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Everything posted by n00dle

  1. Similar to you, I think not. I have suspected there is someone with intelligence and purpose behind Bob's role-playing. Be assured I don't think the same of you.
  2. Generally, you come off as a complete asshat, a character to troll the board. This outpouring of common sense rather confirms that troll character/hypothesis. you have outed yourself. Yet folks here think it's delightful and revel in the schadenfreude. All pogroms and witch hunts begin with a mob and without due process. We are already seeing the fallout online.
  3. Oh great, mensa has entered the chat.
  4. What the absolute fok are you talking about? The laws of physics? Err no.
  5. What appalls me is how many foreigners are unable to see the bigger picture and understand how trickle-down from this could possibly impact their land titles, business, and overall stability in the country. Already the witch hunt has begun, and businesses that have operated unhindered for decades are under scrutiny. A daycare (of all things) was raided on koh Phangan as a follow-up on this bull<deleted>. In the last few days, hundreds of nominee companies have received communications asking for information about their company structure. Say what you want about legality, but these folks, generally speaking, were following convention and Thai legal advice, but now someone has upset the apple cart. your life savings could be revoked without due process, just as easily as your visa.
  6. oh FFS, quit being ridiculous, you cannot deport a citizen.
  7. so far he seems to be correct.... unless you have evidence to the contrary.
  8. probably sitting at someone else's bar with a large chang moaning about the ladyboy that ripped him off. I suppose I could check the carnage on his youtube channel, but why ever would I do that? once was enough (too much)
  9. While I agree this whole thing has gotten out of hand and the story has received far more attention than it warrants (as opposed to the Swiss guy who kicked the <deleted> out of the old woman), how does assaulting a complete stranger on public property constitute a domestic dispute?
  10. Whatever gave you that impression?
  11. What are you willing to bet on that?
  12. Ah, so not only is he an <deleted>, he can time travel. interesting that.
  13. Sounds to me like he is just putting it out there in the unlikely hope something happens.
  14. I just transferred now, 15-20 seconds, as usual,
  15. Ah, its the subtle bigotry I admire most.
  16. Why are we reading about this assclown?
  17. This man has a history of poor behavior, and deserves the official attention he is getting. But this is not a case that should be tried in social media. I rarely check my Facebook or Insta but I did today and my feeds are full of local's xenophobic vitriol for this man. It is not about what he did, but what they imagine he represents, and that ain't pretty
  18. Except I don't drink, and haven't for a very long time. So what's your excuse? you seem to be having trouble putting words in order.
  19. Have you had a recent stroke or similar condition? Your posts are even more glibly mindless than I recall.
  20. While I wouldn't say "worthless" I would say that this is sending a message that foreigners are fair game should they cross a line arbitrarily drawn on social media.
  21. All of you fools delighting in the fate of this man are too blind to see that this is how witch hunts begin. Its great he is being charged, but it is getting out of hand. under the mob mentality, this kind of thing snowballs. Before you know it there will be an increase in assaults against foreigners in Phuket as people become more thin-skinned and "stand up for themselves" against insults and grievances, real or perceived.
  22. read through that exchange again, why don'tcha. or to borrow your own words, less the emoji" go back to the bigging of the thread, read a look at everything........🙄
  23. no, why don't you tell us?
  24. note to self: stop flipping the bird to morons in cars when I'm out on the bicycle.
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