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Everything posted by DBath

  1. Of course I love the music, but I love all kinds of music. Have you ever heard that song by The Alan Parsons Project? It’s the one titled: “I Wouldn’t Want to be Like You”. You can Google the lyrics, then sit back and imagine it’s exactly what I would say to you - verbatim.
  2. I wouldn’t bother coming here if I were you. The people here are nice, friendly and they have good manners (translation: not a good fit for you).
  3. It’s no different than many Brits I know on here who reside in the UK. Besides, I still have friends here I keep in contact with - and thankfully, you’re not one of them.
  4. Does it make you feel stoic and proud to brag about being such an under-achiever? And you criticized me earlier for being proud if my accomplishments and coming out of poverty. You’re a real piece of work aren’t you, Cheap Charlie??
  5. How sweet, another assuming liberal under-achiever who hasn’t figured out how to use the ‘Quote’ link at the bottom of a post. As it clearly shows in my profile header info, I don’t live in Thailand I live in Spain, which is a wonderful place - probably too good for the likes of you, so please stay where you are.
  6. The best bongos and drums piece that comes to mind and - of course - Santana makes it what it is.
  7. In your case, I doubt you needed to pretend, all you had to do was act naturally. ????
  8. There's nothing wrong with being proud of one's accomplishments in life. I make no apologies and I'll bet you're quite the expert when it comes to participation trophies and consolation prizes. ????
  9. You started it, pal.
  10. It's all they have, since there's literally nothing to brag about regarding #46 and his clown show.
  11. I'm neither full of anger or resentment. I made a comment about resenting someone placing a label on me unjustly. IMO, it's a pretty big leap to say, "many people who are successful self-made men are full of anger and resentment". Perhaps you could give their names, so I could have a point of reference?
  12. Rainy Night in Georgia - Brook Benton
  13. I’ve listened to her enough to know she’s full of ‘it’. To be honest, I can’t stand her lies and her exaggerated and made up ‘facts’ - she literally makes me sick. I always immediately switch her off so I won’t have to waste my time listening to her BS or even watch one of her many televised gaffes.
  14. It’s delusional for you to imply that Republicans/conservatives have cornered the market when it comes to BSing. As far as ‘insulting the intelligence of Democrats’, well that’s impossible, because they don’t have any.
  15. I’m not sure which I detest more, people who were stupid enough to vote for her or those who would try to justify her as intelligent by blowing smoke up everyone’s ass, like you’re trying to do.
  16. Wow, that’s rich. I’m sorry, but you lost me at ‘…if you hear AOC speak she is clearly intelligent and has interesting things to say.’ Too bad few - if any - words she has to say involve actual facts. I guess half truths can be ‘interesting’, if you’re a flaming liberal leftist. IMO, AOC is as dumb as a box of rocks.
  17. People like you always request a link to explain things the rest of us can discover by reading various credible news sources and figuring it out for ourselves.
  18. Yeah, I'm an old straight 'white dude'... and I'm proud of it. I resent being labeled by ignorant liberal flamers like you. I have more in common with black people and other minorities than I do your kind. I grew up poor and still became a success and I know what it's like to be looked down upon and ridiculed. Why don't you try overcoming that stigma, junior. I made more of myself than most of my friends and others who grew up privileged (like you probably were). Nobody came to my defense and I never needed to make excuses for being a 'straight white man' as you call it. You're the true definition of an uneducated racist.
  19. I think so, if not there should be. I find it annoying and petty.
  20. North (Peter)
  21. I kind of agree with the first part of your post, but you forgot to mention Liz Cheney and Lauren Boebert. Still, all those names pale in comparison to these crazies: Fetterman, AOC, Pelosi, Ilhan Omar, Chuck Schumer, Maxine Waters, Adam Schiff, Rashida Tlaib, Gavin Newsom, Eric ‘Swillwell’, Gretchen Whitmer, Kamala Harris and POTUS #46 - just to name few.
  22. OMG, do you honestly think that good grammar and spelling are only exhibited by those on the left??? That’s a good one ????????. I think I’ll nominate your comment as ‘poster child’ for how liberals like to generalize and make assumptions - these are clearly liberal traits.
  23. Your indulged over-generalizations and grand assumptions really don’t project much maturity. In fact they make you sound like the ‘spoilt child’ you just referred to - bitter even.
  24. Wow, that’s a real mouthful there….I can tell you’re the type who goes to great lengths to describe anyone who disagrees with you, but perhaps many of those ‘right wingers’ you refer to in your rant are simply better at saying what’s needed by using fewer words and labels than you. ????
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