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Everything posted by n00dle

  1. got studies to support that? Agreed it is harmful, but just as dangerous?
  2. what is wrong with you, you petty little man?
  3. n00dle


    I have no tattoos you drooling halfwit.
  4. While I am no fan of Trump and the hypocrisy that surrounds the man, I think it would be poetic justice if Harry's tell-all was his undoing. highly unlikely given all the other people the US would need to deport if the precedent was estabilshed
  5. +697 indicates a voice call over internet protocol from overseas . The Thai government currently has scam warnings out against the prefix and may be blocking legitimate voip traffic as well.
  6. The day I said goodbye to my seven-year-old daughter at the airport so she could attend school in the US while living with her mother was the hardest day of my life, despite it being my own decision. It took me years to come to terms with that choice, despite the fact I knew it was the right call. I can't imagine how anyone could do something like this
  7. n00dle


    if nothing else, tattoos are an excellent way to identify miserable and judgmental old fux.
  8. Most money changers in Thailand exist solely to convert other currencies into Thai baht and are only capable of the reverse if they happen to have the funds on hand. It is not rocket science, It is just plain silly to think any (especially independent) money changer will have anything other than EU or USD around, if even that. I can imagine seeking out any real amount of CAD, NZD, for any other currency without calling ahead. but then I wouldn't dream of changing most currencies except their native country. I'm more likely to travel with USD for contingencies and change that locally if unable to withdraw local cash directly.
  9. probably best you leave your wife out of it.
  10. its astonishing how few folks can see the ground beneath their feet is shifting.
  11. I think what is more relevant is that they are dragging this back into the spotlight months after the fact to support the government's new farang are bad narrative against tourists and expats. I have lived decades in Thailand and never experienced similar negativity.
  12. I actually agree with you here, though I would replace hate with tension. there are far too many folks out there with cameras at the ready for any suggestion of temper or transgression.
  13. At least there is one white buffalo immune to the recent onslaught of negative press
  14. Its almost as if there were a concerted media campaign to stir up anti-foreign sentiment based on the activity of a few outliers.
  15. what the hell are you talking about?
  16. This really is the crux of the issue that people seem too blithe to understand. the fact that the government is feeding the frenzy with crackdowns specifically aimed at foreigners and social media is positively validating anyone who catches a frarang "acting out" with likes is not making the situation any better. I had two incidents with people telling me where I can and can not ride my bicycle on Rama 3 yesterday -- never happened before. I even had a helmetless asshat on a motorcycle following me trying to get a video of me crossing a flyover -- something I have been doing unhindered multiple times a week for years.
  17. i reckon ill ignoreeverything but the first sentence, dried parsley sage black pepper thyme pepper flakes coriander Oregano expensive spices? i don't see how spices could get much more basic than this
  18. It would seem you are not a cook at all.
  19. why wait? because bitcoin dropped and the halving is upon us. of course as you point out the coins can be moved to a cold wallet or even another exchange.
  20. I think that ship has sailed. Its dated thinking. There is a small demographic of older men that may still believe that and maybe a smattering of younger less educated types but generally, anyone under the age of 30 (perhaps 40) has moved past that belief. that said there is always someone who needs it to be true out of sheer desperation.
  21. and this, kids, is why we don't post our research while on meth.
  22. Alas, I don't think its funny.
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