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Everything posted by n00dle

  1. but, as the truly blithe keep telling us: "It doesn't affect me, I'm a good boy." More to the point tourist have been morons since day one. What has changed is the fact that now every misstep is publicized
  2. you sure it was girls? The Malaysia hotel was gay ground zero in its heyday. https://www.khaosodenglish.com/life/arts/2017/11/24/salute-50-years-late-nights-bangkoks-malaysia-hotel/
  3. that is ridiculous. it is like visiting a doctor in Thailand 20 years ago.
  4. i have rented the same house on 11 for nearly 20 years. The changes make the mind reel. The 2000's were a hell of an era.
  5. When I arrived in 1996 Trink was a curiosity among younger expats. By 2000 the internet was readily available hence the rise of Stickman, the "bar" scene had given way to clubbing and a druggy freelance after hours scene. what fun it was
  6. These were all RR hotels bullt for the Ameican forces with a pool in the courtyard and a coffee shop. The Atlanta precedes them all by at least a decade, often 2.
  7. Loved the Mercedes emblem embellishments in the wall out front
  8. It is quite a place.
  9. The Atlanta Hotel has a rich history, built in 1952, it has the first swimming pools in Thailand. i had never heard the anti venom story in the wikki. They even had a yacht on the Chaopraya. The original Art Deco lobby remains unchanged. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Atlanta_Hotel_(Bangkok)#:~:text=History&text=The first owner of The,Company to manufacture snakebite antivenom. The family is an odd one, after being something of a haven for drug smugglers in the 70s, things took a very moralistic turn. Even today, while they have lightened up they is still a chance you will be turned away or asked to leave the premises, if they don't like the way you look. I haven't eaten in the restraunt since before COVID but one page of the meu used to (and still may) says this: The clientele is very specific, return visitors, NGO's anyone seeking oasis in the area. The rooms are plain and the pool has seen better days but it is still remarkable. Sadly the woman who ran the coffee shop passed last year and with her went some of the most wonderful inexpensive Thai food in the area. I used to eat there often, others tried but were unsuccessful. I have several friends who begin and end their stay in Bangkok at the Atlanta and have been doing so for years. i always take time to spend a day by the pool when they do.
  10. Trink was a man from a bygone era, his time passed. you are not expected to understand looking back. Stickman too has become obsolete and culturally irrelevant, the lifestyle they documented no longer exists. That said they have historical significance
  11. like fok it is. that said, what a waste of skin this dude is. Seriously, why? on an island getting caught is inevitable.
  12. send in a crew of ladboys. they will get it sorted in no time
  13. i bet that image hits a few on here pretty hard.
  14. your behavior is very stalkerish. I wonder why it is I threaten you so?
  15. Pull your head out of the sand (that was the nice version), this isn't about enforcing a few laws, it is a complete shift in policy from the new government. Denying the change is ridiculous.
  16. That is a buttload of beak. I reckon if he didn't have that black rectangle obstructing his face he might have slipped in under the radar. It is however, the first time i have ever seen the authorities come up with a low estimate on the value of the drugs they seize. Decent coke these days is 3500 a gram, and it can be assumed they smuggle it in pure(ish) and step on it. Thats a minimum of 4.8 million, likely close to twice that in real terms
  17. good things festivals are drug free and only attract the very best of folks.
  18. the intelligent insults never end. Well done sir.
  19. if I thought your question was even remotely sincere, I'd take the trouble to answer.
  20. magnesium would be my top reccomendation. i take Magnesium, NAC, Glyceine, CoQ10, Zinc, B complex, D3, K2, and fish oil
  21. food poisoning was a far more common excuse in Thailand, the dodgy shrimp defense.
  22. When working for a company in Thailand (13 years all in) I took a day off whenever I wanted one probably once a month. the policy was clear and doctor's note was only required for extended illness. I never took time off when I had a deadline looming, nor did it ever affect my work, but if I put in long hours building up to something, once it was over, you can be certain I claimed that time back.
  23. way to seek offense where none is intended. show me the misogyny. I fail to see it. in fact the only intolerance i see comes directly from you.
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