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Everything posted by JensenZ

  1. The best way to buy gold in Thailand is in 96.5% bars. You can see here the selection available. GCap produces 1 baht bars too and they should be available in most gold shops... or you could order them online. The local gold shops will likely only have the small denominations. https://www.gcap.co.th/gcapgold/productgold965.php It's not really an investment as it doesn't return any income... it's a safe haven asset that will sit in your safe until needed. A lot of fiancial advisors are suggesting the price will skyrocket soon. Soon was 2020, then 2021, and we're still waiting.
  2. Chill out dude. Leave the moderation for the moderators. I don't require your permission to post here. As long as I'm on topic, I'll post if I wish, no matter how much it might upset you. My point was valid. You don't go to a 5* buffet to eat eggs and toast.
  3. I don't wear a mask when walking in the park for exercise. The reason should be obvious. I prefer not to rebreathe CO2 and water vapour when I'm huffing and puffing. BUT, the decision was made after observing that most Thai people exercising in the park also don't wear masks. It's good to know I'm in sensible company. The park ranger doesn't mind either.
  4. It's not new at all. I've received OTPs to my phone when making purchases with my K-Bank debit card for as long as I can remember... however it depended on the merchant. I did not get a OTP last time I used Lazada. I made iHerb purchases online this month, and no OTP was needed and that's using the card internationally. Banks move in mysterious ways LOL.
  5. It's "open it, then pay if you like" when I do cash on delivery. Lazada make too many mistakes these days, and it saves time going through a return process which requires time and effort, including a trip to the post office. If you're too shy to take a peek, that's your prerogative.
  6. And he shot him in the stomach, so it is likely he didn't want to kill him.
  7. He was specifically asking about unlimited toast and eggs. Quality would not be a big consideration for toast and eggs. Paying for a quality buffet to eat toast and eggs would be a waste of money.
  8. Why would you have the mask pulled down when you are stopped at a checkpoint? You would have had plenty of time to slip it over your nose. That's the one time you would expect everyone to mask up.
  9. Cash on delivery is the best option anyway. If there's something wrong with the goods (broken/wrong product etc), you just refuse it when it arrives. I've had broken items delivered on several occossions. One was a fan blade that you could feel and even hear it was broken through the packaging. You'd have to wonder why any delivery service would deliver an obviously broken item when they are the ones that broke it in the first place.
  10. It's the "deepest, darkest" window tints which prevents enforcement of such a rule. You can't see most car occupants in most cars from the outside, and if they were flagged down, they'd quickly put them on.
  11. Only my opinion? That's nonsense, but due to censorship the other side is seldom heard. Stop goading me to provide scientific evidence, of which I have plenty, as you know it cannot be posted here. It remains a one-sided conversation. And you know for a fact that there is no medical basis for harm to performance? It has been tested on high performance athletes the level of Novak? I doubt any athletes at Novak's level would submit to laboratory tests and there are very few people on the planet at Novak's level. Then of course, there's still long term effects that will take years to determine as the vax program was rushed. Everyone knows this, yet everyone ignores it. Let's all just be good little sheeple, and stand in line for a jab or two, or three, or four...
  12. There's more to not-vaxxing than being a political mouthpiece. The truth about vaxxing is a taboo subject which is strictly censored, so we won't go there. There would be serious health concerns by very healthy people, and Novak would be in the percentile of healthy individuals. At his level, every percentile of virility will be crucial to his performance. He was already postive for covid, but if not for the test, he would not have known.... that's how powerful his immune system is. It doesn't matter if Nadal vaxxes or not. He can always blame injuries for bad performance.
  13. When the 'God of tennis" plays, it's OK by me to make exceptions, even if they force me to vaxx.
  14. Of course Nadal was vaxxed. He knew Novak was going to have problems with his visa and possibly not play. Now he's the world's happiest person. His chances of taking his 21st grand slam tournament have just risen 100% with Novak out. It doesn't matter if Novak plays or not. If he doesn't play, he'll take 21, 22 and 23 this year.
  15. You're a lesser mortal because you're not the greatest tennis player in history to ever grace a tennis court, not because you can't afford the best lawyers. Plenty of rich people who you can't name and don't know can afford lawyers, but he is one of a kind. Give credit where credit is due.
  16. The "inevitable public outcry" if you are listening with one ear. There was plenty of support for him too - including me.
  17. You can find boys, girls or transgender more than happy to take care of you at home, provided the money is sufficient. If that money becomes scarce she won't be smiling as she is in the photo. You like them young, so we'll call them boys or girls in your case.
  18. Best you go back and respond to the person I was replying to as it was not the point of my reply. If the discussion was about spreading genes, then we'd have to discuss the higher risk of old men producing babies as there's a higher risk of gene changes or genetic mutation in older sperm.
  19. It's not insanity to think it's possible that the OP said something to wind them up. It's quite possible he did. It might have been a gesture he made. There's certainly no reason to count it out. If you think he's insane, I'd have to think you're naive.
  20. You were chased by Thais and called the police at the same time? What do you want to happen tomorrow. Did they bash you? Do you know them? Your post is really strange and missing out on details. I would suggest you do wear your mask when you're walking the streets. There's always going to be Thai people waiting for an excuse to harrass a foreigner, and as you noted, especially if they are drunk. Don't give them an excuse.
  21. So failure has nothing at all to do with the world's skyrocketing omicron infection rate? It's someone in Thailand's fault? Where in the world are they doing it right?
  22. LOL. They need to buy the glasses/sunglasses with nose pads. Problem solved. Having surgery to avoid wearing glasses without nose pads is quite a drastic step.
  23. So you say, but how old are you now? 22 years ago maybe you were still young and attractive. We don't all age at the same rate. When I came to SE Asia I was a healthy looking 39 year old. Things change when you're 60 and beyond.
  24. Sarcasm aside, I've lived in Philippines and Thailand for a combined 20 plus years, so I've seen a bit.
  25. In most of these cases, you're not spreading your genes at all. You're borrowing the young girl for sexual services, afterwhich she cannot wait to get back to her young Thai boyfriend, or perhaps her female partner. She might put up a good show, but don't kid yourself. Boom-boom with a guy as old as her grandfather is not pleasureable, and she's cringing inside. I'm cringing even thinking about it. You need to stop pretending it's ok and trying to justify it.
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