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Everything posted by DBath

  1. Stopped smoking - except for cannabis....I'm sorry, but that's hilarious.
  2. Only once per day????
  3. I had a sedentary job and I traveled weekly by plane for 20+ years and had an expense account which allowed me to eat wherever I wanted whenever I wanted. I never ate junk, but a combination of being able to eat and drink at the best restaurants and having a job where I sat on my a** all day in meetings or in my office pretty much did me in. I'm well on my way back to my target weight now though and I'm honestly amazed I can walk as much as I can at 260 lbs,but I was 376 when I started and that was tough. This morning I walked 11.7 miles, it took me just over 3 hours and I feel great. Adverse conditions like heart disease, cancer nor other illnesses do not run in my family.
  4. I eat healthy foods that I like and limit my intake of red meats. My wife is an amazing cook and she makes me something different every day, always healthy. In 2020, when I moved to Thailand from the US and I weighed 376 lbs - I now weigh 260. I lost the weight by walking and leaving behind my office job where I sat on my a** all day. Today, in Spain, I average walking 8 miles per day (retirement affords me the time to do so) and I'm eating one meal per day. The one meal per day has gotten me back on track with my weight loss, as my target weight is 195 lbs. I drink all the beer I want - I'm not EVER giving that up, though I may reduce it a bit. I feel happier and healthier now, even at 260 lbs, than I did when I played sports back in the day and my blood pressure is steadily optimal.
  5. Bitch (can I say that?)
  6. I'm sorry, but your posts are way too <deleted> long and too cryptic, I was following you for a bit, but have long since lost interest.
  7. That's so cool @jvs, I wish I had pursued my deep interest in music and been even as connected as you were. My grandmother taught me to cherish music when I was a child - she even used have me sing for her party guests when I was 4 years old. One of her friends even gave me an acoustic guitar and I never learned how to play it. I've always loved music and even have a pretty good singing voice, because of my grandmother's influence. I biggest regret is not going that direction with my life. I did buy myself a Fender Strat two years ago and have been teaching myself how to play.
  8. The Smithereens - A Girl Like You...
  9. Dingo (...ate my baby!)
  10. I love the guitar and vocals on this version, had not heard it before.
  11. The eagles - Try and Love Again...
  12. Impossible for me to choose @jvs, both of these songs are deep. Plus, I went to literally every Eagle's Concert that rolled through Colorado when I lived there - way back in the day and there many of their songs I love, needless to say I'm a huge fan. What strikes me about these two songs is the way man misleads man into believing things in order to become manipulated. One tells the story of immigration, raping of the land and justifying the terrible things that were wrought upon the American Indians, while the other seems to tell the story of someone far away from home for a false cause - that's my 50,000 foot level interpretation anyway. Your thoughts?
  13. Bachman Turner Overdrive - Roll On Down The Highway...
  14. Jackson Browne - That Girl Could Sing...
  15. Atlanta Rhythm Section - Do It Or Die...
  16. Atlanta Rhythm Section - So Into You...
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