I eat healthy foods that I like and limit my intake of red meats. My wife is an amazing cook and she makes me something different every day, always healthy. In 2020, when I moved to Thailand from the US and I weighed 376 lbs - I now weigh 260. I lost the weight by walking and leaving behind my office job where I sat on my a** all day. Today, in Spain, I average walking 8 miles per day (retirement affords me the time to do so) and I'm eating one meal per day. The one meal per day has gotten me back on track with my weight loss, as my target weight is 195 lbs. I drink all the beer I want - I'm not EVER giving that up, though I may reduce it a bit. I feel happier and healthier now, even at 260 lbs, than I did when I played sports back in the day and my blood pressure is steadily optimal.