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Posts posted by ikke1959

  1. 6 hours ago, Walter Travolta said:

    HAHA yes Extra Pay - great spot there KK. 

    But do you think a Thai child learning English is best taught by farang with no Thai ability? My point is, a Thai teaching English can obviously speak both languages and can explain better in Thai, what they are requesting, in English?
    An English speaking farang who does not speak Thai has only English to explain things in so if the student doesnt get it, maybe they switch off? After all, my P6 class were taught maths in both languages and some of the were better in Thai maths than English taught maths

    yes indeed... the only problem is you speak with the most Thai English teachers, you can't understand them. their English is very poor and they teach the kids often wrong English. On the other hand I offered my lesson once to teach them Math, because the did not understand what the Thai teacher had taught them about fractions. So I explained it again and practiced with them and at the end they understood it and could do the fractions.

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  2. 1 hour ago, herfiehandbag said:

    I've just completed producing the scores and grades for the year for the classes I teach. It was (as ever) made quite clear to me that everyone was to get at least 65% (grade 2.5).


    I tried to make it as clear as I could, to anyone with half a brain looking at these mark sheets, that anyone getting 65% was an idle knacker who had done no work or made no effort. Any child who has worked, and made an effort, frankly regardless of the standard achieved, got 70% (grade 3). If you look at the spread of marks there is a complete void between 65% and 70%. The only real judgement was applied in deciding between grades 3.5 and 4 (75% and 80%) . At least that is fair to those children who tried, even if their true marks were really in the 60s.

    And you know as well as me that our low scores probably will be changed by the Thai teacher...So mostly I gave them the real points they earned on the blackboard, so that everybody could see the points of their friends.  And zero is zero and 80% is 80% and believe me they know exactly who is participating and who doesn't do anything... but I nailed them and I hoped they would worked harder.... but that is the same as TAT for the tourists now.... hope....

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  3. 17 hours ago, EricTh said:


    I didn't know all these. I applied for an English teacher post before in Thailand but they didn't hire me because I didn't have any teaching experience.


    So no students are allowed to fail in Thai schools?


    Indeed, students can not fail. If they fail they come to school and because they are coming for a second time, they are passed. Of course they have to do a test again, but is not important anymore. As a teacher you are almost obliged to give high scores. low scores makes you a bad teachers. Students know that so they don't work in the lessons. They know the system and the teacher can't do anything, very frustrating, because mostly the teacher are being blamed for the bad results. Students are always the good ones, even as a few weeks ago a teacher get so angry, because she was motivated to teach them. It ended up with her resignation.  There is a lot to change in the education system here

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  4. So business as usual.. Police won't do anything. By complaining the answer always is .. They have the right to make a party... so no problem. Especally when kids of the Phu Baan / police offers or mayors of the tessabaan or amphur are involved...With Songkran near my house a party made by a bunch of boys to celebrate songkran.. Nobody did anything. Ok it were less than 50 kids, but IMO i think Covid can be spread if there 20 together too...anyway.... If they only did their job Thailand would be much better.. But that is an illusion

  5. Of course everything is fine in Thailand .. they make the people happy. Tell lies and manipulate the figures and the majority of Thailand is happy again, because they don't care, They are too busy with earning or borrowing some money to have a living, because jobs are not available at the moment, and the rich stopped spending their holidays because there are too  much days off. Everything is going down except the figures... grow grow grow...

  6. 52 minutes ago, Amplish said:

    I don't think that is correct. I agree it would make sense, but the numbers reported are broken down as domestic cases (1477), pro-active case finding (288) and imported cases (2). In the OP the 288 cases are referred to as: "were imported from people entering quarantine". So except for the 2 imported cases, the rest are all locally transmitted, domestic cases.

    It looks like they want to show the Thai people that the foreigners or aliens are to blame for high numbers.. 

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