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Damual Travesty

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Posts posted by Damual Travesty

  1. The same Ipso/Reuters poll predicted that Hillary Clinton would have a 90 percent chance of winning enough electoral college votes to win the 2016 Presidential election. SEE: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-election-polls/how-the-polls-including-ours-missed-trumps-victory-idUSKBN1343O6


    If anyone has not caught on yet, these polls are all pretty much meaningless. In general, we are still to far out to make any predictions, especially in a USA with so many rapidly changing events.


    Polls can tell you based upon calling X amount of people out of a population of Y we can get a sample, and based upon the sample size out of population you get a +/- percentage, but such polls have absolutely no way of determining how many people are simply lying through their teeth when the pollster calls them.


    In the case of Trump voters they came to the believe long ago that anyone who calls their house is pretty much the enemy.


    And yes, even if a poll results were to claim Trump was cruising to victory I still would not put any faith in it.

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  2. 1 hour ago, whaleboneman said:

    It may be time for America to change its police force from white to black.

    America has no police force. Individual cities have there own police forces, and states generally have a Statewide traffic enforce (Think California Highway Patrol). These cities police forces in most cases, and the exceptions being those who are not in compliance with their own laws which are rare, all are fully integrated police forces and reflect the ethnicity of the communities they serve. There is no such thing according to statistical evidence of disproportionate shootings of black Americans by white police officers. This is a myth.

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