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Posts posted by wpcoe

  1. A few years ago (5?) I went to a Kinko's in downtown San Franciso to make a color photocopy of the photo page of my US passport. When I was paying for the copy, I was told by the clerk that it was a violation of some federal law to make a color copy -- black and white was okay -- and that they were required to confiscate such a copy or notify the authorities. I tore it up and handed her the pieces and she was satisfied. I went to a different self-service copy shop and didn't show them what I had copied.

    Does anybody know if it's legal to make a color copy of a US passport?

  2. I maintain for a moment that CSS sheets are displayed by all three browsers exactly the way they should be. The problem for designers is to write standard compliant CSS.

    Maybe we are talking apples and oranges, but my feeling is that if CSS sheets are displayed by all three browsers exactly the way they should be, then the displays should be identical.

    Take a look at: http://www.wpcoe.com/css/ The "HTML 4.01 Strict" DTD is specified in the index.htm file, and using the w3.org validators for HTML and CSS, the code passed with no errors or warnings.

    However, using IE6, Firefox 2.0 and Opera 9.2, the display is different in all three.

    Even though I am an Opera fan, I must say that IE6 displays what I would expect: the border around the entire <div> container, and the orange background-color of that container showing under where the blue right-hand column ends.

    Even the way the dashed-line border is rendered is different in each browser.

  3. Is there still an investment visa?

    In my hazy memory I seem to recall that when it was announced that the B3m investment visa was to be terminated (Oct 1, 2006?) that there were rumors of it being replaced with a B10m investment visa, but that those rumors turned out to not be true.

    What are the terms of this B10m investment visa (other than B10m baht, of course)?

  4. Plus, you echo my feelings on Opera: the intertia I have with knowing just how Opera works and how to tweak it keeps me from wanting to switch to anything else.

    I downloaded Firefox just to see what everybody raves about, and saw nothing there that I "must have" that I don't "already have" with Opera.

    However, I disagree with this:

    All recent browsers are capable of displaying standard CSS exactly as it was intended. FF and Opera are less forgiving than IE, but if you get CSS right with any of them, IE will comply, too. That's the idea of having standards, isn't it?

    The three browsers do NOT interpret CSS sheets the same way. If they displayed CSS "exactly as it was intended" life would be SO much easier for web site designers.

  5. Whats traditional?

    What era? 100 years ago? 300 years ago?

    Traditional what? High class dress, peasant farmer, elephant warrior, Northern, Southern, (Bangkok elite I suspect)

    And even more terrifying: which day of the week? I'm mortified that I will be planning to wear my traditional thai dress on Thursday, and arrive to SkyTrain on Wednesday and see everybody else wearing theirs that day. OH NO! :D

    If I call in sick on Tuesday and stay home from work, can I claim that that was the day I was going to wear it? Or should I plan on wearing it around the house that day? :o

  6. Since this thread seems to have the attention of some Opera aficianados and experts, I'll ask an Opera question here.

    Opera is my browser of choice, and I'm used to its quirks and methods so not interested in changing, but one thing that irks me is I cannot send html-formatted e-mail with the integrated e-mail client. I like the integration so that with only one app open my e-mail gets checked while I surf, but is there any tweak, adjustment or add-on to enhance the e-mail part to create formatted e-mail? (I'm pretty sure the answer is no, but I've learned to not ass-u-me....)

  7. the main thaivisa.com site has a PR of 6 while the main forum page has a rank of 2.

    OK, so that may explain how my personal web site got so well indexed on Google. I created a web page back just before the October 1 visa changes about how to get a retirement visa within Thailand with just a 30-day visa waiver stamp and posted the URL in a thread on the main ThaiVisa forum. I have many links on that page to other pages on my site (downloadable forms, mainly).

    Now that you mention ThaiVisa.com's high Google rating, I can see why my site got indexed.

    I registered my domain and built a simple personal site just for the amusement of friends and relatives. But after I posted the link on ThaiVisa.com, I started getting *thousands* of hits per month.

  8. Sole Proprietorship

    2,500 Baht for the sole proprietorship

    Tax ID 3,000 Baht

    DBA (Doing Business As) 1,600 Baht

    19,500 For Amity Treaty

    Government Fees are 25,400 For the Amity.

    Government fees are 150 Baht for the sole proprietorship.

    In case you're wondering, and even if you're not wondering <g>, I've decided it's a bit too expensive for me to try to be the point person/export assistant for my US friends' decorating business.

    The above fees are B52,150. I also would have to pay B50,000 tax for last year, plus B46,800 (12 months of a B3,900 fee) to "rent" an "office" for a whopping (to me, anyway) B148,950 cash outlay for the first year, not including Sunbelt's professional fees (which I undoubtedly would use). That's a lot of Thai silk pillows I'd have to pawn on my friends just to break even on the start-up costs.

  9. There are pills for swallowing and pills for smoking, ussual method of smoking is to fold a piece of aluminum foil into a boat to trap the fumes. Put the pill in the boat and heat it with a lighter until the pill melts. Take a piece of straw and inhale the smoke through the mouth. Also popular are glass pipes, the same as crack pipes that you get in western countries.

    Thanks for that clarification. What an amazing education one can get on this forum! :o

  10. I think I'll take my chances with copy of pp, visa, and extension stamp, along with my Thai driver's licenses.

    On another forum someone suggested in addition to the usual front page, visa page and extension stamp, that you carry a copy the 90-day address-notification form. That may be overkill, I honestly don't know. But when you think about it, it is something stapled in your passport that must be kept current...

  11. On CNBC there was a feature about Thailand which said that rented office space by foreign business in Bangkok was down to 20% compared to two years ago - a sure indicator of the lack of confidence by foreign investors in Thailands furture stability. It talked about the feeding frenzy going on politically between politicians, while the question of an election remains in the background. In addition, and as we know, Thailand has had a huge amount of bad press over the last year - the coup, the recent brutal killings in Pattaya, the farcical interview with the finance minister on CNBC, the airport situation and the escalating situation in the south, all of which has made continuous international news.

    And yet, somehow, the baht marches upward, undaunted? :o

  12. While not directly dengue-related, this could perhaps give some folks a second thought about "mozzies".

    I met a doctor on a flight to Thailand once. I forget the name of his specialty but he dealt with tropical diseases. I mentioned that I sometimes don't get mosquito bites when others in the same room/area get bitten and wondered why that was. He advised me that while it is "possible" I wasn't getting bitten, it is more "probable" that I was getting bitten but not having a reaction to the bite: no swelling, itching, etc. Some people only get reactions from certain types of mosquitoes and not others. So, although I knew I got bites some times ... itchy welts ... other times/places with different breeds (?) of mozzies, I might not.

    So, those who think they might be "immune" to bites, consider the possibility that you are getting bites whether you are aware or not.

    Here's a good web site for dengue info, well organized with good links and clearly written: Campaign Against Dengue

  13. Yes couldn't agree more. I get a kick (rather sadly) by these 'business news' reports that try to avoid mentioning the 800-pound gorilla in the room. Why, it couldn;t possibly be because of a decline in INTERNATIONAL buyer sentiment could it?

    No it's Thai oil rpices, or thai rice prices or some other goofy distraction. Nobody's buying thai conods or houses either becuase of "fears of the trouble in the south" or "economic uncertanity with ya-da-yda-da" B+ll sh+t.

    No foreign investment - period - except sanction BOI is your answer. And as you point out - the party's over in America. get used to it everyone.

    Oh no.....here comes the property guys and the 'consumer market will nerver crash guys'..


    And yet, somehow, the baht continues to get stronger and stronger. Why is that?

  14. Brian, read through this thread: Amity Treaty Companies And Work Permits. You'll find answers to most of your questions there, and perhaps answers to questions you didn't know you had!

    The "Amity Treaty" refers to the treaty between USA and Thailand that grants special conditions to US citizens living in Thailand. I think that's what you mean when you wrote "a wholly owned American Co."

    Since Sunbelt is already monitoring that thread, you might want to post any further questions there.

  15. I'm a 47 y/o American guy and I've been making 30 day visa runs to Poi Pet for 6 years running. I have made 4 of these now since the rule has gone into effect no questions asked. My plan from the get go was to keep doing these same runs until I get a warning or 7 days to leave the country. I can take this risk as I will just leave and get a 60 day tourist. On my 4th run, no one batted an eye and no one has ever added up days; they have just stamped me thru each time. btw, I am an early retiree with plenty of cash who would never even think of working in this country. Maybe this is how I look to the Immi guy . Afterall, It is up to the discretion of the officer, as I have heard many times.

    I wonder what would happen if/when a border official realizes you have used the passport stamps in excess of the legal allocation limit (i.e. more than 90 days in 180 days)? Could you be arrested for violating immigration laws? Does the passport holder bear responsibility if an immigration officer stamps for a stay that would extend beyond the permitted limit?

  16. Actually my question was more about whether the work permit would be valid if I registered my business in Cholburi, but routinely conducted business in Bangkok, or if hoop-jumping would be necessary, but thanks for the heads up on the possible problem registering at the condo.
    If you are working in Bangkok, you need a work permit for Bangkok as well

    But, I could use the same receipt for the same B50,000 in taxes paid for the second work permit, as well, I hope?

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