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Everything posted by stix40

  1. I am talking about the daily express not the weather! Back to enjoying the hot weather.
  2. Daily Express in the UK is the worst! Record snow falls coming Unprecedented heat wave coming Warnings of mass heat exhaustion amongst the old ! Michael Fish : all is forgiven !
  3. Looks like the Wagner battalion !
  4. Paper industry and stamp manufacturers rubbing their hands !
  5. Maybe he got confused with border crossing and cross dressing? ????
  6. Terry talks about insurance not paying out . Can anyone recommend a health insurance policy here that does payout when needed! Cheers
  7. Good luck Terry You are a brit and paid Into the system, plenty of non Brits turn up in the UK and get tons of benefits, demand the same ! Be Lucky ????
  8. He should just sit in a cane chair under a veranda and mind his own business. And chew that nut , that makes your teeth go red !
  9. That's a shame ! We were having a run of good luck . Russian's, Indians getting into bother. NISUS WETTUS: Next. Crucifixion? PRISONER #1: Yes. NISUS: Good. Out of the door. Line on the left. One cross each. Next. Crucifixion? PRISONER #2: Yes. NISUS: Good. Out of the door. Line on the left. One cross each. Next. Crucifixion?
  10. Look out Phuket More on the way !
  11. Maybe he slipped on the plate of shh11tt ? Maybe the cleaning department are to blame ?
  12. Hi Dr Jack That's lamphun IO I asked again , they seem to think Once you start reporting 90 day for the yearly extension, then no need to tm30 If going to another province for short stay and return.
  13. I am in immigration office now I just asked the question. Reply I suggest you tm30 !
  14. No problem I have TM 30 never not had one ! So every time you leave your house address example Going camping 2 days , then when you return to your house you have to tm30 again and again Even if you have non o ?
  15. Forgot to Mention 5 year warranty douay !
  16. Afternoon Guys When is TM30 not required 90 day non o obtained 99 day non o with year extension Or is TM30 required with even with above? Thanks in advance. Stix
  17. Reminds me of life of Brian Is there any women here ?
  18. I have the latest sport model . Got a great deal from a dealer ship in BK Loads of extras for free. So far truck has been awesome Very comfortable and I am getting 37mpg around town. Recommended!
  19. Good news he's not a Brit ! And secondly Consider himself lucky He could of had his Rubels Robbed by a transgender on the beach ?
  20. Keep coming yep keep coming come on stoooooooooooooopppp
  21. For years I have always used the typical small backpack, but recently got fed up , having to keep taking off and looking for stuff in the cavernous pack . Now using over the shoulder man bag and jeez wished I had used a man bag ages ago , so much more comfortable and don't look like a tourist anymore. Converted !
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