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Everything posted by RobU

  1. I wonder how the poor guys feel, having to stand behind graphic displays of sex toys as if they were selling them. Ahh I have just had a thought 1. Confiscated Items are resold at auction 2. Thai police officers get 50% of resale value of confiscated items THEY ARE SELLING THEM THIS IS THE ADVERT
  2. In my daily notification email it says "Oil Price Hike and Bath Depreciation Worry Thai Government I thought it was 'Baht' not 'Bath', Am I wrong?
  3. Last I heard was that inter regional travel was banned. Is this still the case? If so this announcement is pointless and has no value whatsoever
  4. I have tried to get information from the UK Thai embassy on this and other matters the responses are terse and very unfriendly. Frankly I think they don't like us, they are very hostile and don't want us to return to their country. China rules OK
  5. I don't understand the attack on this officer by some members of this forum. He is giving good advice to couples, not men and prostitutes. He isn't saying he will lock you up for taking the video's/pictures of yourself and your loved one. He is saying be careful that those video's/pictures do not get disseminated to a wider audience, which can cause hurt to one or other of the parties, usually the woman (and I note that all the people complaining are men). It is good advice which has also been given in the UK by women's support groups. The incidence of 'Revenge Porn' is increasing where jilted childish and vicious men post videos on websites to shame their ex's. He is speaking primarily to women who are usually the victims when such videos are released.
  6. Yes I remember them doing fried mars bars in Leuchars in the 70's when I worked up there
  7. Please don't think I was criticising you I am grateful for the other information that puts this into perspective and I appreciate that you put probably when you are expressing an opinion????
  8. The USA and almost every country in the world are backward countries?
  9. Thanks for the info. A lot of information seems to be quoted as fact when it is just someone's opinion
  10. Black Pudding OR White Pudding (yes white pudding does exist it is similar to black pudding but does not include blood) and a pint of bitter in Yorkshire and our enemy county of Lancashire. Deep Fried Haggis from the local chip shop in Scotland with Jaimisons chaser
  11. So it was you!! Thank you very much for a good time you were great. I thought it was a woman. so soft and gentle????
  12. It actually says in the article 'Lanna locals said the public sex was disrespectful to the spirits and a bad omen that caused ten of the large trees to topple over in storms as well as other damage, as reported yesterday on ASEAN NOW.' Did you read the actual article or have you just leapt into the argument?
  13. It has to start sometime. The locals obviously trusted the police or they wouldn't have complained they would have done something about it themselves as happens in many areas where police are not trusted
  14. Police do have more important things to investigate and they do so. However it is an important part of any decent police force to investigate and enforce community issues including those of 'moral decency'. It engenders trust from the community. It is local knowledge from community members that often leads to convictions of greater crimes. That volunteering of information is given because the locals trust the police to look after their interests and not just concentrate on looking after the big boys and glory hunting.
  15. Their sex act was posted on line showing time and place which locals consider to be insulting. The couple are a pair of fools who deserve a slap on the wrist which is probably all they will get. Police are doing their job
  16. It's called community policing looking after the interests of the local community who were outraged by it. What do you want? Public sex to be made legal?
  17. No he should have his penis and testicles surgically removed and then given 'community service.' in Thailand under female supervision for 25 years with time off for good behaviour then deported back to his own country.
  18. This is a side investigation arising from the original offence the original offence is still being investigated. Why do you think they should not investigate the car confiscation corruption as well? This secondary investigation prominence is by the media not the police the police are simply reporting on ongoing investigations brought about by the original offence.
  19. Chubby Checker of course 'Let's twist (it) again, like we did last summer'
  20. Makes me wonder why cannabis has been semi legalised in Thailand. There is now an outlet to resell confiscated Cannabis for profit.
  21. He has a point. The true concept of 'Herd Immunity' is that the weak and susceptible die leaving the strong and immune in the rest of the herd. Vaccines are supposed to create immunity hence the 30% who are not vaccinated will still be susceptible and possibly die of Covid passed on from the strong and immune who can carry it without any harm shrugging off mild flu like symptoms of Covid.
  22. He has confessed to both crimes claiming drugs made him do it. He is guilty by his own admission the forum is supporting him in this and postulating possible/hopeful outcomes for his crimes. How can that be sick? we are just helping him along. 5555
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