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Everything posted by RobU

  1. True, but that's because they often carry much more in the bag than men can carry in their pockets. Most men ask their partners to put cumbersome inconvenient things in their handbags rathe than wandering around with it clutched in their sweaty paws all day. It used to be everything but the kitchen sink and then someone invented 'Wet Wipes'. I don't take mine off when I am away from home and it has a strap with steel threads to prevent it being cut. Zips on every pocket and a zipped internal security pocket for my wallet and passport, much safer than bulging trouser pockets, which are easily picked. Mine is thick brown leather and looks more like a small man's document bag slung over my shoulder rather than a ladies handbag.
  2. Same thing is being reported in the UK. More people are going to GP's with sleeping difficulties requesting medication. It may be due to lack of exercise i.e. not getting tired enough. Or, in the case of Thailand expats, lack of alcohol not getting drunk enough to collapse in a coma after a session at the bar. Thai wives/girlfriends must be going crazy trying to find ways to prevent their partners demanding conjugation at night????????????????
  3. I have started carrying a 'Manbag' much more convenient than pockets. If you were a beautiful Thai lady and said such a thing to me I would accompany you back to your station, otherwise please go away with short jerky movements (**** off)????
  4. You are correct. There are well documented Nordic/Scandinavian studies of offenders who are chemically castrated (hence no sexual urging) who go on to re-offend and the conclusion was that it was about power and dominance not sexual desire.
  5. You are wrong about weed users not being violent it is a popular myth disseminated by users. Paranoia often leads to violence and yes you are probably right about alcohol but as I said many cannabis users divert attention to alcohol as if Alcohol's worse effect, excuses the bad effects of cannabis, which it does not.
  6. Many years ago my sister used to breed dogs she fed them on sheep's brains and horsemeat. I tried cooking and eating a horsemeat steak, it was nowhere near as good as beefsteak. I drew the line at eating the Sheep's brains though.
  7. Weed dulls the senses, and can cause paranoia, it also damages the hearing hence weed smokers tend to play very loud music (,because they're chillin') and create a nuisance in their neighborhood. The classic response of weed smokers when neighbours complain about their anti social behaviour is that the neighbours were drinking (alcohol) and have a drinking problem.
  8. Interim statement on booster doses for COVID-19 vaccination (who.int) Booster doses are administered to a vaccinated population that has completed a primary vaccination series (currently one or two doses of COVID-19 vaccine depending on the product) when, with time, the immunity and clinical protection has fallen below a rate deemed sufficient in that population. The objective of a booster dose is to restore vaccine effectiveness from that deemed no longer sufficient. The clinic is only offering 1st and 2nd booster doses
  9. In commercial slaughter houses, both Halal and Kosher. The beasts have their throats cut and then are strung up by their back legs to facilitate bleeding out. This causes agonising pain, displacing or breaking the hips. Slicing the veins is only part of this cruel and inhumane practice. Slicing the veins/arteries does not cause them to become immediately unconscious the brain survives for up to 10 minutes without nourishment depending on the temperature of the beast
  10. disgusting method of slaughtering food animals they are basically tortured to death same with kosher meat
  11. Reports in the UK and from the WHO is that 'Deltacron' does not exist, it is the result of contaminated laboratory specimens
  12. This is fake news. They are offering first and second booster shots or second doses and then boosters. The first 2 vaccinations received are NOT called boosters. The author of this article has called the first 2 shots boosters when they are actually the initial vaccination sequence. I am considering reporting this to the RTP. This is the third time that false news about the covid vaccination programme in Thailand has been reported on this site 1 Stated that the prime minister would get a 4th booster when in fact he was only getting a 2nd booster 2. Stated that everyone should receive 3 doses of AstraZenneccer when in actual fact the recommendation was to receive a single booster dose of AstraZennecca on top of the initial first 2 doses which could have been sinovac and AstaZennecca
  13. He is already in an Inactive post probably because of similar behaviour, I doubt that he had ever seen 'Active Service', behaviour like that would attract a bullet in the back when on active service. He probably worked his way up to the naval rank of Captain (equivalent to the Army rank of Major) as a clerical officer via the exam system and the favour of other senior officers. He had probably been disciplined in different ways previously and this was the last straw. Also I think that the reporters in their ignorance have added the term 'Real' to his title. It is probably 'Estate Manager' who is someone who manages the maintenance of the properties owned by an organisation sometimes called 'Facilities Manager' in other organisations. Real Estate Managers are commercial sales managers in the private sector managing the sale of property and taking payment for their services from the buyer or/and the seller.
  14. Hepatitis merely means 'Inflammation of the Liver' It can be caused by a virus, a bacterium or by chemicals (The inflammation in the first 2 cases is caused by chemicals released by the bacteria or virus as part of their replication process). The Vaccinations are for the first two types to prevent an infection. The vaccinations do not protect an individual from the effects of chemicals such as Favipirapir. In such a case ceasing taking the chemical will immediately stop the irritation which caused the inflammation, however it could leave lasting damage and scarring if it is taken for too long in the same way as the chemicals from bacteria and viruses can.
  15. I remember a report on this forum about a man who raped an underage and mentally challenged girl because she was always pestering him for food. His response was that he would treat her as his wife which I didn't understand how that mitigated what he did. Your post now explains his statement.
  16. Micro sleep has been the subject of a TV campaign in the UK it is well advertised as a problem. there are frequent signs on British motorways telling drivers to stop and 'Take a Break' exactly the same as in Thailand
  17. Quoting the overwhelming of UK health services on this topic could be a misleading example I believe the statement 'healthcare services overwhelmed by covid' is an excuse for the regular overwhelming of the UK health service in winter every year for the past 10 years which was steadily getting worse because staffing levels are reduced from what they used to be. At one time you had 12% extra staff on any ward or unit to allow for absences due to sickness or resignation/promotion. That 12% has been removed to cut costs and staff who resign are not replaced immediately, the post is only advertised after they have left then it takes 3 months to get the new member of staff into post. Hence there are staff shortages and wards are empty.
  18. Just perhaps the 'vigilantes' were not aware of what was going on, child abusers are very sly and often find ways of covering their abuse, the same kind of abuse and death is reported at least once a year in the UK when the abusers are finally caught because the child dies. The child will have been kept from being observed by other people essentially a prisoner in its own home
  19. Fully agree with you. A simple quick clean death is too good for them
  20. Nope my memory is also 'as bent as a nine bob note' never heard of 'as bent as a curly pin'
  21. This is backed up by studies in the UK which show that although omnicron is much more infectious it is also much less dangerous. Hospitalisations remain the same despite a steep rise in infections. Symptoms used to last for two weeks now only last for a couple of days. Of those hospitalised two thirds are inadequately vaccinated others are actually admitted for other reasons but test positive on admission. the one single death of a 77 year old man with omnicron was because he was not vaccinated and had other health issues.
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