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Posts posted by Yankeesvsredsox

  1. 5 hours ago, Pedrogaz said:

    This is about police immune from prosecution when they kill black, white or brown.

    The US police are brutal, They are schoolyard bullies, given minimal training and then given a badge and gun. They can then go out and shoot anyone they like. They need to change the laws to stop all this immunity. If a police life is genuinely in danger then ok they can shoot, but shooting a suspect in the back who is running away is monstrous....let them escape and get them later. 


    I don't know why this line has appeared under my typing and I don't know how to get rid of it.

    "ok they can shoot, but shooting a suspect in the back who is running away is monstrous....let them escape and get them later". 


    It seems I heard this argument before ,somewhere else!

    This sounds like the Atlanta shooting at the Wendy parking lot!

    Let them escape you say! And what makes you think when they go get them the second time the perp is gonna cooperate and  come greet the police with salutations!

    • Confused 2
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  2. 10 hours ago, mtls2005 said:

    Here is a longer clip which contains the president's comments which are the subject of this post...Amazing how he loves to talk down to women reporters. He is weak, shameless, fragile man.



    Do you think the editors or better still the people in charge of this network might be pulling her strings! When she worked for Fox he treated her much much kinder ! 

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  3. 3 hours ago, bitterbatter said:

    Do you really think that destroying thousands of businesses, and millions of incomes, is worth saving a few hundred lives?  I don't see it.  
    You think that this will end soon and things will return to normal.  I don't see it.  I would love for you to be right.  But this is not about the virus, this is a global attack on human freedoms.  If I am right, the shutdowns will continue into next year.  
    As for the US, again lots of distortion there. Doctors are saying that every test they have been taking in the last two weeks is coming back positive. Social distancing, and stupid masks are supposed to slow down infection spreading.  Mainstream media is only talking about number of infections, but now completely ignore the fatalities which are dropping quickly and at the lowest levels since this early outbreak. Here is a stat showing just how poorly the US is doing, compared to other countries. You won't see this in the news.

    Screen Shot 2020-07-08 at 2.44.07 AM.png

    I think I seen this on Tuckers program. It sure does make one wonder who's spin is more accurate. I agree with you waiting for the cure is devastating countries economies,civil liberties and one's ability to work!

    Getting back to Go GO , I miss it very much

  4. 53 minutes ago, Mama Noodle said:


    You really have a myopic and false view of what's happening here. 


    The left wouldn't know the constitution if it slapped them in their silly heads. 

    Please pause and acknowledge the far lefts ultimate goal ! They use the constitution as a means to a end.

    cultural-revolution 555555555555555, not on Trumps watch

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  5. On 6/29/2020 at 6:35 PM, Thaiwrath said:

    Sympathy isn't good enough. 

    And with the restrictive measures in place for a lot of businesses to open (many won't re-open), and the largest unemployment figures in decades, the number of poor people in Thailand will increase incredibly.

    But do the government or the elite care ? I don't think so. 

    Boy, did you nail that! Your a master carpenter! No sarcasm intended

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