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Everything posted by RobU

  1. RIP he paid the ultimate price doing his job, he was not responsible for politics of state his job was to defend the state no matter who is in charge. What happens in Bangkok and commissioning of equipment for the navy is way beyond his pay grade and posts with such mentions are highly inappropriate
  2. I don't understand this sudden spate of complaints about the length of Roosters post. This has been a pleasant and informative read for a long time. He always writes a lengthy and interesting post. I don't agree with his militant Atheism but I am a tolerant Atheist so I live and let live and respect the rights of others to have faith. This includes the faith of militant Atheists who have set themselves up as the evangelists of Atheism banging on doors telling people not to believe, handing out pamphlets to 'prove' their belief that you should not believe. Taking every opportunity to write or speak about their non belief and their faith that there is no faith, denigrating all other faiths in the process.. There is a knock on the door 2 militant Atheists (they always come in pairs) saying 'Don't praise the Lord', "God is bad", "can we interest you in a meeting at our local place of worship (bar) where we can discuss and examine the meaningless of life", "You will be blessed with the knowledge that all faith is bad except the faith of Militant Atheism". There will be a holy war of Militant Atheism to wipe out all other faiths because only their faith is the true faith and all the faithful will not go to heaven but will dissipate joyfully into the ether never to be reincarnated. "There is no life after Death!!!!" they cry joyfully "Just a cessation of electrical activity and a putrid rotting of flesh". It's good to see that he's a teacher, get 'em young persuade them to your faith. It's easier when they are young and impressionable. Don't let them grow up to decide for themselves fix the faith whilst they are young (as all faiths do). 5555555
  3. People who reside in Phuket are much more honest and socially responsible than the rest of the country, note that the government and national civil servants do not reside in Phuket 55555555555
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