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Everything posted by DBath

  1. Until You Come Back To Me (That's What I'm Gonna Do)
  2. Gangs of New York - "Taste My Mutton!"
  3. There Will Be Blood - Bowling Alley
  4. Guess Who's Coming to Dinner - "The Speech"
  5. Patton - Coward Scene
  6. Rain Man - Phone Booth Scene
  7. Dumb & Dumber
  8. American Beauty - At the Drive-thru
  9. Zelenskyy
  10. My apologies for duplicating your post, I went through all the pages of this thread, but I must have missed this one - I hope I've not missed any others.
  11. Inglourious Basterds - "Brad Pitt Carves the Turkey"
  12. No Country For Old Men - Coin Toss scene
  13. Scarface - Chainsaw in the bathroom
  14. Eastern Promises - Shower room fight scene (graphic violence) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uq1nYCn6Blk
  15. Punch-Drunk Love - The Wrath of Barry
  16. Road to Perdition - I'm glad it's you...
  17. Final Scene - Last of the Mohicans
  18. My two favorite scenes from Casaway:
  19. One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest - Juicy Fruit scene
  20. Great clip, hilarious!!
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