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Posts posted by JensenZ

  1. On 10/12/2023 at 7:10 AM, thaibeachlovers said:

    I worked with many Phils women and they are just as bad as western women when it comes to relationships, IMO.

    I did meet one exception though, but it wasn't meant to be.

    Sounds like you might be the problem in relationships - always blaming the women?


    It should be noted that the Philippines is a matriarchal society. Filipinos grow up in matriarchal networks, where women make decisions about most things including money.


    Until they have you hooked, you wouldn't know it. They play a passive-aggressive role that often goes unnoticed by hapless foreigners until it's too late. Most of them don't really prefer foreigners and they are just a means to an end. Old weathly foreigners are highly prized.

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  2. 2 hours ago, Bangkok Barry said:

    Exactly. Much ado about nothing. To quote the American expression, 'Take it to the bank'.

    What a waste of time - don't accept them in the first place. I've told cashiers a number of time over the years to give me a clean note when they handed me a bad one. You only get bad ones as change from a shop, so simply opening your eyes avoids the problem.

  3. On 10/13/2023 at 8:28 AM, novacova said:

    Unfortunately this has the propensity to turn into a regional conflict very rapidly with Iran, Lebanon and Syria. Already Israel has taken preemptive action on airstrips in Syria and may implement such action in Iran. Let’s hope Syria doesn’t use their chemical weapons, that would reciprocate an ultimate response from Israel and in turn Israel would most likely lose any support from all nations.

    I have a more pessimistic view on what is likely to happen. Recently word from Iran was that if Israel starts a land invasion, it will cause an "earthquake". Iran has missiles capable of striking Israel. A land invasion will start soon. The US currently has one carrier strike group stationed off the coast of Israel with another arriving in a few days (I believe it takes 8 days for a carrier to travel from the US to the Eastern Mediterranean).


    With the US heavily engaged in Ukraine, and possibly soon in Israel, there's a perfect opportunity for China to invade Taiwan. This is how world wars start.

  4. On 10/13/2023 at 11:47 AM, traveller101 said:

    Since Hamas live amongst the 2.4 Million Palestimians in the Gaza strip, your request to 'exterminate Hamas' can only be realised in exterminating the whole population living in Gaza.

    You're ok with that scenario?


    Hamas are ok with it. Their attack on Israel was well planned, and they knew exactly how Israel would respond. it was part of their master plan and the death of their own people was part of it.

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  5. 7 hours ago, mran66 said:

    So it seems neither human suffered no major damage, rather reputation of Pattaya Is the main victim. 


    My condolences to the victim and Pattaya residents. 

    These type of editorials give all the Pattaya haters somewhere to vent and thereby increase forum activity.


    If only they could hire an actual reporter to convey the news instead of this emotive nonsense.

  6. 3 hours ago, MichaelHunt said:

    I'm 64 (but I l don't look a day over 63.)

    LOL. I'm 64 and don't look a day over 65. The OP can't even be straight about his age, yet he's asking for advice. He says he's double the age of a college student, so maybe 50 and thinks he looks late 30s... oh, yes, and fit too. It's a bit strange that a person who is proficient in Thai (that would take many years of study and close contact with Thai people in order to perfect his pronunciation) needs advice from people here about women in Thailand.


    Age is very important to girls. They don't like sex with men older than their fathers. Sure, for money, no problem, but they secretly feel very weird about it.

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  7. 8 hours ago, NanLaew said:

    And yet despite them all being "much more fun", here you are back in Thailand.

    Running all over SE Asia to have fun doesn't sound like any fun at all. When I was a young guy I did more than enough travelling. Now I like to stay in one place. In fact, assuming the fun-seeker is a retired old man, the idea of searching for fun is a bit weird. I don't think I even know what fun is. I did live in the Philippines for over 5 years and most definately don't want to go back there.

    • Like 1
  8. 12 hours ago, bob smith said:

    I agree with you and I made that very same point when the story first broke.


    however, I like to speculate a bit and I’m taking it to extremes and weighing up the possible outcomes if such a policy were to be implemented. 

    The reply that made the most sense was that you'd probably spend more money travelling around than what you could save by avoiding a small tax liability, if any at all. 


    Use a visa agent - I'm sure they'll have it covered.

  9. On 12/28/2022 at 7:47 AM, tandor said:

    i always ask in a vary loud voice for them to explain and prove their extortion attempts.

    You need to take into consideration where the office is. If it's a small office with limited staff, you might want to temper your frustrations and play nice as you need to face these people every year.

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  10. 22 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    Thailand being Thailand.

    The world will see such neutrality in the face of evil as projecting as a weaker "fly over" country that doesn't really want to be a major player. Not to be taken seriously.

    Up to them. 

    At least they're not like Iran.

    I don't really blame Thailand for this.

    They've decided this is in their best self interest and I reckon they're probably right about that. 

    But again there is also a price to backing off from being a serious world player.

    The only problem with that assessment is that Thailand IS a major player in this - they've lost people and their citizens are currently being held hostage. Thailand has quite a big footprint in Israel, with 30,000 foreign workers.

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  11. 3 hours ago, NoDisplayName said:



    They should condemn the apartheid state's 70-year pogrom of ethnic cleansing. as well as their illicit nukular weapons program.

    This topic is about Thailand's position on the current conflict which started last Saturday.


    It was interesting to note that Thailand was absent for the United Nations Resolution 181 vote. On 29 November 1947, the United Nations General Assembly voted 33 to 13, with 10 abstentions and 1 absent (Thailand), in favour of the modified Partition Plan.


    (United Nations General Assembly in 1947 called for the partition of Palestine into Arab and Jewish states).


    I suppose Thailand's absence was not surprising considering the millitary coup of November 1947.

  12. On 10/9/2023 at 7:34 PM, bob smith said:

    I firmly believe that we are witnessing the beginning of the end.


    The world has gone completely mad

    it could be the beginning of ww3

    global warming is off the charts

    everyone is on edge

    people are hostile


    but the beer is cold.


    up yours sobriety, when the world is engulfed in flames theres nothing like an ice cold beer to cool you down :thumbsup:

    Did you just wake up out of a deep sleep? Nothing is new... btw, the world has just survived a pandemic.


    Instead of posting here, why not study some history. There have been many periods far, far worse than now... and the world is still spinning.

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  13. 10 hours ago, bignok said:

    Neither do you. You are just a kw. 3000 lives still over there. Smart to be neutral.



    No, I do not, but I'm not the one trying to speak for everyone as you do, by using the pronoun "we".


    Neutrality is the coward's way. You're in favour of people ignoring atrocities.  Speaking out against tyranny is necessary for civilized countries. Thailand is not a democracy and has a long way to go. Their stance of neutrality is not a surprise, and it's the main reason why the Japanese didn't invade during WW2. Not speaking out is also a reason why the military are ultimately in control of polictics in Thailand. The people don't have freedom to choose.

  14. 22 minutes ago, FarAway said:

    This forum is so <deleted> funny. A bunch of old people, just by the type how they write you can already see the picture of the typical Thailand expat sitting in front of a screen, complaining that Thailand is staying neutral.


    You will be very happy if an international war breaks out that Thailand always maintained its neutrality.


    How can you wish that the country you are living in takes a side in something that could evolve in a world war? As soon as bombs would rain over your neighborhood, EXACTLY the people here typing "ehh ehh COWARDS" will be the FIRST ONES who will poop their pants and cry for their mother.


    Lucky we have people like you to make the forum even funnier. You think if Thailand does like most other nations and condemns Hamas, they will go to war. That's ridiculous and hilarious at the same time.

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