military as mentioned in the article and the Obama Intel, to do  his bidding to oust incoming and possibly out going administrations!


    Its been reported that either Biden lied  or had another memory loss moment when he spoke to George Steffinoppolis in a recent interview to what  he knew about the January fifth meeting he attended with Obama and other Intel  in the Oval Office on January 5, 2020.

    “I was aware that they asked for an investigation, but that’s all I know about it,” he then elaborated. I don’t think anything else.”


    Recent  unsealed documents  from Strzok notes,  mentions Biden brought up the Logan Act in referencing Flynn!


    I'll give Biden the benefit of the doubt ,with so many gaffs and lapses of memory that have been reported, memory loss is more likely in my opinion, then lying ,but the events are very damaging to his election hopes ! 


     Biden  must come out from his bunker  to explain to a Linsey Graham's Senate hearing , what  was discussed and what his role was and so many other questions that American's want asked, as Senator Rubio said, in the link below.


    Mr. Biden you haven't won your right to send in the military just yet , apparently you got a few hurdles to jump!








  5. Since 

    On 5/14/2020 at 3:50 AM, tribalfusion001 said:

    "Most foreign nationals will not be allowed to enter Thailand for most of this year," I hope he is wrong.

    I hope he has a mandatory hygiene program,which encompasses all Thais and foreigners ,especially incoming foreigners. Quarantine all incoming .Show them how to be clean!

    I'm fed up with the germ and virus spreaders,especially the ones that don't cover up their  coughs and sneezing!   

  6. 4 hours ago, Sujo said:

    Well trump supporters certainly need it. 


    The youth need it but the older generation are not worth the effort as their racism is too ingrained even though they dont admit it.



     Where is the name Trump in this topic !Where does it talk about Trump supporters!  You might want to give your Hate speech a rest until that topic comes up !There are multi threads on here that support your opinions.go join them!

    The Green mile,Ray Charles and Roots were my favs


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  7. Everybody who wants to come here must self quarantine two weeks before entering .Upon arrival be subjected to testing and another two weeks of quarantine in Thailand. 

    This should be enough overkill to satisfy the covid social distancing mob.

    Some who have families and financial ties here will surely jump through hoops to get here asap

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  8. On 5/22/2020 at 7:38 AM, Isan Farang said:

    Thanks for that link . It shows that Thailand is relaxing incoming mail from the states ,while suggesting extraordinary lengthy times .


    "Processing of inbound mail items is proceeding, however customers should expect delays for all types of inbound mail. Signature on delivery for international services that would ordinarily require the recipient’s signature is still provided wherever possible. In cases where the recipient refuses to sign, the delivery office will sign on the recipient’s behalf"


  9. 17 hours ago, stephenterry said:

    Sunshine (Vit D) and habitual wearing of face masks, as is the pollution norm here in Thailand are more likely benefactors of low infection  - and death rates. The PM has been fortunate that a surprisingly low number of cases can be readily traced and quarantined imposed. 


    Social distancing is a rubbish claim - never happens at markets, malls, temples, or any other places where people congregate. As is usual, the PM has been put on a pedestal by the subservient media. 

    I went to the hospital in a large city up north! Every other seat had signs,don't sit here with a diagonal slash through the picture!


    It was very busy,those warning signs weren't being followed by everyone,especially the older folk.

    • Like 1
  10. 2 minutes ago, NanLaew said:

    I'm 6'4" and coach class travel isn't fun. I find that most Asians, even the short, skinny ones that have more than enough space already, like to slam their seat back into full recline as soon as they can.


    Rant over.

    Thanks I thought it was just me who felt that way

    • Thanks 1
  11. LOL Did you fall for the so called news narrative that  trump recommended or suggested to people to ingest bleach,inject it or swallow it!  Did you bother to watch the WH briefing or perhaps your station tuned it out!  

    He asked to research it when talking to a  research expert.



    As a American

    For me,I thought he got a bad deal those first 3 years ,between the cnn,msnbc,abc,cbs,nyt,vox,aljeers,bbc,reuters, wsj,etc,dems,never trumper's,and the top officials at  intel agencies.all conspiring against him!

     I think he should get a do over,a repeat of those 3 years ,by courtesy of la  resistance ! That's just my opinion of course.


    You need to stay away from the bias and go directly to the agencies for info.

    If you don't like the guy vote him out in Nov.




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