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Posts posted by Darksidedude

  1. 18 hours ago, BigStar said:

    Average age of around 25 now I guess. The few remaining older ones in their 30s are still upcountry. Might trickle back in, but we'll see.


    Ironically--for you--one of TQ's best revenue producers is also the oldest at--38, I think. Been dancing there more than a decade. Fluent English, quite attractive, remarkably fit body, far quicker wit than you've ever had, and a smooth snake charmer par excellence. Notwithstanding all that good ol' suspenders-slappin', seen-it-all, know-it-all bluster, braggadocio, and usual dubious claims to the most exquisite tastes (as we have in everything here)--all pecked out from the safety of a keyboard--in reality she'd empty out your wallet in an hour and have you crawling out to an ATM for more. Yeah, careful in that TQ, bro'. Better ease into the whole scene till you're sure you and your wallet can handle it.????


    Reminds me, we had a few blasts from the horn during the Friday night celebration. Perhaps Matt M. has returned.

    I think i know who your talking about, im not going to say names but if its the same girl she has worked since 18 (or younger) 20 years ago she still looks great, saying that there are a few been there that long and some dont know when to hang up their boots ha ha

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  2. On 2/3/2021 at 3:30 PM, BigStar said:

    And not bothering to do the slightest reality check before jumping to spread a false rumor. You didn't even know if the Gofundme was still up or not, having not bothered to look. 


    Get new sources, try to be less gullible and not duly repeat everything you hear w/o thinking. Thank you.  


    chill mate i can say what i like

    • Sad 1
  3. On 1/28/2021 at 7:59 AM, BigStar said:

    And I was informed he was open to the idea. Not only is it going but it's now up to $13,844 raised of the $16,000 goal. From the notice on the page a week ago:


    Looks like we are going to make it through this month. Woody and Bob are overjoyed - this situation has been a huge source of stress for all of us.


    Let’s keep this up! Please spread the word if you have not already. I know that because GoFundMe is not a well known resource for those in Pattaya/Thailand some people were skeptical of this campaign. Woody and I have been discussing how we can help assure others that this campaign is legit (any ideas are welcome!). If we can meet the $16k goal, the TQ will be able to afford the rest of it’s contract with the property manager. Hopefully by then businesses will open again and the TQ will be able to stand on it’s own.


    Again, we can’t thank you enough. Thanks for believing in us!


    Doesn't much sound like disapproval. So you may take your choice between various rumors and our very shrewd TVF Proctologists. We always have the same sort of self-serving rationalizations appearing whenever a Gofundme is mentioned, usually for some tourist who's hospitalized owing to a motorbike accident. Nothing new here. Rock on!

    ahh well just saying what im hearing man 

  4. 19 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

    I wonder how many people have actually got through with Fake Documents ?


    I wonder if there is a digital link at the Airport. 



    The question was posed way back in July on a CoE / ASQ thread where someone suggested faking the documents. The obvious answer to that is that consequences for getting caught out are too severe, i.e. Black list from Thailand, its just not worth the risk. 


    And with that comes the answer to many of Thailands legal woes - ‘its not worth the risk’... should be the the response when drink driving etc... (I know I’ve digressed).



    What dumfounds me is that anyone can now enter Thailand, visa exempt etc - so there was no need to fake the CoE in the first place. Or did the ’Norwegian’ think with faked documents he could ‘escape’ the 2 week quarantine, and thus thought it could save some money on the ASQ ???





    I have a CoE from a previous entry and did wonder if its fit for further entries. Of course, I won’t risk that and simply apply for a second CoE when I return again. I think the CoE process has bene streamlined and is relatively pain-free now.


    he a noggie need i say more ha ha

  5. On 1/26/2021 at 12:08 PM, ExpatOilWorker said:

    Yeah, evil monster - all of them.


    His old house at soi Convent have been demolished.

    They found a similar location and most of the scenes from the pool and house was filmed at soi Nana.

    The Miami hotel at soi 15 was also used in the TV series. 

    cant believe that miami hotel is still there

  6. On 1/26/2021 at 1:47 PM, BigStar said:

    Obviously, W’s daughter, a professional engineer working in California, wouldn’t have started such a Gofund me w/o talking to dad first. Again, the idea is to reopen if they can afford to do so, not steal a little money, much as our TVF Proctologists may love to think so. 


    Yes, ma’am. But I really don’t picture a TQ patron crying over pocket change. You’re probably thinking of the usual TVF whinger crying over 5 baht confiscated by a songtaew driver when on his way to find the 40 baht  Changs. Understandable, given their prevalence.

    Now in the very worst case, a TQ patron would probably be obliged to

    . . . write a suicide note on a hundred dollar bill
    'cos if you wanna run cool
    . . . you got to run
    On heavy, heavy fuel


    Less drastically, he might perhaps hum some other Dire Straits he’d heard through TQ’s JBLs while ordering another round of drinks for a few hotties:

    Sometimes you're the windshield
    Sometimes you're the bug
    Sometimes it all comes together baby
    Sometimes you're a fool in love . . . 

    Joking aside, if TQ can’t reopen, then the Gofundme contributions will be used for a worthy cause as stated on the page. That’d still be a good thing, too, so you may save your hankies.  

    TQ was doing OK pre-COVID and surviving after the first lockdown, so it seems more accurate to conclude it’s you who’s had a good shake and it’s time for you to move on. And thanks for sharing. 


    Many of our aged posters do find it comforting to project their own obsolescence, their own long-past sell by dates, onto other people and businesses. That said, any business mentioned here, even the mostly beloved 40 baht Chang shacks, will have detractors to offer up doom and sneers, sometimes accompanied with the most pretentious barstool economics blather. Forum cred, I suppose, to seem still relevant in a world where nobody cares to listen to the old fart if they can possibly avoid it.

    Years ago an interviewer implied a similar opinion to Keith Richards. After all, he’d enjoyed several lifetimes of good shakes and already looked straight out of the Walking Dead. The Keef’s reply: there’s still juice in the old grape. Quite a lot of juice, it turned out, which found a still-appreciative audience.  


    It ain’t over till the Fat Boy backfires. As many have said, closure may now be inevitable irrespective of Gofundme and best wishes. Otherwise, to judge by pre-COVID and earlier post-lockdown patronage, TQ likely would have continued viable into the foreseeable future.

    Obviously, W’s daughter, a professional engineer working in California, wouldn’t have started such a Gofund me w/o talking to dad first. Again, the idea is to reopen if they can afford to do so, not steal a little money, much as our TVF Proctologists may love to think so. 


    Incorrect, I was informed that Woodys daughter did not tell him that she was starting this go fund me page,


    Woody told her its a business not a charity so take off this go fund me page, not sure if its still going is it ?

    • Like 1
  7. On 1/26/2021 at 12:48 AM, VBF said:

    There was a time when TQ, Nevada, Las Vegas and others on Soi Post Office and Soi Yamoto were great daytime gogos. Sadly, in recent years all except TQ have become incredibly boring and / or closed completely.

    to much competition ie boo cow, that wasn't around when the above mentioned bars were great daytime shenanigans,


    i do recall it was a dirt road to get from Diana inn to 3rd road and 3rd road was a no go area at night time

    • Like 2
  8. On 1/25/2021 at 5:14 PM, crobe said:

    If you knew anything about the Patpong family you would know that Varita has had many opportunities to redevelop the site to "maximise the  rental value" - she has been offered major hotel concessions on that site by the likes of Hyatt and Marriot - the original Royal Garden was offered to be where TQ is now. 

    She has some affection for the type of business that is there at the moment and has resisted a lot of offers, not only there but the much more substantial offers for Patpong 1&2 - which are now surrounded by high-rise offices and only her sois retain the older shophouses.

    It will be seen whether this changes as she hands this over to her kids.

    The facts therefore bely your assertions - but then - who would take real estate advice from a monger living in a dingy bedsit off Soi Bukhao?

    i just cant believe it wasn't re devloped many years ago when the going was good

  9. On 1/24/2021 at 4:48 PM, kevinsan said:

    First they closed the old Thermae.

    Alas, Washington Square demolished.

    Then they shuttered JP's International Bar.

    And now they are gunning for Tahitian Queen.


    The watering holes are shrinking. Let's keep this party rolling. Best boys club in Pattaya. No pretense no BS. These boys have been burning through cash all year with no end in sight.

    JPs what a wild bizarre place that was in the we hrs, frequented many a time 

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