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Damual Travesty

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Posts posted by Damual Travesty

  1. 26 minutes ago, heybruce said:

    Do you have any evidence that "some people at the FBI may have purposefully withheld information" pertinent to the impeachment hearing?  Do you think the FBI has enough people with enough knowledge to go through every document in every hard drive in their possession and recognize the significance of a "thank you for the meeting" sentence buried in one email?

    You ask a rather strange question here. I am asking a question, let me spell it out specifically again: We know the FBI had the laptop during the impeachment. Was congress informed? Yes or No. If No why not? It is up to the FBI to now tell the Congress of the United States in one committee or another why they had a laptop and decided not to let Congress know, if that is the case. Was it a high level decision? Was it a low level error? I want to know. And my questions are reasonable ones.


    To answer your question, oh yeah, I do believe the FBI has enough people to go through a lap top that falls into their hands belonging to the son of the former Vice President of the United States, that they already know when they receive it has email that discuss Ukraine and China, money transfers, and the potential to involve the VP. Definitely have the personnel for that. I am getting tired so very tired of this.


    Sir one more time, YES, the FBI has the manpower to go through a laptop that comes from the son of the former VP of the USA, and especially one which deals with financial dealings of Ukraine, and especially when the name Hunter Biden has come up in an Impeachment proceeding of the President of the United States.


    Now continuing, two former business associates of Hunter Biden have also come forward with their own tranches of emails. Could these business parters have faked all of their emails, or some of them? Is that possible? Sure, so everyone of their emails will be gone over with a fine tooth comb and at some point, just like the laptop it will be pronounced real. As the FBI has the laptop, I am quite sure they know already if its real or not.

    • Sad 1
  2. 42 minutes ago, placeholder said:

    Trump Records Shed New Light on Chinese Business Pursuits

    But Mr. Trump’s own business history is filled with overseas financial deals, and some have involved the Chinese state. He spent a decade unsuccessfully pursuing projects in China, operating an office there during his first run for president and forging a partnership with a major government-controlled company.


    Donald Trump just like people who opened McDonald's Restaurants in Moscow or bejing was a private citizen for his entire life. He was not a politician who by appearances may have been enriching himself through his office. Further you are posting articles absolutely not related to Hunter Biden or his laptop.

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  3. 2 hours ago, placeholder said:

    Nice try at the insinuation game. No hard evidence in either of these stories. Now maybe if Biden had declared a lower value of his properties to the IRS and a higher one to banks, something he's personally and clearly responsible for, you might have a better point. But really, if you want to play that game, Trump's candidacy should be knocked out of the box.

    This is not a game. A candidate here faces some serious accusations and the truth is going to come out. The links were in response to someone saying no accusations against Biden surfaced before. That is not true. And this is for the same type of stuff that the accusations alleged before. I am not playing at anything. Not trying to win anything. I want all questions answered and soon. Most importantly I want to know what the FBI is doing with the laptop. I want Wray to testify before congress directly to that. I don't care if its in closed session I want it done. I want the DOJ to issue some sort of opinion on the current status of this. I also want to hear from Joe and Hunter Biden and before the election.  Again not a game.

    • Haha 2
  4. 1 minute ago, placeholder said:

    What makes this all so nonsensical is that Joseph Biden has been in public life for 47 years and no evidence ever of financial shenanigans. Now at this late dates he's become a criminal?

    Well that is not true, not true at all this surfaced in the Iraq reconstruction period with contracts going to his Brother who was not exactly carrying a building background. From 2012:


    here is one from 2019 that discusses shenanigans from the 1970's good heavens it's from Mother Jones:


    • Thanks 1
  5. 5 minutes ago, candide said:

    So, which crime?

    Money laundering? Tax evasion? The selling of influence? I am not sure. So many to list. I think more is on the laptop that has not come out yet... wait stop me there... only speculating of course.  Maybe it's all already out.  A lot of this does depend on what happened when he was in office. If you arrange US policy, and receive money from that transaction, that must be some sort of crime, bribery? I mean surely more solid then trying to accuse the President of a bribe for looking into it? Complicated. I know it does not really matter to you, but as an American it turns my stomach. Are such things legal in your country?

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  6. 7 minutes ago, placeholder said:

    None of which are the Bidens' responsibility to answer unless and until the legitimacy of the disk and its contents is approved.

    If you say so, yeah good idea, Biden should make no comment, all the way to election day and beyond, unless, what do you need as proof? If someone on the receiving end of the email says "Yes, I received this on the same date and time, and Have a copy in my laptop does that verify anything for you? Or does that mean that the recipient could be lying as well? How about the photo's should they release them so they can be independently verified? And the laptop and harddrive itself, why would the Lawyer ask for it back? if it wasn't real? Just questions. Not sure how much more proof should be presented. Perhaps it would be in Biden's interest if no more proof was presented. That is kind of where I am at. I mean it's getting worse isn't it?

    • Sad 1
  7. 2 minutes ago, opalred said:

    i feel like crying for you mr trump /we wont tell anyone/ about your dealings while in office /bank accounts in china dealings with turkey son in law  /money from the Arabs/ daughter doing deals with china/while all employed by white house /we could go on  but we wont tell anyone  


    This would be a rather horrible way for the Bidens' to deny this whole mess.

  8. 1 minute ago, placeholder said:

    Unless and until the legitimacy of that  hard disk drive and its contents are confirmed, neither Biden should have to answer anything. 

    Well, perhaps Hunter could say - "This laptop is not legitimate, the laptop is not mine and this is a hoax"


    I mean if that is the case, say so. Say it like this, " the signature on the contract is a forgery, the people who say that they were recipients and cross verifying authenticity are liars, the man who owns the store is a liar, all the emails are fake, my business partner now claiming he has additional emails is a liar, and all his claims to have further evidence of business between my Father and him concerning China are lies".


    That would be a place to start. Are you OK with that?

    • Confused 1
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  9. 1 minute ago, placeholder said:

    Well, if that's the case, why hasn't William Barr asked? Maybe because he doesn't want to know the answer? Or are you suggesting that Barr is complicit in protecting Hunter Biden?

    I do not know what conversations Barr has had with director Wray concerning the Laptop. Do you? No I am not suggesting that Barr is complicit in protecting Hunter Biden, I am suggesting that it is possible that Barr was not aware of the existence of the laptop. I have not heard comment on that from him. A comment on when he knew of its existence. I would like to know when he first heard of the existence of the laptop. If it is not recently, then I want to know why he made no one else aware - perhaps as it was an investigation underway, and it was not thought to go public? If he did not know, then why would the FBI keep that info from Barr? Did Wray know? These are legitimate questions to ask without accusations that I think Barr is protecting Hunter Biden. I want questions answered, both on the content and the handling of the laptop itself.

  10. 3 minutes ago, candide said:

    Which leads to the question Trump's fans are safely avoiding. In case this laptop story were true, which crime would Joe Biden have committed?

    A (1) reasonable question to ask is when did these deals get put together in China, even if these email detail a deal and the dates are after his time in office, when did the deals get put together. It would seem that would be while Biden was in office as that would be when Hunter originally went to China with his Father. A reasonable question? (2) Concerning Ukraine, were there similar arrangements as to money splits for the "big guy"? and also for other Countries involved here as well. Reasonable questions.


    Even if all of the China dealings are proved to have taken place after Biden leaving office it is troubling to me, as he is running for President and appears to have recently made deals for a lot of money in China, and I want to know.  Reasonable also I think.


    As for the crime committed - no questions are being avoided, in fact many questions are being asked. I await Biden to answer them instead of hiding away from the press and refusing to answer. Let's start with were you aware of Hunter's business in Ukraine. Did you in fact meet with officials from Burisma? Did you make any money on the deal? Did you know of your son's business, he has previously said he has no idea what his son was doing. I doubt that.

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  11. 3 hours ago, heybruce said:

    Everything in my post was true.  You have posted nothing to refute it.


    Now you are implying that the DOJ, under a Trump sycophant appointee, withheld evidence pertinent to the impeachment hearings that would have aided Trump.  You really come across across as being off the deep end.

    I am implying specifically that the some people at the FBI may have purposefully withheld information that was on the Hard drive from members of Congress during the Impeachment hearing. I say that because the FBI was in possession of the hard drive during the impeachment hearing. There is no question of that.  Therefore knowing that, I think it is a reasonable question to ask of the FBI as to why they did not release information to the Congress. Wouldn't you agree? Wouldn't you want to ask the FBI director why that is?

    • Like 2
  12. 3 hours ago, simple1 said:

    My understanding is there is allegedly a mix of real and false content on the HD/s, until forensic examination is completed I'll take it all with a ton of salt. trump has blocked all forensic examination of his personal business and family matters, not a whisper of concern from trump supporters / repub politicians, although they have a long track record of highly questionable business dealing and malfeasance, even with charities monies. The email you refer to, I assume no criminality has been confirmed. Even so the environment is so toxic, IMO current US political space has been ruined by trump. In the meantime trump and family malfeasance is conveniently being shrouded in a massive maze of denial / defection generated by trump and his enablers.

    I would like to know where you "understanding" comes from that there is a "mix of real and false content on the HD/s" Can you tell me where you read that? Do you have a link or source? I have not read that anywhere that a claim is made that false content was on the hard drive. I think that if a claim is being made that there is false content by anyone that is someone attempting to put the entire content into question. again please provide your source.

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  13. 1 minute ago, Eric Loh said:

    Can we take Rudy seriously. He is a grifter and a joke. A pale shadow of his past as the major of NYC.


    You are only posting smear because that is what you do. The election will be on Nov 3. The Biden laptop is real or it isn't.  The Chinese communist party will go away or it wont.

    • Sad 1
  14. 1 minute ago, placeholder said:

    Let me put it to you like this: Trump has publicly stated he has issues with Wray and Barr because they won't act on prosecuting Barack Obama, Joe Biden, etc. He isn't threatening Ratcliffe.

    Why should he threaten Ratcliffe? and what does Ratcliffe have to do with former officials in the Obama administration or Obama himself? I do not follow your logic here. Again, I understand you do not like President Trump. I understand you believe that the Biden laptop is somehow fake, or of no importance, I get it. Let's just wait and see what happens. Your commentary or mine has no effect on that. As for the election itself. It's coming very soon. Again, I have voted already. Not sure about if this has any real meaning for you at all.

    • Haha 1
  15. 5 minutes ago, placeholder said:

    Ratcliffe has no authority to speak for the FBI. The FBI has not supported what Ratcliffe maintains. It neither confirms not denies. Which is what you'd expect it to do if an investigation were underway.

    He is the director of National Intelligence. He is responsible for passing intelligence to the Congress of the USA for briefing. Are you saying he went on national television and told a purposeful lie to deceive the American public? That (1) really there is intelligence that says that Russians are behind this laptop, and he decided not to tell anyone? Or (2) that the info was not passed to him? Or (3) he has the info and purposefully is deceiving? Which of the above is your theory. Come on everyone play along chose your conspiracy theory 1 2 or 3?

    • Haha 1
  16. 15 minutes ago, Jeffr2 said:

    You laid it out well.  You don't want to hear bad things about your idol.  That's typical of Trump supporters.  Sad to say.


    Easy to get around the firewall.  Super easy.  But only if you are interested in reading a great source for news.

    Again, Trump is not my Idol. I do not read the NY times I consider it a rag. I didn't read them when I lived in NYC either. I don't need you to advise me on what would be a great source of news.   Perhaps if I was a young man of about 12 or so I would need that kind of advice, but not now.  I pretty much have them all down, unless you want to recommend a good aggregator app. One which allows me to remove and add sources.

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