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Everything posted by RobU

  1. After the second world war the UK government introduced 'child allowance' and numerous other maternity benefits to stimulate repopulation of the UK and increase the post war birth rate. Child Allowance was paid until the child's 16th birthday for every child born to a family or single mother. This noticeably increased birth rates since people could then afford to raise children whether married or single. The problem here is that raising children is considered a luxury privilege. You can only raise them well if you earn enough money Intelligent Thai's will not birth children into poverty or reduce their lifestyle to have children.
  2. The Buddhist monkhood are a bit stupid they think that they will attract younger people by making lots of noise because that is what young people do. The Buddhist teachings are allegorical stories designed to entertain as well as teach, this attracted the Buddhist congregation to attend temple. Gradually the Buddhist elite became more concerned with ritual rather than teaching in an entertaining manner. Because they are boring ritualists who cannot see beyond the ends of their noses and have no wit or humour they grasp at straws and think noise is what attracts people. As long as making noise is sanctioned by the elite of Buddhist monks, the police will do nothing.
  3. "The current damage is blamed on the substantial water pressure from the Nong Loeng Yai Reservoir " I am a little confused What is the purpose of a dam if it can't hold back the pressure of the water?🤣😂🤣😂
  4. The noisy neighbour is a bit stupid. Cats won't be frightened away by Buddhist chanting it's not high pitched enough. Many temples keep cats
  5. I don't understand, it says in the article that they are a UK couple
  6. Thailand is expensive if you insist on only buying western foods and products, which are expensive because they are not produced in Thailand and have to be imported with the associated import duties and cost of transport. It's very cheap if you are willing to adapt
  7. The Thai Doctors father is a political activist with media connections, that's why it was widely reported. It wasn't because she is Thai
  8. Jailed as adopted by the US Chicago spelling system in common use throughout the USA
  9. Jailed is the phonetic spelling of goaled adopted by the USA
  10. You do realise that this is Thailand no social security? Mother has to work to support herself and the child, impossible to care for a 7 year old and go to work too. No husband. The mother probably gave them (family) money to look after the child grateful for the support. Either that or the child gets taken into care.
  11. Same way it did before he started the job. He isn't there anymore, he was removed from his post in immigration hence they are back to their old tricks
  12. Duplicate posted in error
  13. People like him drive away new users by deriding them for not knowing or simply having a different opinion. People post questions or statements because sometimes they are new to Thailand and he jumps in with insults mocking them.
  14. It's Liverpool Lou up to his old tricks. He waits until someone makes a statement then makes derisory comments. He never posts an opinion or statement other than to insult other people
  15. He didn't introduce them, they were introduced by his political masters. He enforced them, he did his job and didn't allow foreigners to bribe immigration officials to look the other way.
  16. He didn't make that law. He ENFORCED the existing laws. He is a policeman it is his job. He stopped the bribery of immigration officials by foreigners.
  17. Yes I know that a Horologist can also be also a collector of watches or just an admirer of timepieces in general so I'll rephrase my question. How does collecting watches or admiring timepieces make him corrupt? Please explain your weird rationale. I'm waiting, don't waste any time.
  18. A horologist is a watchmaker. How does being connected to a watchmaker make him corrupt?
  19. Because he wants to be occupied. I suspect sitting around 'being rich' is a bit like being forcibly retired, it's boring.
  20. Yes he was from a wealthy family Everything you say is pure supposition with no evidence to back it up. each time someone demonstrates that your current supposition is wrong, you make up another supposition which is even less realistic. I reckon your next supposition will be that he is corrupt because he is an alien from outer space🤣😂🤣😂
  21. Yes to both points, you essentially make 3 statements 1. he is corrupt because he is rich OR 2. he is corrupt because he is a policeman OR your latest is 3. he is corrupt because he is ambitious You have provided no evidence whatsoever to back up those 3 statements
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