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  1. Whichever bank you have your 800k in for extensions, yes a Thai bank. They want to see all bankbook page copies back to your previous extension date and the first page that states it's your account in your name. And a 12 month bank statement if it's your 2nd extension or more with a bank letter guarantee it's your account
  2. I know a fella who revealed his US monthly pension ( a hefty amount ) amount to his Thai gf.........why????????????
  3. The two holes punched through it shows it's cancelled, some Embassies cut the top corners off.
  4. Yes indeed, years ago with the required money in the bank using an agent in Bangkok and she increased her fee 5000 baht yearly.......I did not like the agent running her eyes through my 12 month statement as well, big money for photocopies ! do it yourself if you have the 800k.......!!!!!
  5. I believe the fella to Thaksin's right was the appointed PM after the young ( Harvard Graduate ) Mr Pita had a resounding election win by the voting public......now the Thaksin family again.......'Democracy' not here !
  6. The photo says it all !...... the Leader walking in front of the Prime Minister.........😉
  7. Nah.....looks like the Matterhorn he's looking at, got to be Switzerland.......
  8. If you are not a 'yes' people / boot licker, you are fired........., you know the game....
  9. ok Cowboy.........lol
  10. True enough, unless death is imminent in Canada you are on a 6 month wait list, better yet fly to Bangkok get your procedure done pronto..........
  11. Greg Gutfeld the Goof............😉
  12. I counted 4 souls on the 3.5 km long Karon beach February 2021, a glorious time here, bit tough finding a place to eat though.........
  13. The useless Ruble should make it nearly impossible to stay here long term........do your 30 days and get to the Aeroflot Gate....
  14. lol, the Senate will not recess/take a day off, as long as DT is searching and making cabinet picks.........
  15. I think all future 'Overstay Crackdowns' threads should cease............incapable of crackdowns....!

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