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Posts posted by ikke1959

  1. If the police did their job ....... look at what happens around the schools... How many kids from grade 6 or earlier drive a motorcycle??? where are the helmets and how many can you put on a motorcycle?? Just the police has to check and fine them heavily and also the parents.. Start at the roots of the problem and make people aware of the dangers...Today a girl drove a motocycle on the Phetkasem Road speeding at least 120km hr and no helmet using all the space available behind, next to between and in front of the cars and trucks... Totally nuts.. but who cares???

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  2. You can always do the ceremonial marriage for family and friends, but it has no legal status... Civil Union bill is still not put in vote after more than 6 months approval by the government.. They are deliberately delaying it I suppose

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  3. If education is sooo important for these guys, why don't they abolish that stupid always passing law???? How can you make kids do anything, or even let them think if you will get your certificate at the end without doing anything????  get rid of this law and you will see in 2years time the level of knowledge will be increased. 

    And yes I know there are a lot of teachers who will give the answers of the test to students. But let the education Ministry make the tests and they will check too... in a few years time everything will be different... but this is Thailand and nothing will change 

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  4. There are a lot of small schools with a few student and there are school overloaded.. Divide the student more over the schools and there will be time to teach them. Teachers are ok, but it is the mentality of the students who don't need to do anything. How can you teach 50 students in 50 minutes?? It is 1 minute for a student..So extra help can not be given there is just no time... Education ministry seems nt to know what is really going on in the schools.. Always blame teachers, but the problem are the students backed up by the law 

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