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Posts posted by wpcoe

  1. Just to make sure, would a sole proprietorship work for me as an exporter to my American friends using my home (condo) address as my "office"? I live in Chonburi province, but I could forseeably be making business transactions in Bangkok.
    Some condo associations or landlords will not allow you to operate a business from a condo. If you register a sole proprietorship, you need to register a corporate tax ID. This ID will require a copy of the lease or letter of consent to operate a business. For this we have a service office/ executive desk solution. The rental fee is 3,900 Baht per month for an exclusive executive desk with free internet.

    Actually my question was more about whether the work permit would be valid if I registered my business in Cholburi, but routinely conducted business in Bangkok, or if hoop-jumping would be necessary, but thanks for the heads up on the possible problem registering at the condo.

  2. As for the retirement, you may or may not get a work permit with this extension of stay. Depends on the officer. I thought you had mention earlier you may change this to get the work permit

    I would change the visa and/or extension if needed, but it would be "nice" to keep things status quo.

    Ironically for a consulting business you cannot form a sole proprietorship. You just get the amity treaty license as a natural person and a work permit. The sole proprietorship is only for some sectors like a restaurant or retail shop. Service such as consulting does not require a sole proprietorship.

    Just to make sure, would a sole proprietorship work for me as an exporter to my American friends using my home (condo) address as my "office"? I live in Chonburi province, but I could forseeably be making business transactions in Bangkok.

  3. ...Khun Panwadee did confess that she would fraternize with many women regardless of whether they were in an existing relationship.

    So, the two Thai guys who whacked her car were upset with her lesbian relationships?

  4. From what I've established from reading these comments is (and please correct me if I'm wrong) that for establishing a sole proprietorship as an American, I only need to employ two Thais since I'm married to a Thai and pay the 50k income tax each year.

    I hope I undestand Sunbelt correctly: If you are an Amity sole proprietorship, and paid B25k (since you're married) personal income tax last year, you do not need *any* Thai employees.

    From post #4 above, Sunbelt says you only need to meet ONE criterion:

    As of now... you have three different ways to qualify and none involve money in the bank. You only need to meet one criteria.

    1. You employ 4 Thais ( 2 Thai employees if married to a Thai)

    2. Your gross turnover the previous year was 700,000 Baht (350,000 Baht if married to a Thai)

    3. You paid personal income tax of 50,000 Baht (25,000 Baht if married to a Thai

  5. Just a recent concern about my health and the possible "ability" to flush out any extra toxins out of my body prompted this post.


    Reading this now , does not sound like something I would do for the fun of it.

    Don't let the wikipedia entry scare you, it's not painful and if you choose a hospital or well-maintained clinic (like Rasayana Retreat) the sterility of the facilities shouldn't be a problem.

    I've done it a few times, and for the first half-hour after you've finished you might feel a bit "different," but it's not pain. At Rasayana, where I've done it, they offer warm lemon grass tea after the colonic to soothe the digestive system. Also, some clinics include various herbal remedies in the water, as well as a bit of coffee in the beginning, to stimulate cleansing and comfort the bowels.

    The protagonsists and antagonists of colonics or "hydrotherapy" can give the Linux vs Windows folks a run for their money. :o

  6. It's not a banned or illegal substance, and you won't have any problem brining it in for personal use. It has just never been approved (or as far as I know, even reviewed for approval) by the Thai FDA. Presumably little perceived demand for it here. And because it is a hormone it falls under FDA regulations...it is not classified as a "nutritional supplement" here like it is in the US.

    Thanks for that bit of information. I once had a hard time at Japan Customs (NRT airport) when they found a plastic bag with white melatonin tablets. I speak basic Japanese, but had no idea how to explain what melatonin was. If I had said "hormone" they might have had an idea. As it was, I was escorted to a private room, my baggage thoroughly searched while they did chemical tests on one of the melatonin tablets. I watched them take scrapings off of the tablet (no rubber gloves, nor do I think the scalpel was sterile), and when they were through, they put the scraped tablet back in my bag with the rest of the tablets. <sigh...>

    This was only about two years ago, and I was surprised they had no access to the internet. I wanted to google "melatonin" for them...

  7. Our license accounting staff could file your Thai personal income tax for 2006. Our professional fee for the income tax return is only 1,000 Baht. You then will get the government tax receipt after they file it. ( The tax return is in Thai)

    The deadline to file is March 31st.

    I seem to recall that Sunbelt has a presence in Pattaya. Can they do it, or would I come to Bangkok?

    If I do file for 2006, then decide to not go through with the business idea, am I then obligated to keep filing taxes yearly in Thailand? My only income would be pension income (paid in USA and deposited to USA bank) and investment/savings income (again paid/deposited in USA). I plan to transfer lump sum amounts once or twice per year for funds to live off of and to satisfy retirement extension requirement (my pension is under B65k/mo, so I need to have Thai savings, too.)

    Many thanks!

  8. According to the paper he went to his ex-gf's place after the shooting. He told her he shot the women when they starting screaming as he tried to rob them. He asked the ex-gf if he could sleep there for a few hours. The ex-gf was scared that if he was found there she would be linked to the crime so she went to the police.

    And, yet, other news reports detail the date, time and temple location where the motorbike was found after which the gf was located and brought in for questioning.

    There is such a lot of conflicting information out there.

  9. Be aware that technically you need a work permit to do volunteer work. Legally, work is work, whether money is involved or not. I understand often a blind eye is turned, but nonetheless you could risk arrest and deportation without the permit. Sadly, it was a real issue after the tsunami for some of the foreign volunteer workers.

  10. 5. And - this one ios hard as it's not available in Thailand, but it really works -- take Melatonon (and only melatonin...stop any othert sleep meds). Can be mail ordered or is also sold in Cambodia and I think Hiong Kong and Singapore.

    Start with 1 3 mg tab about an hour and a half before you want to become sleepy. If this doesn't work, try a half tab as soon as the sun goes down and then 1 tab an hour or two later.

    I'm curious *why* melatonin is not available in Thailand? I went nuts trying to find it. Is it legal to bring in to the country on my own? If it's legal, why isn't it sold here?

  11. "

    Are you sure the Code doesn't say it's okay for *bicycles* to ride on the sidewalk/footpath? Can you imagine Harley-Davidson choppers legally clearing the path of pesky pedestrians? Vrrrooom, vrrroooom, vrrrooom."

    YES very legal for big bikes too, i take my 1000cc Honda CBR up to the footpath every now and then when the road is packed. Havent gotten a ticket yet. Another thing that becomes legas is driving on the main road under the elevated expressway when it rains. Perfectly legal, i spoke with a cop. I love it, when car drivers thinks u gone mad driving among them. My titanium exhaust says " for track use only" but it scares the shit out of the john's in the cars haha....

    So, because you "Havent gotten a ticket yet." is proof absolute that it's legal. :o

  12. It will be an Non-Imm O. V said his friend discovered that the visa only enabled 90 day stays. That visa also costs $125.

    Too bad he didn't get an O-A for the same price. Perhaps he didn't have the savings/income?

    I thought the OP was saying that the entry stamp he received was only for 90 days, which would have been in error for O-A, but 10-to-1 you're correct with your understanding, dr.P.

  13. It is supposed to be illegal to ride motorbikes on the pavement

    Actually, last time I read the Thai "Highway Code" it's legal to ride motorcycles on the pavement, as long as the road is congested.

    Are you sure the Code doesn't say it's okay for *bicycles* to ride on the sidewalk/footpath? Can you imagine Harley-Davidson choppers legally clearing the path of pesky pedestrians? Vrrrooom, vrrroooom, vrrrooom. :o

  14. This sounds like an O-A visa issued in the USA. (He's retired, and the charge for a one-year O-A multiple-entry visa in USA is $125.) If so, his permitted stay should have been one year from date of entry into Thailand, not 90 days. However, if it is an O-A visa, he should have done a 90-day address report, and missing that also carries a penalty.

    vagabond: Can you verify the type of visa he has?

  15. As you'll see this won't work...

    Really? Why not? :o

    A little knowledge is dangerous. I'm a bit less dangerous now thanks to your guidance. :D

    I need to work on the tax angle, though. I spent about 2-3 weeks in Thailand each month prior to Sept on 30-day visa-waiver stamps. I would find it difficult to believe the government would turn down somebody begging to remit tax they didn't really owe, but I need to find a way to present myself that I don't look like a total idiot.

  16. how come the camera is following him ? also if these cameras are up high on a poll the angle doesn't seem right

    I don't think the camera was "following him". I think what was posted were sections cropped out of larger surveilance pictures.

    If those pics were taken in sequence, it looks like he shot them in pics 1-4 then came around in pics 5-6, pausing in pic 7, fired again in pic 8, and then left. Doesn't look like robbery was in his mind, but who knows?

    Elsewhere it was reported that he arrived and left in 10 seconds, but there have been so many conflicting "facts" it's hard to know what to believe. But, it seems plausible to me that that series of surviellance photos could have spanned a short period and if so, it would appear that there was definitely nothing in his mind but shoot and make *sure* they were dead.

  17. Since I have never paid taxes in Thailand, and for the first year the business will have no previous year's gross sales, the four Thai employees will be needed for the first year. Am I correct on that? (Or, is there a way to pay B50,000 in back taxes when I was not living in Thailand on a proper visa and with no work permit for the previous year?)

    You can pay the tax of 50K for last year. In fact for 2006 it would be due this month. This is only one of the options required for a sole proprietorship.

    I didn't officially live Thailand until my Non-Immigrant O visa was activated in Sept 2006 (with an extension for retirement), and never had income in Thailand. Can I still make a B50k tax payment for 2006?

    What do I do, just walk into the revenue office, hand them B50k and say here, give me a receipt for B50k tax payment? This sounds too easy! :-) Actually, I was receiving income from my US employer for work performed outside of Thailand. Can I use that income as the basis for Thai taxation (while on a retirement extension)?

    Also, I just ran across this thread ( http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=49067 ) which contains a post dated 2005-10-30 by Steve at Indo-Siam saying:

    My staff just spent two days and three trips to Work Permit office, trying to get a work permit for US Amity Treaty sole proprietor.

    Final decision, without any doubt in their mind - a sole proprietorship is not an entity that is eligible to sponsor a work permit. Period. Decision by the deputy head of the office (or higher).

    They went over every detail of a Thai/English three page description of every possible entity and method that was eligible for a work permit and "sole proprietor" is not an eligible entity (a Thai limited partnership is an eligible entity).

    This is in keeping with the Thai theory (which is exactly opposite the western theory): In Thailand, EVERYTHING is forbidden/illegal, unless there is a specific law or regulation stating that it is allowed - and providding a procedure checklist for processing the action.

    Sunbelt, is this old information? i.e. Have you more recent experience (since 10/2005) with sole proprietorships entitled to a work permit?

    (I googled "amity treaty" thailand "sole proprietor" and 21 out of 22 hits were ThaiVisa forum threads.)

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