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Everything posted by DBath

  1. Very interesting… nowhere in your definition does it mention removal of statues that are historically significant, erasure of controversial history or burning and looting of businesses owned by hardworking and innocent people. Shouldn’t those items be included in your wonderful definition?
  2. I think it would be most fitting were you to keep repeating this phrase - whilst looking into that mirror of yours.
  3. Have you seen Disney’s stock price lately?
  4. Oh come on, OMF…are you sure you’re not just trying to justify that horribly racist screen name of yours? ????????????
  5. I always thought a “shrimp on a barbie” was slang for an Australian man having sex with a female. ????????????
  6. Woke = Broke (see Disney stock price; also NBA and NFL viewership)
  7. Propaganda and poppycock…this dude probably got an ‘A’ in both Critical Race Theory and Gender Ideology to cimpliment his closet full of green participation ribbons. It seems to me he’s ‘angry’ for all the wrong reasons and his message would have been much more effective, had he come out in rainbow hair and blackface. I can disagree with whomever I please, that doesn’t make me an ‘angry white man’ and it doesn’t have to mean I hate anyone, either.
  8. Lobster (But, Nova Scotian lobster is better!)
  9. One thing I won’t miss is having to always look down while walking about, so as to avoid being swallowed by any one of those many partially or completely uncovered manholes. My current village: Valencia, Spain
  10. Unkept and often filthy people who rarely bathe, smoke a lot of weed, take drugs, spend a lot of time playing video games and surfing the web. All while not spending a single baht on tourism. ????
  11. The word ‘nomad’ inspires a particular vision for some of us: (I’m sure there must be a laptop and high-speed router buried in that luggage somewhere).
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