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Everything posted by JensenZ

  1. That will only happen if you don't reach the muscle and end up injecting into fat. You might need a longer needle LOL.
  2. I've gone the same way. I micro dose the T and don't use any estrogen blockers/reducers. Unfortunately micro dosing is very difficult with 1 ml (250mg/ml) amupules, which most people are discussing here. My idea of micro dosing is a jab every 7 - 10 days, but only 0.5 ml (125mg). A 1 ml jab every 3 weeks or so is not going to give very stable levels. Even my dosage scheme doesn't. You need the multi-use 10ml vials or empty 1 ml ampules into sterile vials.
  3. I don't need to estimate my expiry date. It will be known and planned. I believe in the right to die, and at some point one should ask oneself, "why do I need to live". It's my body and my life, so I don't need fate or other people deciding when it is time to expire.
  4. Anastrozole/arimedex is very expensive in Thailand if you can find it, but the only "danger" is that it is extremely effective in lowering estradiol and in the regular 1mg capsule dose, it is way too powerful to be used with regular TRT testosterone doses and it could lower your estradiol to zero. It is best to find it in hard tablet form, and use a tablet cutter to divide one tablet in 4. I used to use 1/4 tablet every other day to keep my estradiol in the normal range. For most people on very conservative TRT, even that is too much. We're not living in the dark ages anymore, where doctors are the only purveyors of knowledge. You can learn everything you need to know online... which is exactly what people are doing in this thread.
  5. My comment was not intended to suggest you'd become a Superman overnight. This is the notion that makes the subject taboo for many people - the use of testosterone as a PED (Performance Enhancing Drug) and not for replacement therapy. I was referring to just feeling better with more energy and hopefully an increased libido. You can take as much as you like, but without intensive sports training, you won't gain much muscle if any, so I would like to put that notion to bed. I don't know what your doctor was using to increase your serum testosterone levels, and they were probabaly very conservative, only raising your serum testosterone very slowly - so it took 3 months. I'm sorry to hear that your journey was so slow. I still stand by my statement, and I will qualify it. If you take a 250mg jab in your a** (1 ampule), you will very likely feel different and better the same day, but certainly by the next morning if you have below normal natural testosterone levels. How much you supplement will depend on your blood panel. If the level gets too high, so will your estradiol, which is not a good thing. It also increases your DHT levels, which will speed up hair loss. As you say, high end of normal is good place to be, but not over. I'm not suggesting you should undertake TRT without the supervision of a doctor, but many doctors can be the problem, not the solution, and they can charge through the roof. A lot of people are trying to avoid the needle, but it's still the most effective and cheapest way.
  6. The dry mouth is probably from mouth breathing if you have a blocked nose, and the air con lowers the humidity to make it drier still. It is easiliy solved by having some drinking water next to the bed - a few sips and I'm good to go back to sleep.
  7. Actually that statement is absolutely 100% true. One shot can change your life in a matter of days if you have very low natural levels. Testosterone is so important for men that if levels get too low you will feel (and look) like cr*p.
  8. JensenZ


    Basically I do the same as I would do anywhere else that I live. I'm not in a room, but 4 bedroom 240m2 condo which is a whole floor. I have a fully equipped home gym and walk in the Park, which is 400m from my door - about 100km a month on average. The neighbourhood is peaceful, private and I wake up to bird chirping as I'm quite far off the main roads, but only a few blocks from Walking Street and the beach. The better the place where you live, the less you need to roam around looking for something to do. Your place might be so sh*tty that you need to get out all the time to find a life. I get that, but it's not my thing. Any other questions you'd like answered?
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