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Everything posted by JensenZ

  1. I won't beat around the bush. I was married to a Filipino 29 years my junior, and this had nothing to do with money. Now my Thai girlfriend is 32 years younger, and it is also not about money. I know this is true because I don't have much, lol. Bear in mind that both of them are now in their 30s, which means they are mature adults. You should open your mind a bit to possibilities. When I'm with my younger lady, we don't think of our ages, and ladies in their 30s already think they are getting old and they don't mind the age gap at all. I've seen recent photos of my old Western girlfriends and thank my lucky stars. It would be bordering on absurd if a 60-plus expat living in Thailand was looking for a lady his age. There's no need for single men to date women their age in Thailand. We can leave that task for the men back at home.
  2. OK, the "delusional dotard" would like to interject here. I've lifted all my life and even the younger ladies appreciate an older guy with a muscular physique. It's one of the reasons I don't have to pay girls half my age to touch me LOL,
  3. This gentleman is not delusional at all. He's probably more honest and realistic than the people who are criticizing him on this forum.
  4. Thank you. I've had, in relationships and P4P more than I'd care to admit, and they smell fine as long as they shower every day and have good personal hygiene. Most are fastidious about personal hygiene. They like to wear clean clothes and present well, and no complaints about Thai women either. I like both, and both smell great. i.e. don't smell.
  5. So you've had 2 Filipinos (whatever that means - i.e. relationship or P4P) of 48 kg, and you're now an expert on the different smell of Filipino vs Thai women. Your test group was very small. I've never had any problem with smell in either country, but let's be realistic. Some people smell and some don't. It's personal hygiene that counts, not what country they come from. Maybe you smell bad too?
  6. Thai girls are Asian, so I'm not sure what you mean. What "Asian girls" are you referring to?
  7. I've not had a girlfriend over 45kg (my Filipino wife was around 40 - 42kg), Thai or Filipino, so I cannot speak to the smell of bigger women. I don't know about Filipinos being fatter though. Maybe you haven't been on the dating circuit recently, but finding a slim girl (for a relationship, not a sexual encounter) was not so easy in Thailand. Most of the ladies in their 30s and 40s are single mothers and what I would consider overweight. Of course, if you hang out in go-go bars, you'll see a lot of slim girls, but often they are slim due to calorie restriction and will soon blow up when fed properly. What people eat will influence how they smell. You probably have a hypersensitive nose and it's their diets that make the difference.
  8. That's good advice. Thank you!
  9. I'm not interested in reading links. I judge you on what you say here, not on Googled links to understand your context. Don't be lazy.
  10. Ok, so I must apologize for giving you the wrong impression. I don't think you're special but don't be disheartened because I also don't think I'm special. I don't care what anonymous people have to say about me, and neither should you. Don't take this back-and-forth banter too seriously. Peace! Have a good day!
  11. Read up about what? I have nothing to learn, but you're clueless. You're envious of people with good physiques, hence your need to make stupid, disparaging comments. I started my "gym-rat" days at age 15, 50 years ago. For 40 years in public gyms and 10 years in a private, well-equipped home gym. I have trained in public gyms in many countries on 5 continents. I can't count how many gyms I've trained in.
  12. No, I didn't mean to give you the impression that I think you're a cut above. I don't think you're above anyone else here, but your comments about being super clean and never P4P'ing give the impression that you THINK you're special.
  13. Having partaken on both sides of the South China Sea, I've never noticed a different smell. Maybe you have an ultrasensitive nose, but I've found clean ones on both sides are odourless. My Filipino wife was clean to excess and never had a smell, nor did others who came before her. She would complain about how I smelled though LOL. I'm sure a 65-year-old has more problems with smell than ladies in their 20s or 30s. At some point, we take on an old-person smell.
  14. Come on man! You've shared the toilet habits of your ex-Muslim girl, to a very personal level. Where do you P4Pin Thailand? You're trying to give this impression that you're a cut above, by suggesting that you never pay for it, and then expect everyone here to believe you. I've been in several exclusive relationships, and I'm in one currently, but I've done plenty of "playing" in the past and in between. If you can afford it, it can be a very exciting way to live. You don't have to make excuses; stop the BS and get out and enjoy it. You only live once, and your "brother" will probably retire before you expire. I'm sure if I was still dating Western women my age, my "brother" would have retired long ago.
  15. This is your second reply to my reply, so I'll reply once to both of your comments. You made a thing about your partner being Muslim, even adding that she was not a practising Muslim and that she was ultra-clean. It gives the impression that you think Muslims are cleaner than most. Using public hand basins in public toilets to wash your ass after defecating is disgusting anti-social behaviour. I don't think further explanation is necessary.
  16. You're the "disillusioned dotard" suggesting that everybody's situation is the same. I knew there would be some "dotard" commenting as you did when I made my post. My Thai girlfriend is half my age (33), has no children, has a good job, works 6 days a week, owns a car, motorcycle, and an apartment, has a university degree, and doesn't cost me a dime. Even better, she has never had a foreign partner before me, just one Thai partner. I've never had such a dedicated girlfriend in my life, of any nationality. There's a reason for this. I've been in Thailand for 20 years, and know how to find independent women. Finding a good partner takes a lot of effort, trial and error. The only negative is that she doesn't speak much English. Good English speakers have normally had too much experience with dotards such as you who think the only way to get a Thai woman to touch you is to pay. I've had women in their 40s paying for dinner when we go out, in expensive restaurants. There are a lot of lonely Thai women looking for real relationships who will make dedicated partners. Thai women have no hangups about sex either. I would ask her if she would like to go to the bedroom to "play". She replies "up to you" LOL. The golden rule is to never "date" a woman who has ever been a sex worker, but that rule applies to Farangland too.
  17. Are you saying that your Muslim girlfriend would use the hand basins in the public toilets to wash her ass? That's disgusting. I wait until I get home to wash up. She uses a white towel to check her ass's cleanliness. What's wrong with using disposable white tissue paper? Let's not pretend that all Muslims are clean. I can often smell them at a distance from their profuse sweating under their heavy garments. It's like they haven't washed their clothes for many days.
  18. LOL. It's clean enough. According to revised estimates, there are 30 trillion human cells and about 38 trillion bacteria in the human body. Estimates of Bacteria and Cells in the Body https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC4991899/#:~:text=Thoroughly revised estimates show that,and about 38 trillion bacteria. (the link titles feature isn't working)
  19. It has more to do with age than anything else. My Western partners from decades ago when I lived in Farangland are now in the 60 - 70 age group. The youngest Western girlfriend I ever had would be 55 now, and 18 years old when I met her. I would have no trouble dating grandmas back in Farangland if that were my desire. Dating a lady in her 30s is not possible in my home country. The reality for older expats is not a comparison of Western women vs Thai women, but a comparison of 60 - 70-year-old Western women to 30 - 40-year-old Thai women (the age group I aim for).
  20. That's an interesting point. Decades ago when I lived in Farangland, I didn't give it a second thought that we were all running around with dirty asses LOL.
  21. I was also suprised to hear this. There's nothing important to keep safe in my account and I wouldn't care if someone hacked it. I suppose some members hell bent on post counts who live on this forum 24/7 might be upset if they lost their accounts.
  22. He's not my leader and I don't spend a lot of time posting here and reading the crap that the Trump haters post. I only replied to you because you because you called me "numpty" and made it personal. My post wasn't directed at you, but the psychotic Trump haters and not by name. If that doesn't apply to you, there's no reason to respond. And now you're doubling down by suggesting that I might be a "girly type", which is quite pathetic and meaningless. You need to get a life and get off this forum... It's messing with your head.
  23. The US gold reserves, at $2950 per ounce (last week), are worth around $750 billion. All the world's above-ground gold reserves add up to about $19.4 Trillion. The US national debt is about 37 trillion, and the Global Debt is estimated at around 102 trillion. There's not much hedging going on.
  24. You're one of the leaders of the psychotic Trump-hating squad. You waste your life here and you're about as "numpty" as anyone could be... it would seem.....
  25. Your case is strong - So basically the psychotic Trump haters who troll this forum are just grumpy old men who hate everything including life itself as they waste most of it stressing out about and posting about Trump.
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