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Jack Hna

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Posts posted by Jack Hna

  1. Seems people did not realise that this amnesty puts everyone in limbo and there is no fix. Get married get visa not happening if you on an amnesty. Got a kid and want a non O and on Amnesty, not happening. There is no precedent. The absolute best thing you can do is get your affairs in order so when it does return to normality and borders are open you can get your old style 90  day take another 60 and then get the 1 year. Or maybe that's now too risky and best to get a 1 year and forefeit 5 months. 


    I have had to realise this recently, my 90+60 5 year affair is over and it's time to up the anti and get the 1 year job.


    Preparing the Mrs for a period of seperation these next months. Maybe it will come maybe not and we will get further amnesties but I am keeping a look out for possible relocations for a short wait it out period. Very open to hearing others plans b & c. Yes maybe the period will not be short so plan accordingly fellas. It's a rough ride.



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  2. 4 hours ago, ThaiFelix said:

    I too have been having more and more problems as time passes and it started before Covid.  I now only do COD because drivers had a habit of dropping my orders off where ever they felt like it in the village.  However according to Lazada ID must be shown to the driver before handing it over.  I used to get emails from lazada advising every step, and I always knew it would come the following day.  The drivers used to phone...no more?  


    My latest disappointment, and I admit it started with my bad, is that I gave the wrong phone number for wife.  She had some phone problems and changed her number but didnt tell me until the day after I ordered.  I immediately changed the number on my a/c profile and tried to advise new number with regards to current order.  They dont want to know.  I messaged the supplier but told me order already despatched.  However Lazada says not picked up till next day??


    But what really puzzles me, considering we are living in the 21st century, and everyone has a mobile phone, that no-one can actually get on the phone and call or sms the number change?

    The other thing is the driver cant find me even though I am the only farang in the village (and obvious from my name on my order) and been here so long most locals know me, or of me??


    And then to top it all off I get all these emails wanting me to rate their service but no-one is interested and nothing changes??


    I am seriously looking for an alternative to Lazada.

    All you need to do is address it to your wife. Your name becomes an obstacle to the driver. Normal Thai name, no curiousity, no fear, just a standard delivery. But yes Lazada has become a pain of late. 

  3. Just now, Grumpy one said:

    They have changed the delivery company in my area

    Kerry were great, a phone call in the morning and another about 1mhour before delivery.

    Now they have Lex Th. and its a hit an miss affair that takes close to a week to get my orders

    Yh that's lazadas own firm your right that's the difference these boys are pants.  Chap saying it cannot be done. What planet is this Bangkok bimbo living on.

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  4. The shoddy delivery is the current state of play. They also used to call ahead. Makes no sense to just turn up once hoping people are in. Needs a click and collect or depot option this current system is awful. 3 hour window can be done it's not difficult and even you could track them like grab can be tracked.  Much room for improvement.

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  5. It's a very bad idea.


    Firstly you are gifting something to a child who may have envious immoral elders around them when you are gone. I shall not go into detail about what could happen but it's a real thing even if you like to think otherwise.


    It's a conundrum I too often think about. The problems I see right now is you sound like you are already sacrificing your child by living out in the sticks. What good will that do her? 


    Sending her to the only option of a school for miles just so you get a tranquill low cost of living surrounded by whom and what?


    I sometimes wonder if a child is actually better off in Pattaya growing up seeing all the world through all those lenses versus a child who has  lived almost innocently for so long and then likely had some form of breakdown in relationship and faced Pattaya naive and completely unprepared.









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  6. Best anyone can do is prepare for the worst but I have heard this amnesty is live until everything is back to normal. Heard it today as a guy was crying to IO and the IO was not happy with the amount in the office and just said the truth. It was a shocker but anyone who was there today knows she was telling the truth. She said if you cannot handle the truth stay and we will do it the other way and give you assurance you need. (Tea money way) couple of guys stayed. Mugs



    • Haha 1
  7. Never had any issues with Lazada but I do not process the orders and I'm wondering if we are missing a trick.


    The last 3 C.O.D orders we have not been at home and each time Mrs has advised we back in 1 hour and each time instead of coming back or trying on a different day or just calling ahead of time, they return goods to seller.


    We used to get a notification one day ahead but not recently and I am wondering is there a special instructions one must put on order for driver to call ahead to ensure someone is available? 



  8. Process sounds extremely accurate as per our experiences 3 years ago. My Mrs went along and sorted it whilst I looked after the newborn. Did take a few hours and she had to push a few matters when they tried to object to stuff. Whoever is saying they could not get a certain name put on the very got gamed. I walk into pizza hit and get the same excuse or the other day a security guard said I could not leave a complex. Too many wannabes wearing a uniform. Got to insist.

  9. 1 hour ago, chickenslegs said:

    Not promoting fried chicken as a daily diet but, if you have a "Texas Chicken" branch near you, give it a try. IMHO miles better than KFC.

    I recommend the Mexican Wrap, but they have non-spicey too.

    Texas Chicken ร้านไก่ทอดร้านใหม่อยากให้มาลองค่าาา ++++

    2nd this. 


    Tastewise Texas is far superior but the bad news is they do not have many outlets outside BKK at present.


    About 15 outlets in BKK all at PTT gas stations and 1 at a PTT in Khon kaen but the real business on Texas goes through grab and they have loads of promotions. Mexican wrap is very good. 


  10. On 3 years it will be this soi and after that, that soi, but your already out the loop so hold onto to your memories and move on pal.

  11. I was and if the option was still there a remainer, but now we have played our hand and covid has helped us realise our position early, difficult. Whilst things maybe not how they were, leaving without a deal allows us to show the EU what hundreds of years of networking globally has done. We are a superpower and we have the backing of the US and of they mess with us you know the US will honour us and do a sweeter deal and that will prompt EU to bend over and lube up.


    It's Great Britain for a reason and it's time to ensure nobody ever forgets that again.


    We did a deal with the EU once we will do a better deal very soon. 


    Sturgeon shut up time to fall inline you are not even a hair on our British ass.




    • Haha 1
  12. He may be 18 but if you are from the West you should know 18 is young to leave home there and here a kid of 18 on his own knows next to nothing. You knew the deal 3 years ago so stop quitting and figure out a plan for this kid or just be a quitter. I am sure that will make you happy. If not, be a man and deal with the issue the smart way. 15 year olds are harder to deal with than 18 year olds it could get better. 



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  13. I think the OP is fretting way to early.


    Let's look at it realistically.


    25 years in business


    24 years viable


    If it was teetering on the brink in those last 24 where's the backstory.


    Guys worried about his pile of Inheritance for the wife.




    I'm hearing words like prime location.


    You basically have the same problem as every other business in your sector.


    It's a blip, calm down take a rest write off the next 12 months and if you, and you should btw, have a sound financial footing for at least 18 months after the next 12 (reserves) and still have a decent amount to leave the wife after factoring the above.


    Ride it out.

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