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  • Birthday October 16

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    Hat Yai

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  1. I’ve seen the video, and IF my Thai wife, who is a nurse, ever got slapped by this or any other clown. I guarantee their stay in the hospital would be the best outcome.
  2. If you can find it, I’d love to read it. I am not being facetious.
  3. Congratulations. You’re the only one who's never lied or deceived anyone to benefit themselves in your entire life. Then again, I assume you did not grow up in a monastery. Yes, I think she’s a shrewd businesswoman, and I am impressed. By the way, YOU are judging me concerning my point of view!
  4. Really, then you missed the whole idea of what I was writing about and the whole concept of a third-world country. A lot of Thai people can’t afford education and can’t afford to advance in life; however, they have a viable commodity “themselves.” I’m not the morals police; she put her brother through medical school and took care of her parents. Stop being so high and mighty; if a guy doesn’t want her company, he doesn’t have to pay for it. It’s that simple. I think SHAME on you for being so judgemental!
  5. As you say, I know of one woman in Bangkok who is an absolute stunner and a shrewd businesswoman. When I met her in a nonsexual business setting, she was thirty-two. We became friendly, and as time went on (about three years), during our many conversations, it was revealed she had several sponsors from the West and Asia. She had managed to have them pay for her “rented” condo. However, she is, in fact, the landlord of two condos in Bangkok, one of which she lives in and one she uses with her various sponsors. When they came for a visit, she rearranged personal items concerning her and that particular visiting sponsor. Additionally, condos, vehicles, her parent’s home in Songkla province, a condo near Hatyai airport, and her younger brother’s education attending dental school at PSU-Hatyai are all paid for by sponsors. One day, she told me she had never had a chance at an education. However, she said, “I have my looks, my figure, and only a few years of opportunity to use them, as I would have used a university degree.” I always think, “Good for her.”
  6. 555 For a good time, call Does anyone have her number?
  7. End of the video chorus, a Christmas sing-along 🎼 🎶🎵 🎶 🎵🎶 🎵🎶 “I'm locked up and they won’t let me out.” 🎶🎵 🎶🎵 🎶 🎵 555 5555 555
  8. Well, if Wikipedia, mental midgets, and the oracle say something is true . . . 🤭 Face with Hand Over Mouth A yellow face with a hand covering its mouth. Displays most often with...
  9. My post is about the loss of a friend. What may I ask is your post (reply) going on about?
  10. I don’t know much about much, however, the demonstration Harris and her team showed concerning financial stewardship makes me scratch my bald head. In 106 days the woman raised $1 billion USD for her campaign and found herself not only a loser but a loser in debt by 20 million USD. Sounds like the lifestyle financial planning of some Thai girls I know.
  11. DrMJA


    During my many years living in Thailand, we tend to make friends, many not from our country, and they can sometimes be casual, sometimes close, and some as close as family. The interesting part is that you learn about the universal struggles for us here as foreigners and at times the wrestling with what we left behind at home in search of ourselves or our dreams. For me, this past week losing a friend who had been here 20+ years married with a child, had a tough time his last few years on this earth. First diagnosed with kidney cancer and the subsequent removal of the kidney, followed by diagnoses of brain cancer, to which in the end he succumbed. So, I found myself struggling with my mortality. This year 2024 has been particularly tough, losing my parents, daughter, and now a friend. The realization that life is bitterly short, and we need to enjoy as much time enjoying ourselves as we can -while we can. Rest In Peace, Phil
  12. Be sure, my Thai wife is a surgical nurse in hospital. We are legally Thai law & American law married. On her work Insurance I am only cover on certain items and up to 50% on other medical items/ procedures. I’m not arguing just giving you a heads up to double check. Better safe knowing than sorry, cheers!
  13. I just completed this quiz. My Score 0/100 My Time 19 seconds  
  14. However NOTHING: sECRETARY mAYORKAS 🤡 555 lol HAHAHAH hahahaha I've got family in NC, Georgia and parents in FLorida, the original article is factual and the lies you spew out does nothing but spread BS. Get your fact from folks it's happening to not the political ranting of a wanta be President and a corrupt administration! Fact check this as well:
  15. So sad ... Boss, ruined lives and sips champagne in Dubi or some other hidden place in the world waiting for the statue to run out; maybe he will come back in time to be PM 🤔
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