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Posts posted by JensenZ

  1. 1 hour ago, Freddy42OZ said:



    I missed the sarcasm too in that case. 

    The post was clearly a mini rant by someone who is an anti-vaxxer.  Probably someone who, for whatever reason, has decided they don't want to listen to experts; or do what the authorities recommend.  

    Vaccines are a good thing and assuming you've not already been vaccinated or your previous vaccination is out of date, it is a good idea to be vaccinated for any diseases that are circulating within the population.  

    I'd rather my immune system was given a boost by receiving a vaccine than run the risk of getting the disease and my body not being able to fight it off.  

    You've obviously done no research as you are convinced or brainwashed that what you think you know is the truth. Excess deaths are a real thing and data proving it has been made public in many countries. I respect your right to blast your system with vaccines for every disease known to man, so you should respect that people who don't agree might also have good reasons. Insulting the intelligence of people who choose not to receive vaccinations is no way to start a conversation or debate. We are ranting, but you're not?


    Someone didn't get your memo. Vaccinations had become an afterthought a year ago despite the earlier craze. In April 2023 I searched Pattaya for a place for my wife to get vaccinated for entry to the US. 3 private hospitals couldn't tell me where to go. Eventually, I found a public hospital that could administer the vaccination on their one-day-per-week program, at the cost of 1300 baht.

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    • Confused 2
  2. 6 minutes ago, mfd101 said:

    The Usofan concept of 'freedom': I'll do whatever I damn-well like.


    The rest of the Western world does (mostly) not share that concept. The policeman who arrests you when you exceed the speed limit is understood to be looking after the interests of ALL the people, not just the interests of the manufacturers of speed signs.

    Fortunately, expats still have the freedom not to be vaccinated in Thailand. I did have the thought that the Immigration Department would make COVID-19 vaccinations compulsory for visa renewals back in 2020, but luckily it didn't happen. Thai people weren't so lucky and many were forced to get vaccinated as a requirement for their employment.


    I suppose you would prefer everyone gets vaccinated for a long list of diseases and we carry a vaccination card with us at all times to prove our vaccination status.



    • Confused 2
  3. 1 hour ago, thecyclist said:

    Had lots of root canals and crowns down in Bangkok and Pattaya, and recently in Vietnam. In Pattaya it shouldn't be more than 12000 Baht for root treatment plus ceramic crown.

    They do professionel work in Vietnam, too.And it's significantly cheaper than Thailand. 

    The crowns come with a warranty. The more expensive they are, the longer the warranty. 

    The crowns themselves are not usually the problem. The problems usually start if you develop an infection under the crown. This is the case if you develop a toothache under the crowned tooth and usually a sign the dentist did a bad job cleaning out the root.


    Bear in mind it's a dead tooth with no blood supply, so infections can set in where your natural immune system cannot help.

  4. 1 hour ago, Kalorymetr said:

    Please share clinic, molar for this price, sounds too good to be true. I will travel to Hua hin or wherever you are based and spend remainder for holidays if its real :)

    Why 3 sessions? 

    The dentist needs to dig out the roots - remove them entirely and treat the canal to kill bacteria. This is typically done in 3 sessions. After each session, they place a temporary filling over the canal. They are killing the tooth, although, by the time you need the root canal, the root is probably already dead and festering. The earlier you get to it, the better. If you have a toothache, don't wait.


    I lost a molar tooth recently as one of the roots had broken off. RIP

  5. On 1/19/2024 at 12:08 PM, georgegeorgia said:

    I have put the topic title as I know a lot of you are bored with dental topics but I couldn't careless I'm asking the questions whether you get bored or not 


    I have been quoted $2,900 AUD in Australia which is around 70,000 Thai baht for a Root canal includes a metallic crown apparently have no idea what that means but anyway 


    I argued with the Australian dentist 

    "This is too much ,I'm only a hospital cleaner I shouted 

    " I will give you $1000 ( around 23000 Thai baht)

    He shouts back " If you don't like it......leave !!!!!


    Leave !!! If you don't like it !....leave !


    Upper right tooth near the front 3rd from front 

    About 3-4 visits approx 


    70,000 baht !!!!

    How much in Thailand or Cambodia or Philippines?

    Well my aybe not Cambodia

    Philippines may be a option BUT I'm thinking more Thailand!!!!


    I'm thinking of making a trip to save and cancel this Australia dental appointment!


    I've had several root canals done in Pattaya. I'm currently in the middle of treatment.


    3 root canal treatments spaced at least 1 week apart. 2000 THB x 3 = 6000 THB


    Crown from 6000 to 8000 - your choice of material.


    My total, 12,000 baht.


    My root canals have been molars, which have 2 or 3 roots. Looks like you need the cuspid (canine) tooth treated - tooth #6. They have 1 root. Maybe it's cheaper?


    The Dentist, Dr Warin Leekpai does outstanding work. He's by far the most highly recommended dentist in Pattaya. I've been using him since 2008.

  6. 4 hours ago, Ben Zioner said:

    Felt about reporting this stupid post. But I'll do so only after reminding the idiots that a "healthy immune system" is the one that protects you from a given disease after being trained through either a prior infection or a vaccine. Remember, the prior infection can kill you.

    You're quite right of course - healthy immune systems are overrated. Vaccinations are the key to long healthy lives.

    • Confused 2
  7. 13 hours ago, Jon M said:

    Hi there, my Non O spouse visa was renewed for a year and is valid till 15 Sep 2024.


    I normally submit the renewal application about a week before the expiry date but this year I may be unable to do so as I need to stay in my home country in September to attend to family matters and return to Thailand in mid-November, which means submitting the renewal application 2 months past the mentioned visa validity/expiry date.

    Can anyone help advise if there is any known deadline to renew an expired Non O spouse visa by?


    Many thanks

    What about August? Are you in your home country then too? If not, extend your visa a month early. Last time I used an agent they said you can renew much earlier than a month, even 2 months early.

  8. 4 hours ago, oxo1947 said:

    Thailand makes their own Viagra (Sidenafil)  now----so does everyone I guess now the 20 year patent if finished.

    Yes 50 Baht a pill is the standard price for 100mg.

     I buy Sidegra brand, Sildenafil 100 mg x 4 = 400 baht. (At different pharmacies). If you're getting them for half this price, you might not be getting the real product.


    I don't go to different pharmacies trying to find a deal, but the ones I do go to have fair prices on medicine. This is in Pattaya. 

  9. 1 hour ago, KannikaP said:


    My wife has the Samsung 23+ (upgrade from Galaxy Note 20 Ultra) and the new iPhone 15 Pro Max (upgraded from iPhone 13 Pro)... so obviously she has ample experience with both.  She likes both but still prefers the iPhone. I prefer it too if given the choice. For some reason, Andriod users like to bash Apple, but Apple users seldom do the same. They tend to defend their choice rather than bash others.

    • Confused 1
  10. 8 hours ago, Nemises said:


    Disagree! My mate is/will be much better off for marrying a government worker for the huge health care cost benefits - will cost him something like 50 baht for any eventual operation, regardless of duration in hospital. 

    She is also a nurse - perfect for his day to day care when required.

    She is also incredibly attractive, and oh, about 25 years younger.

    Good luck convincing him he is "much better off single".

    I'm not here to convince anyone of anything, but that sounds like a nightmare waiting to happen, or it's just bs. Are you talking about an imaginary friend?


    25 years younger and incredibly attractive, willing to be a nursemaid for an old man? Only if the pay is good.

    • Sad 1
  11. 6 hours ago, Denim said:


    Perhaps if the population declines and the available workforce shrinks then employers will have to pay higher wages to fill their vacancies.


    I recall from a history lesson that this happened in England after the plague. Workers found themselves in demand and had a greater choice of where to work. As a result they got higher wages and their living standards improved.

    But getting work for the younger population is not the problem. The problem is the older generations are living longer and becoming a burden on a reduced workforce. After the plague, there weren't many old people around. Modern medicine is to blame. People need to be dying younger.

  12. They claim the current population of Thailand is only 66 million, whereas recent estimates are as follows:


    • The current population of Thailand is 71,845,250 as of Sunday, January 7, 2024, based on Worldometer elaboration of the latest United Nations data.


    The population was 66 million in about 2005, 18 years ago. Can they not do even the most basic research?


    A surprising statistic was the median age of the population, which was only 20 in 1985, and just over 40 now in 2024.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  13. 14 minutes ago, ozimoron said:


    Starbucks are radically increasing their store presence. It's been over 2 years since covid was a problem for coffee shops.

    I suggest you study the numbers. The biggest gains were 2020 to 2021, and 2022 to 2023 - gains obviously for life getting back to normal after Covid. The huge jump from 2020 to 2021 is 100% covid related. The 2nd biggest jump was 2023, as tourism was getting back to normal.

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