this is meaningless if they get disbanded. If th party doesnt forma govenment, the party will not be fine.
Unfortunately they are behaving more like the opposition rather than the countries elected leaders.
actually, its utter bull<deleted>. Power to them but this has nothing to do with same sex marriage. Nor should it be news.
With all this nonsense, the trans movement is simply undoing all the acceptance and good will accomplished by the gay community over decades.
Which is why, in a nutshell this is not worthy of external scrutiny or media coverage. It is just humans being humans. Good luck to em. Otherwise, who gives two farks.
Pretty hard to ignore them and get oj with it when they become "news"
outliers. the rare exception nobody is denying.
The number of births with ambiguous genitals is in the range of 1:4500–1:2000 (0.02%–0.05%).
A child is magnitudes more likely to be born with Down syndrome. (1:700)
I have a bag that cobntains chargers, phone, tablet and other i need when i travel or do something atheltic.
otherwise i canrry a phone, rarely do i even carry cash or a wallet.
this is starting to get silly.
rather than poking the bear, Pita and the MFP need to form a government. until they do its all just hollow grandstanding.