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Posts posted by aka_jack

  1. Apart from skipping country, which i would have done along time ago! have you got your embassy involved ? is this a civil or criminal matter? Why not get the press involved? this could work in 2 ways, 1 way would publicse your case showing that you have done nothing wrong and it was not your fault and now you are being extorted which would not look good on thailands image, which we all know they do not like that!!. Or it could have a negative effect and have people queing up at the road waiting for a farang to drive past!. Also would have thought it would have been a good idea to get your lawyer to go through previous cases, thai on thai for the same situation to see what was paid, alot less i bet! Use these files and cases as ethier a defence in your case or a counter offer to the family! Best of luck and will be waiting to see what happens! This could happen to any of us! What about sueing the insurer??

  2. you know i did see somewhere on the news that he is pursuing libel and defamation cases through his lawyers! surely this has to be a joke, firstly why doesnt he come back and file them?, we all knowthat one! i wouldnt have thought they would have been accepted as he is wanted !, and secondly isnt he trying to claim political asylum in the uk saying he wouldnt get a fair trial in thailand!, but its o.k to use the courts to try others !! This is getting unbelievable!!

  3. i dont know all the facts of this case but which jet ski was damaged, if the thais he should pay! i think you will find the rental agreement says any damge to the rental jet ski and you pay all costs,( your jet ski) i am sure if the police where there and you pointed this out you would have some case to argue! He didnt damage his jet ski just the thais, if it was his friend who he crashed into i am sure his friend would be liable to cough up!

  4. yes dont know when that will be have moved to hua hin now! had some very good nights there though! we are talking about the same market running by the river? I am sure its only about 50 meters across the bridge but say a hundred to be save, come to think of it they have a nightclub which was quite good there as well! sometimes had coyote on in there also!!

  5. yes pailyn hotel was quite good when i was there mainly because they had some lovely coyote girls there nearly every night!! also if you go over the bridge by the night market about 100 meters there is a square there with a load of bars thai style and some karoke!

  6. I would say this operation is highly illegal made to pay soon as you step of the boat, if it is about the pier the boat operators should be paying and adding extra on the tickets some where, what if you have been over to samui for the day and are actually staying in a hotel in haad rin.

    Last time i was there even had 2 d###s on the samui side try it on for a 100baht to enter samui, god loves a tryer!!. I would say these people might have already asked the boat operators and was told no! so then where next? the unsuspecting tourist easy to deal with, threats of not being allowed in and violence! i wonder how it would play out if you stood your ground and called the police telling them you was staying on another part of the island, they would surely have to let you to your hotel!

  7. does anyone know where i can get one of these new media players that acts like a external hard drive for downloading movies to but you can plug it straight into your tv to watch anything you have downloaded, looks like a dvd player.

  8. topland plaza cant remeber the floor but you go in the elevator and there is a entertaiment section up there somewhere in the hotel with night club, bars, snooker and pool places. nightclub is called picasso if that helps!

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