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Everything posted by n00dle

  1. And I say they were. I can recall seeing co workers wearing masks to the office way pre coivid -- i havent worked in an office in 10 years. i can also recall seeing people on the street and skytrain wearing masks during cold and flu season. obviosly the numbers have grown because mask wearing has become even more ingrained but it is hardly a new phenomenon. i can even remeber my kid coming home from school with a mask on because she or another child in the class was ill. in other news, despite the fact that i pretty much keep to myself unless out and about wakeboarding or riding my bike, i came down with bloddy covid last week. I have worn a mask and disnifcted my hands frequently when going out to do unavoidable shopping.
  2. Well Fred, thanks for clearing that all up. six years is indeed a long time.
  3. My errors are due to a lack of caution, not a lack of understanding.
  4. well, thank <deleted> his dad wasnt a collector of automtic weapons.
  5. if you are going to repeatedly use a phrase you dont understand, you should at least make the effor to spell it right. it is VIRTUE SIGNALLING, not virtual signalling, Im sorry you are offended by people recounting their approach to and experiences with alcohol in a thread titled: How dependent are you on alcohol?
  6. havent offended me, but consuming alcohol in thse quatities on a regular basis is ridiculously unhealthy whether you are an alcoholic or not. I suspect your liver would object if it could.
  7. virtual signalling indeed. how is this virtue signalling? The man is recounting his experince, and that involves moving away from alcohol.
  8. Asians have been wearing masks as long as i can rmember and will continue to do so. What is the issue?
  9. I was binge drinker too, i coud go for a couple days in my hey dey. mixing alcohol with cocaine was au fait in Bangkok (still is), but the hangover started to outweigh the pleasure. it would also take me a day or two to get right in the end. i also quit smoking after a false COPD diagnosis -- I got very lucky, i had covid that developed into pnuemonia and the doctor assumed COPD. i suffered for a month or two until another doctorprescibed antibiotics and it clear up in days. I havent had any ymtoms sinceand even my lifelong "athsma" has cleared up entirely without using any meds. i just outgrew it, though it took me dacades!
  10. I used to drink often, much of my social life was cetered around drinking, but booze just lost its appeal for me. Hangover became increasingly incapacitation and my tolerance dropped, so i quit. 9 have the odd drink now, but cant see much point unless i wnat to get drunk. " id rather smaoke a joint.
  11. good thing we are not falling back on sweeping genralizations with no basis in fact or reality.
  12. it seems that is no longer an option the tik tok has been removed.
  13. Thaty wally is minted and he is doing whatever the hell he wants on his own terms. Few of his critcs could say the same. the fact that he is beng lambasted by lifelong salarymen waiting out the rest of their days and posting on aseannow is truly laughable.
  14. you need to learn to edit tracking links
  15. if he makes a mere fraction of mr best cash he is still minted. I don't like the guy per se, but if i recall correctly he came here as a mormon missionary, sussed the place out and settled in to make thailand work for him. I have a hell of a lot more respect for that than those on the site who came here to bang whores or die and fight the place with their every last breath
  16. Wow that couldnt have gone much further over your head, could it? lets spell it out, russian in thailand> draft dodger>military service.
  17. Most likely he was swarmed by women and he didnt undersatnad all thier drinks were going on his tab.
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