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Everything posted by DBath

  1. Another good scene (IMO) from Once Upon a Time in Hollywood...
  2. Reminds me of a gun range I used to go to in Atlanta. I had pretty good shot placement, but never drew any smiley faces!! LOL
  3. Once Upon A Time In Hollywood...
  4. Dances with Wolves - My favorite scene (when he kills Spivey) and the lead-up to it...
  5. OMG, I thought I was demented - now you’re giving @GammaGlobulin a run for his money - the key is LONG FUSES!! Or, maybe try not lighting them until you get into the LB’s bathroom? All that said, I don’t think I want to be part of this discussion anymore - it’s getting way out of hand….????
  6. The best scenes from my favorite movie of all time....News flash: It ain't no chick flick and I'm pretty choosy in the films I watch. What Hillary Swank did to prepare for this movie is impressive and the boxing choreography was the best I've ever seen, period. I guess I'm a sucker for films that depict people overcoming adversity and coming from nothing to achieve greatness. This film also won Best Picture, Best Director (Eastwood), Best Actress (Swank) and Best Supporting Actor (Morgan Freeman). I'm not ashamed to say the ending of this film is the only one that's ever made me bawl. Maggie, on her 34th Birthday.... Maggie's hick family finally comes to see her after she becomes paralyzed and is in the hospital - first they decided to show how much they cared about her by going to visit Disneyland for a few days...the only real reason they came was to get her to sign over all of her assets before she died. Maggie asking Eastwood for a favor, so she can die in peace instead of miserably suffering the few months she has left. Eastwood reluctantly grants her request... Bonus: Freeman kicking Anthony Mackie's a** in the ring.
  7. A History of Violence - The diner scene I posted earlier is the best one for this movie, IMO. Until I saw this movie I was not a Viggo Mortensen fan at all, but he really impressed me in Eastern Promises.
  8. Oh come on, man. I thought about putting an excuse in there for why the OP would want to use the LB's bathroom, but there are many he could use. How about this, "my toilet's broken, may I use yours?" Or how about this: I was making a total joke here, and I think even you got that!
  9. Tropic Thunder - Robert Downy Jr. as a black man is hilarious......AND he didn't even get 'canceled' for it!!
  10. Full Metal Jacket - Private Pyle goes off the deep end
  11. Apocalypto - My two favorite scenes are in this clip
  12. 96 Tears - ? And The Mysterians
  13. Pay the LB a visit and make peace offering (a box of condoms, perhaps), then ask if you can use the bathroom. Beforehand you will have procured a few industrial strength cherry bombs to light before flushing down the LB's commode. If LB asks what happened, tell the LB you had explosive diarrhea - problem solved!!! ????????????
  14. Singin' In The Rain...(not the Fred Astaire version!) Back in the day, when it first came out, this movie was rated 'X' in the US.
  15. So many good scenes from this movie, hard to say which one is really 'best'...
  16. Forrest Gump - Meets Son
  17. Gone With The Wind - Prissy...
  18. A History of Violence
  19. Both great motorcycle chase scenes, especially McQueen - who could forget The Great Escape.
  20. Please keep this woman away from the children.
  21. OMG, what’s this world coming to - when one can’t even laugh about 24 innocent children being murdered, sheesh….
  22. Simultaneous
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