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Global Moderator
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Everything posted by metisdead

  1. Some off topic posts bickering about another member's opinions have been removed. Remember, this is a discussion forum, members are allowed to post their opinions. If another member does not agree with the other member's opinions is not an invitation to ridicule the other member: 9. You will not post disruptive or inflammatory messages. You will respect other members and post in a civil manner. Personal attacks, insults or hate speech posted on the forum or sent by private message are not allowed.
  2. A post trolling about Donald Trump has been removed.
  3. A post with an insulting comment directed to another forum member has been removed.
  4. Topic title has been corrected.
  5. Please use discretion in your references to the government. Phrases which can be considered as anti-coup will be removed. Referring to Thailand or the government as a dictatorship, military dictatorship or other such terms will be removed. A post using excessive ALL CAPS has been removed: 5. Do not post text with all capital letters or with over-sized fonts, bold fonts, non-standard fonts, colored fonts or unusually large emojis.
  6. Some posts have been removed as per the following forum rule: 8. You will not post vulgarities, obscenities or profanities.
  7. A post commenting on moderation has been removed. Some troll posts trolling about the worthiness of this article being posted have been removed.
  8. Some off topic posts and the replies have been removed.
  9. An off topic post has been removed.
  10. Off topic posts trolling about Trump and Biden and the replies have been removed. A post with a trolling image has been removed.
  11. A post trolling about Indian people and a reply has been removed. A post with abusive comments to other members has been removed.
  12. Some more off topic posts regarding political choices in other countries have been removed.
  13. A post in which the quoted content had been altered has been removed: 28. You will not make changes to messages quoted from other members posts, except for purposes of shortening the quoted post. Do not shorten any post in a way that alters the context of the original post. Do not change the formatting of the post you are quoting.
  14. A post with content and a link to a Satire site has been removed as a Satire site is not a credible source of news.
  15. Hike on traffic fines delayed, but ticket prices will be consistant Writing news in Thailand frequently means announcing something and then the next day announcing the opposite. And true to form, the new major hike in penalty fines for traffic violations announced before the weekend and scheduled to go into effect yesterday… have been retracted. But when they do go into effect, repeat offenders will be further penalised, and a new system will ensure fines are consistent across all of Thailand. Read more here: https://thethaiger.com/hot-news/transport/hike-on-traffic-fines-delayed-but-ticket-prices-will-be-consistant
  16. Some troll posts trolling about Hitler have been removed.
  17. A post using an oversized emoji and profane language has been removed. A post of a racist trolling nature has been removed.
  18. An off topic post about climate change and a reply has been removed.
  19. Moving to the Health forum for answers.
  20. Off topic posts and the replies have been removed.
  21. Some more troll posts have been reported and removed.
  22. Some more off topic posts and replies have been removed.
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