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Everything posted by DBath

  1. Consequences
  2. ERP (as in Oracle and SAP)
  3. Word…I’m quite happy to stay in the ‘middle ages’ as long as I don’t have to stomach any more of this ridiculous woke nonsense you keep trying to hawk and ram down everyone’s throat. Unlike some people, I’m both confident and comfortable in my ‘own skin’.
  4. That's pretty 'rich' of you, simply because someone merely disagrees with your faulty opinion. You can lie to yourself all you want, but you cannot drag me or anyone else into your fantasy - and so it goes for pronouns. If I intentionally call a man “she,” I have lied. I have conveyed something that isn’t true. Despite my polite intentions, all I’ve done is contribute to the confusion, dishonesty, and intellectual chaos rampant in today's culture.
  5. How many "ladyboys" have you heard of that are women trying to become a man? ZERO. This whole gender ideology scam is nothing more than a few people thinking they can use language to manipulate and overcomplicate the truth, so they can live out their fantasies, while at the same time trying to force and project those fantasies onto the rest of us.
  6. I would like to submit that you are one of those "commemtators".
  7. I prefer truth, so let's not try to make things more complicated than they need to be just so you can indulge in some fantasy. There are two genders PERIOD. You think gender is like a costume that can be worn as you see fit. Scientifically, the dead dude is a HE and even his passport and gov't ID confirm this. Fortunately for the rest of us, you don't have the authority to change that.
  8. Reminds me of that movie, “The Crying Game”, where the dude sort of knew all along, but was then shocked at the end when the truth was finally ‘revealed’.
  9. Now, “he knows all there is to know about ‘The Crying Game’” ????‍♀️
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