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Posts posted by JensenZ

  1. 4 hours ago, BritManToo said:

    So you're OK with driving when too old, or driving at 35mph in a 30mph zone?

    Sounds like pick and choose to me!

    Mental acuity, reflexes and eyesight vary with individuals, so age alone should not be a factor in the decision to drive or not. One person could be a risk at 60, another not until 80 or older.

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  2. 2 hours ago, sirineou said:

    Good for you man. best of luck.:smile:

    With painkillers keep an eye on kidney function. 


    and with cbd, keep a very close eye on liver function. This is especially important for a recovering alcoholic that might have already caused extensive damage to the liver over years of alcohol abuse. Even moderately compromised liver function would not be a good starting point for cbd use. With any drug use the liver function should be closely monitored in the OP's case. Liver function tests are cheap and easy in Thailand.

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  3. 16 hours ago, save the frogs said:

    one prediction i came across.

    russia will lose the war.

    putin regime will be replaced by a pro-USA regime

    russia will become part of EU.

    is it bs? 


    Another common prediction is that if Putin is replaced, his successor will be even more tyrannical and the situation will get worse. Russian has had a lot worse than Putin over its checkered past.

  4. On 9/13/2023 at 6:11 AM, Dogmatix said:

    When I was 17 I got my first real girlfriend who was 19 and had her own flat in London where I was studying at a crammer away from home. I moved in with her and did some growing up being around her friends who included a few older than her who had already graduated from university and were working. They were nice to me even though I was a long haired kid to them. Then I went to university myself and broke up with her and got  a gf my own age. Now my wife is 25 years younger. Theres a lot to said for an older gf when you are a teenager but do you want a 95 year old wife when you are 70?

     When you were 17 you thought a 19 year old was an older woman, so later on you left her for someone of your own age? LOL


    Your question: "do you want a 95 year old wife when you are 70?" That's not likely to happen, but the question should be: does your wife want a 55 year old husband when she's 30 or a 65 year old husband when she is 40? Apart from possible financial benefits the answer is "no thanks".


    I hate the break the news, but it's unlikely a female 25 years younger than you is attracted to you for your looks or vitality. Get real - you're buying a younger partner. If you start quite young with a big age gap, you'll find the gap widens as you age. 

  5. 1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    I gave that a laugh emoji because it was humerous. I'd love to be there to see the expression on the parents face's.


    How many when faced with the old worn out "it's Thai custom" then turn around and say "I respect your custom and will give you x baht as you ask for, but will you respect my culture and pay for the marriage ceremony"?


    It's no wonder that they demand a sin sod for an already been married, with kids, daughter when so many farangs seem so ready to part with vast amounts of money just to bang their daughters.

    The point is that love is blind. Also, the girl could be worth it AND the value of 1 million baht is relative to a person's financial status. Each case is unique.


    Do we criticize people spending millions on an engagement ring. What's the difference? What about people spending millions on a wedding? There are wedding dresses that cost more than $1 million.




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  6. 16 hours ago, bob smith said:

    I usually dont keep any company, but people like talking to me for some reason.


    Maybe its the rolex and they think they can tap me up for a pint or 2...

    You could do us all a favour and wear a T-shirt: "I'm Bob Smith from Asean Now" so we can avoid inadvertently talking to you.


    I don't have a lot of time for sanctimonious, bigoted, self-righteous people who think they are better than everyone else. An attitude like that puts you beneath the people you're criticizing.

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  7. 18 hours ago, bignok said:

    What if the worst thing that happened to you is the best thing?


    What if you have a total break down then rebuild yourself from the ground up?


    What if you become so mentally tough that nothing fazes you?


    What if you can become happy without needing anything or anyone?

    As the current most prolific contributor on Asean Now, what if you had to try to live without this forum? What if you had to stop asking dumb questions on here? What would you do with your spare time? Would you contemplate suicide?



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  8. 57 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    They may have no stretch marks, but I'm pretty sure that their boobs will sag.

    As always, there are exceptions. A long time Thai GF I had was mother of two and had no stretch marks, or saggy boobs, but her boobs were so small she might as well not have had any.


    Conversely, one that I liked enough to want to have a long time relationship with had such appalling stretch marks that I just couldn't accept seeing her naked, so that relationship never happened.

    No, the boobs didn't give it away either in a couple of examples which come to mind... and the other important asset which I won't mention didn't give it away either LOL. There is a type of silky Asian skin that seems to be very flexible and resistant to stretch damage.

  9. 25 minutes ago, Nick Carter icp said:

    You seem to want a warm welcome everywhere you go and get treated like Royalty with all your whims granted and everyone is really pleased to see you and you get anything you want and the full five start luxury service..........................in a 7/11 in Pattaya .


    It seems to be some expats expect the average working Thai in a corner store should be an ambassador for Thai hospitality.


    They have no such obligation. It's not their job. They don't get paid by the government - The Tourism Authority of Thailand.


    Back in most expat's home countries, do they suck up to tourists in order to make them feel more welcome? I used to live in a famous tourist city in Australia, and most locals found the tourists annoying, unless of course their business was actually a tourist related business in which case sucking up was part of the job description.



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  10. 17 hours ago, BritManToo said:

    Plenty of bullies and stalkers on this forum.

    Can't even post a thread on 'cook in sauces' without suffering frequent personal attacks from the 'haters'.

    You're right. It's a bit strange to complain about Facebook via posting on here. The only difference is that here the attacks are anonymous, whereas your enemies on Facebook are usually known.


    Facebook is going down fast anyway. The younger generations are leaning toward other media, Tiktok the #1 choice now. Now the stress is not so much about bullying, but how many likes and followers they have. If the youngsters can't get likes they are more likely to end their lives prematurely due to the despair caused by being unpopular.

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  11. 11 minutes ago, acepredator said:

    Thanks again. I would need the service to America, and not the expensive one. It's not that critical an issue for me, but if I could improve on my VPN, I'd be interested in checking it out.

    It's a huge improvement on VPNs, which are detectable anyway. You're not disguising your location, you are accessing your own virtual PC from inside the destination country. There are a huge number of providers for people requiring VPSs in the USA.

    • Thanks 1
  12. 1 minute ago, acepredator said:

    Very interesting. That's something I've never heard of. Thanks for the information. I'll look into it.

    Once you've set it up, your PC is basically in the country where your VPS server is located. You're accessing your virtual PC remotely from Thailand. I've been using them from Thailand for 5 years. Provided you find a good company, your Internet speeds will be much faster too. If you need to find the best service for Europe, PM me. There is another option that is even better, but much more expensive - a dedicated server. Most companies provide both options.

    • Thanks 1
  13. 1 hour ago, SuperSaiyan said:


    Can and will be be detected but doesn't mean VPNs aren't allowed - well some merchants require you to turn off any VPNs. But, obviously it is possible to hide the VPN by using own setups.

    A better solution is getting your own VPS or VPS root server. It's like having a PC in your destination country. I've used VPSs in Europe and USA. For example my current server is in Germany, the Internet speed is 2 Gbps and it costs about 11 Euro per month. You connect to it via Windows RDP. I use them for trading but you could run any business on them.

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  14. 4 hours ago, Nick Carter icp said:

    Did you read the text ?

    The new escalators are safer , nothing to do with any maintenance issues .

       There has been some accidents recently with escalators and they have changed the design to make them safer 

    In airports, where people have luggage, the concrete stairs would most certainly not be safer. One person in many decades of operation having a leg chewed off by a travelator does not make this mode of transportation dangerous.

  15. 46 minutes ago, bignok said:

    30 is perfect temp

    It depends on what you're doing. It's not perfect if you like to get off your a** and do vigorous physical exercise. In that case, 20 - 25C is perfect. My gym is held at 27C with fans, and my bedroom is 26C.


    Just in case you missed the point, and I think you did... 30C was the annual average termperature. An average taken for 24 hours x 365 days. The humidity is also another very important factor to consider.

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  16. 1 hour ago, John Drake said:

    Don't care what it says. It doesn't seem too hot to me, either. And that's what matters. I live in Bangkok all year round without a/c until very late at night, for the most part. Thailand/Bangkok is a great place to live.

    I'm not complaining about the temperatures and have lived here for nearly 18 years, but...


    I was showing that the temperature in Thailand is as hot as it gets (not max, but average annual). What you THINK of the temperature is irrelavent as the facts speak for themselves. It's a very hot country.




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  17. On 9/8/2023 at 2:01 PM, OneMoreFarang said:

    "surfing Asean Now"


    Does anybody still use that term, surfing the internet?

    I think I heard or read that the last time over 20 years ago.


    You didn't say what the current replacement is for "surfing the Internet". I can't think of any better terms. Please catch me up.

  18. On 9/9/2023 at 3:32 PM, bignok said:

    Stop sleeping with hookers then. Temps are not that hot. Rarely seen snakes. Look left and right before crossing the road.

    Temps are not that hot? The best way to determine temperature in any region is using "average annual temperature" and the hottest place in the whole of Asia is Bangkok.


    The data is a bit old (1981 - 2010), but the comparisons still valid:


    8. Asia (outside of the Arabian Peninsula): Klong Thoey, Bangkok, Thailand: 30.3°C/86.5°F (POR 1981-2010).
    13.59°N, 100.42°E

    Warmest places on earth - average annual temperatures




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