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Jack Hna

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Posts posted by Jack Hna

  1. Recently I have began to loathe people in uniforms. Especially nurses. Just get changed and maybe realise if your so pristine after being at work all day. Maybe you not doing the job properly. Uniforms seem like some kind of look at me authoritarian tool. Even with all this pandemic going on it does not seem to dawn on anyone that the uniform is potentially contaminating people and making immune systems weaker.

    • Confused 4
    • Sad 2
  2. 17 minutes ago, Tanoshi said:

    Firstly, I am not trying to be contemptuous, or mocking your situation, just giving you an insight for any future plans you may have to stay long term in Thailand.


    To apply for an annual extension of stay, you must initially have a Non O Visa

    Applying for the Non O at Immigration from a VE, or TV entry is a prelude to obtain the 1 year extension.

    You must be 50 years of age to apply on the basis of retirement - you obviously don't qualify.

    You must be legal married to a Thai national to apply on the basis of marriage - again you don't qualify.

    You must be the legalised Father of a child born to a Thai citizen to apply based on Thai child - unfortunately being named on the child's birth certificate does not make you the legalised Father.


    Under Thai law if the child was born out of wedlock, it is clear who the Mother is, but not so the Father, unless you later marry. If the woman is married the law assumes the husband is the Father. If the woman is not married the law makes no such assumptions about the Father. As it stands you have no parental rights or legal obligations to that child.

    Immigration would therefore not accept your application based on Thai child with the only proof being named on the Childs birth certificate. You would require a Court Order to legalise you as the Childs biological Father.

    Please read this link to understand your position under Thai law.



    When a baby is born, it is clear who the mother is. Who the father is remains the question. If the mother is married the the law will assume that the husband is the father of the child. It doesn't matter who makes the registration.
    However, if the mother is not married, the law makes no such assumption and the father being named on the the birth certificate is not enough. After all,anyone can be named on the birth certificate as the father, without that person knowing let alone agreeing. In that case the father has to legitimize the child, with which he acknowledge before the law that he is the father of the child.



    Unfortunately, I therefore don't see any way forward for you to remain in Thailand beyond Sept 26th.

    You mentioned planning to take your daughter and wife back to your home Country and your remaining time may be better spent on getting your daughter a (Nordic) Passport and researching how to apply for a Visa for your g/f.


    This is probably not the answer you were looking for, but unfortunately this is your current situation.

    There will be a concession. It's just going to be painful waiting for it.


    All because you have to be 50 to park 20k in an account. Such an antiquated ruling. Should be able to do regardless of age but I digress.



    • Like 1
  3. 1 hour ago, The33 said:

    I dont see how that is relevant, if I would be old enough to qualify for a retirement visa, I wouldve brought that up, Im in my 30s, with a nordic passport..

    Im not married, no.. I am however the legalised father of my daughter, my name is on the birth certificate and so on... So I do qualify for a non o, but I cant apply for a Non O because of what I wrote in my first post, explaining why, that 1 day overstay that the IO convinced me to do, to come back the day after bringing my daughter with me instead, have the 60 day extension instead of the emergency visa that I had all the paperwork and everything set up for, and being there on the day of expiration date in the first place... It was also mentioned that Im on a 60-day visa extension to visit my daughter now (so I dont know where you read that Im not the legalized father?), expired end of May, which has been extended by the cabinet, for now.. So not on overstay now, and according to UbonJoe and a few others, the IOs are misinterpreting the rule... So I should be allowed to apply for a non o, but they wont let me because of that "made up" reason...

    They know standing there with my daughter which is 8 months in my arms, I will pay the fee that an agent demands to not leave, like another on here mentioned, they now got leverage.. 

    Recent visit to my local office resulted in similar frustration. I was even told I can only get a non O by being married and no such visa was available as a father. Rather than argue with the head IO I just explained I need to stay I even asked her to refer an agent and she said they will not help in my situation. She did volunteer one bit of info though. Got the impression she was trying her best. She said a medical certificate could get you 30 days. So some kind  of letter from your embassy plus a medical examiners declaration.


    She had no reason to mention that.





    • Like 1
  4. 17 minutes ago, Mike Teavee said:

    If you've have quoted more of my post, I went on to say that I know it's not immigration's decision to make, however somebody on the committee that's making decision will have Immigration as part of his portfolio so through him they do have some influence at the table & he'll be keen not to lose face by making his department look like they're making a (well publicised) U-turn.


    Again, you're playing a very dangerous game by just sitting there & waiting to see what happens, at least have a viable Plan B ready in case things do not go as you're expecting them to. 


    Uturns are part and parcel and the very reason why the requirements are all different in different IO offices. They uturned the bubble plans and will likely uturns the Phuket plans when they realise there is zero bookings. The seeds of doubt are sown do not worry it's the world we live in at present. No point running to agents to solve problems they cannot solve. Already heavily documented how dodgy agents are. They are not saviours.

  5. 53 minutes ago, Mike Teavee said:


    Given Immigration made it clear that this was the last "extension" and everybody had to either get their visa/permission to stay sorted or leave by 26th September, I think there is zero chance that they will simply/automatically "Extend" things again for 4 months & < 10% chance of them extending it for 1 month - I know it's not immigration's decision but somebody who sits on the committee that makes the decision will have it as part of his portfolio & will not want to lose face.


    More likely Immigration will stick to it's statement & anybody still in-country who doesn't have permission to stay on the 27th September will be on overstay.


    Even more likely is there will be some sort of compromise & some people e.g. people with Thai spouse/children or can get a letter from their embassy will be able to get an extension, but will need to report in person to an immigration office & anybody who could have extended before the date would have some explaining to do...  People on VE or TVs will be expected to leave... 



    Granted not everybody will agree with my guesses, but I think most would agree that it's not (at this point in time) in anyway a certainty or "A Goer" that there will be any form of automatic extension




    Uturns are common place here, things get said but are not always are followed through. All the tightening of the requirements ideas will be shelved and the make hay whilst the sun shines ideals will be more prevalent than before.


    Maybe an amnesty extension is not the option but I believe there will be options besides the ones being given so much airtime.





    • Like 1
  6. It's a goer. We been here before there has been zero change the decree is extended Thailand is not resuming as normal and an extension of 4 months in one go is coming.


    They made logical decisions so far and have actually forefeited revenues other countries have collected. No immigration officer has a clue and unless the amnesty last time included some very precise wording about being the finale, it's on.



    • Like 2
  7. 1 hour ago, daveAustin said:

    Op, guessing you're either a bit green or new to online fora. TV is one of the biggest expat forums so you're always going to get a swathe of opinions (and why not), especially in a place that houses millions of mongerers :tongue:... but of course you're doing the missionary or are visiting the elephants and beaches. I understand. Look, most of it is tongue in cheek but I would be more wary of folk that are not on it, or won't admit to it. 


    But, yes, Ubon is a gem, certainly in visas. But there are many shining lights if you would follow. You will come across the likes of Sheryl (who has helped so many), lopburi3 and numerous general members lending out there knowledge and experience. So let's avoid being typical and knocking the whole site because of what someone said. 


    Amnesty: believe nothing has beyond Sep deadline. 

    I stopped at guessing to be honest. You keep guessing I'll keep stopping.


  8. 3 hours ago, Coronazorro said:

    Anyone considering Cambodia as a last minute resort? If I’m right the extra cost would be just 150 USD for the tests if you get lucky and nobody test positive in your flight.

    Seems like a scam in cam that whole deal. 1 person tests positive your all done for and they already got your payment in advance and that's $1500 down the swanny.


    Something's gonna open up. 


    Nepal may be an option.



    • Like 1
  9. Just now, BananaBandit said:

    There's a guy named "geezer" in the language section who is very knowledgeable.


    And, in general, I think I bring a fair bit to the forum as well. 

    Well if you are so concerned about the remark gents please feel free to create a thread titled. Most helpful and revered members.

    Let's stay on point on this one please I believe it's a very real very important very current matter that needs to balance the forum versus all the Need an agent see an agent contact an agent. Let's not suppress this one please.



  10. Just now, kingofthemountain said:

    I don't want to be off topic but if you allow me a remark


    you are totally right on Ubon Joe, he is one of the most 

    knowledgeable about the visas and always ready to help


    but your statement is imo a little bit unfair for all the others members

    most of them are nice guys, yes they use irony and sarcasm, but they are

    pleasant to read and often helpfull when they can in many areas (Farming,

    real estate, family and so on) 


    still few exceptions but it's the same % of trolls\rudes\morons you have everywhere in the world (Usually beetwen 1 and 5% wherever the place you are)


    It is not my words. I have travelled far and wide and I often have the pleasure of sharing a couple of beverages with a local bar or restaurant owner. My choice of place will always be based on reviews and I'm always looking for places who are not a flash in the pan. So these guys I listen to have my ears as they have years and years of knowledge and whilst I may know a thing or two on happy to listen and it's not 3-4 people were talking virtually every person I ever met. 


    I never met one person who even admitted being a member. 


    World class visa category. Not all bad, look on the bright side.

    • Haha 1
  11. Why not just send them a video showing a load of photos of past with your mother along with a shot of your passport and a declaration that you agree to the sale. Mention and prove the date on the video.


    Maybe those solictors will then realise common sense prevails and take it upon themselves to realise they have got the proof you requested and the fact it is visual, historical and documented should be more than sufficient.





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  12. Just now, alexth said:

    They hate us because we.re bringing the new that they think they don't need. They hate us because we inspire the youth to think and analyze. A bunch of low expectational stinking dinosaurs!

    Yh it's a joke how old all these heads are. Seriously I cannot believe any just do not pop there clogs whilst in office. I even wondered if they were just wearing saggy face masks and some other guys pretending to be them. 



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