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Everything posted by n00dle

  1. I really dont see how it is an inconvenince to carry a couple of cards.
  2. aaand just like that we have condemed the entire female thai population. Well done sir! Your ignorance and misogyny know no equal. Perhaps your experience of thai womanhood is limited to that outlier that enters the sex trade, but in my experience few work harder in Thiland than mothers supporting children.
  3. My inability to get a mortgage or own a standalone property outright
  4. It is a bit late -- the US could have objected as the constitution was rigged to ensure an army biased appointed senate could determine who leads the country.
  5. What difference would no longer being an elcted MP make? Prayut didn't even run in 2019.
  6. Why did no one consider adressing those issues before selling an ageing and zenophobic population a bill of false goods?
  7. you speak the obvious my good fellow
  8. more relavent why doesnt M&S have Chiplets. I was in their food section at Central World for the frst time in years and years and couldnt find them
  9. nor did i until after COVID when i cut way back on my drinking.
  10. I have always been a steady (heavy?) drinker, but i lost the ability to process and revcover from the alcohol. Hangovers got worse and I started to balck out before I was even properly drunk, say six beers. So, for the most part, I stopped drinking. cant say I miss the hangovers, but i do miss the drunk.
  11. I too wondered where the racism here was, but, in this instance, the parents are the source of the racism. its clear in the original article.
  12. The man's issues don't mitigate his actions. I'd be pissed off too if he were on my roof.
  13. My mileage varied. My ex and I get along great and have been working together for years to raise my daughter.
  14. If the mother were to support the agreement the child would realize that there is little point in running away. She doesnt need to kick the kid out, she just need to alert the father so he can collect. This is only a big deal of the parents arent unified and cosistent
  15. my daughter is spending the summer in Thailand, around 45 days. We had planned to spend time visiting Angkor so the extended stay was not an issue until we got covid and cancelled the Angkor trip. Now we plan to visit some islands, but i would like to know how early i can extend her trip before we leave.
  16. you cut and paste with the best of them. Now which of those applies to DMK of any other airport on the list.? Any particular reason this needed to be posted multiple times?
  17. 25 years since its last incident. Without explaining its criteria, the list is idioitic.
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