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Posts posted by scammed

  1. 50 minutes ago, JCauto said:

    I see - so if you have a majority in the Congress and the Presidency, then you should balance the budget is your point. You are of course aware that Trump had a majority in the Congress and the Presidency, as well as no pressing financial crisis and a strong economy, so therefore he obviously balanced the budget. Right?

    You know of course that he didn't even attempt to. As jcsmith has ably pointed out, the Republicans only care about deficits when they're in the opposition, they've never been fiscally responsible when they're in power in modern times. No, YOUR President actually gave away 2 Trillion (that's a "T", not a "B") in deficit spending as a free bonus to wealthy corporations who then promptly spent it on stock buybacks to raise their stock prices so that they could then claim massive bonuses in salary for being such fine CEOs. Of course, then COVID-19 hits and they're caught without cash reserves and have to go straight back to the government trough to beg for more money after having just been handed a Brinks' truckful a few short years prior. 

    What's that you fiscally conservative Republicans always say about the poor? Why don't they save for a rainy day? Why do they always depend on government handouts? If only they behaved like wealthy corporations, eh?

    im not republican, conservative, and trump aint my president,

    i just think biden is even worse.

    bush jr might out edge obama as the most irresponsible president ever

    with the drug prescription bill.

    why do you americans dont refuse to vote on candidates that doesnt

    make balanced budget the ~~top~~ ONLY priority anyway ?

  2. 6 minutes ago, jcsmith said:

    Okay I'll play along. What did Obama do that was so detrimental to the country? Bush gave us 9/11, and the economic collapse. Trump gave us the largest health crisis in ages, turned all of our allies against us, and was caught red-handed trying to cheat in the election twice, and is trying again with mail in ballots. Obama recovered us from the financial crisis,  and got our economy back on track. What negative things did he have that are on par with those two?

    he was particularly bad, because he had the majority to balance budget,

    but instead he went in the opposite direction and wasted tax money on 'green alternatives' through subsidies, and didnt even try to balance budget.

    the rest at least to a degree can be excused for being blocked left and right,

    but obama had a unique opportunity through popularity to get anywhere

  3. 17 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

    “[Submarines] are not meant for combat with any country. They are a strategic weapon to protect sovereignty,” he said, adding that, “everybody will be held responsible for the consequences” of failure to procure the “strategic weapon”.

    pardon me but that is factually wrong, unless the subs carry long range ballistic missiles.

    strategic by definition means strategic reach, as in intercontinental reach

    • Sad 1
  4. 4 hours ago, Srikcir said:

    June 2017:

    "The first Bt13.5 billion submarine's procurement was approved by the junta government in late April for the Navy to open a seven-year binding agreement with a Chinese state-owned company a few weeks later."

    (my italics)


    As the junta leadership is still in essence still in control of the Thai government, China's consent seems to be necessary for any changes to the sub purchases. The Thai government seems to have little to no independent say in the matter.

    ah, ok they signed the dotted line, backing out means penalties,

    its regrettable but its already signed

  5. On 8/21/2020 at 12:09 PM, SCOTT FITZGERSLD said:

    the COVID-19 made

    it much more dangerous, more crime, robberies and assaults

    i think the virus did none of the list you presented,

    but the knee jerk shut down certainly did.

    i know quite many thais that lost their job, i had to lend out money

    to my oldest friend in thailand.

    and i know the bargirls either left altogether and or live on a pittance.

    i drove by soi diamond next to walking street a couple of days ago at 8 pm,

    normally its crowded, but this time i didnt see a single human,

    its a zombie town.

    without tourist money, and thailand also doubled down

    and enforced curfew, resturants/hotels/bars no longer generate money,

    they cant pay staff and the staff still need money but they cant earn it,

    therefore next step is stealing

  6. 6 minutes ago, Morch said:


    "....statistics show that a soldier miss over 10.000 bullets before he get one hit in combat,..."


    Sure. Because all combat situations are the same. All targets faced during combat are moving. Got to love them statistics. Very useful when trying to make a point. Guess the conclusion is that there was no other recourse but to shoot him seven times in the back. Gotcha.



    the police in usa clearly have a policy of 'better safe then sorry',

    and i believe they formed that policy based on frequency of

    suspects picking up a gun. i think both this police policy

    and the high frequency of suspects being armed with guns

    is unique to usa, you would need to confiscate the vast majority

    of all guns in usa if you want police to keep their gun in their holster

    • Like 1
  7. 4 minutes ago, MikeN said:


    It has been a few years since I last went to church but I cannot remember anything about that in the Bible...maybe they have a different God to what my parents and the Church of England tried to brainwash me with at Sunday School.

     But then, this is Trumpland.

    the right to self defense is universal, name me one country in the world

    that doesnt give that basic right

  8. 1 hour ago, Rookiescot said:

    The two gun nuts owned the entire gated community?

    No damage was done at all to their property and if you watch the videos at no point were they under threat.

    Indeed after having obtained their firearms they approached the demonstrators in a threatening manner  going so far as to point their weapons at the crowd. 

    the woman did, not the man, but in spite of this, the man

    was in a better position to faster fire accurately if necessary,

    she really need an instructor.

    at least she had the most basic in her in that she didnt have her finger on the trigger,

    not too shabby

  9. anyone going to thailand will have to spend 2 weeks in quarantine in koh samui,

    after which their vacation usually end and they have to go back to work,

    its not going to be any recovery worth mention.

    another curfew is going to be enacted in 6 days.

    i drove past walking street yesterday 8 pm,

    and OMG i didnt see a single human there,

    i pity the many that made a livelihood on tourism

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