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Posts posted by Pottinger

  1. Losartan is out of patent and hence there are lots of generics available, so the price is very cheap. If you are in Bangkok, there are a number of good generic pharmacies which will sell it to you OTC without prescription. The same is true of beta-blockers, if you are on a regimen of them too. PM me if you want more info on that.

    As regards dosage, 25mg Losartan sounds on the low side, but I'd hesitate to gainsay either your research or your doctor. If in doubt, I'd see first if 25mg Losartan stabilises your BP within normal parameters. If not then perhaps increase to 50mg daily and continue to monitor BP closely.

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  2. 1 minute ago, EricTh said:

    Is that 12,000 pounds or Thai baht? 


    It is 500k Baht or foreign currency equivalent, seasoned for at least six months, either in Thai or foreign bank account. 

    Quite who would have 500k Baht lying around in a bank account doing almost nothing for so long, just so they can enter Thailand and quarantine for two weeks at exorbitant cost, I leave to you to figure out.

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  3. Reading some of the Pantip comments in the link above, the website appears to be of Chinese origin; several of the commentators mention it having been recommended to them by a 'Chinese friend'. The Chinese-style English in the above screen grab supports that view. The long initial comment at the top of the Pantip page suggests that it's a scam - basically, he started small ($100), his 'investment' went up and he was encouraged to 'invest' more, at which point he 'won' a huge sum ($100k) but had to pay tax on the profit before it would be released...well, I'm sure you know now where the scam comes in.

    In that light, I'm afraid you will be throwing good money after bad by engaging a lawyer. In any country with half-decent rule of law you might expect to file a report with the police and for them  to investigate, but frankly I'm very doubtful that any course you take in Thailand will help recoup your investment. If you still wish to pursue the case, your first action should be to report it at your local police station, I only hope the loss of the sum you put into this is not life-changing.

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