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Posts posted by aka_jack

  1. Sorry but i have to put my 2 pence worth in ! i personaly think he didnt give that job up ! i mean come on do you think he gives a hoot about thai - saudi relationships ? noooo!, i think the goverment lost face on the promtion part after realising the saudis where watching a bit more than they thought, so basicly told him hes not getting the job, but to save face he can step down from the offer and get another cushy job somewhere else ! I mean come on if thailand had its way they would put up a magic curtain so nobody can see whats going on, change everything, then bring it down again so nobody knows what happened !

  2. Hi was wondering if anybody knew of a way to get airside so you can buy duty free at the shops, i know the obvious buy a cheap ticket ! but was just looking to get through buy some international brand ciggarettes and pay the dutys and taxs on the way back through ! ANY IDEAS ???

  3. This is really quiet a simple one ! if they dont ask you dont tell ! was a long time ago when my wife got a spouse visa but they never asked about debts it was wages,bank statements that sort of thing if they dont ask you dont need to tell ! as for getting banned for 10 years thats only if you lie on her application and if your not asked about debts then your not lieing !! what happens after you go back to the uk is totally different if the debt collectors catch up thats a hole new scenario which doesnt matter as you didnt lie intially !

  4. Flights are so expensive from here to the uk nearly 50000baht for 2 singles one being a child age 7, you can get 2 returns in the uk for that! Just like other things in thailand, over priced taxis on samui,phuket etc! i am starting to think thailand has one goal and that is to rip the tourist of completely ! in every way ! not a pattaya lover but not bad ! but thats the cheapist place ive been in thailand apart from the boonies !

  5. This is a no brainer really the goverment doesnt want the tourists to feed the elephants so as to try and force them of the streets !, so fine the unsuspecting tourist, its a good money maker, instead of confiscating any elephants on the streets and putting them in a wild life reserve which would cost them money ! ner fine the tourists make some money ! what next ? fine tourists for giving street beggars money ! this countrys laws are a joke !

  6. Im looking at buying some lambert and butler cigarettes ! I have tried king power in bangkok but all they say is the airport !. Even said i would pay taxes but still can only get from the airport, have looked at the customs licenses and from my understanding you can bring in the cigarettes as long as you have the license and pay the duties. Anyway is there anyway of getting an airside pass to go to the duty free shop get your cigarettes and come back through without actually flying out anywhere.

  7. Yes it is ! we moved to south thailand they live in north, my choice ! sending money to the family wasnt so much a problem as was half ditched with grandmother who has now passed, after she worked in a low cost bungalow resort and was paid pittance, when we moved to uk she wanted to send money to her sis and mother ! fine i said you can send them your wages from work ! Happened twice until she saw a new contract phone she wanted and asked for ! i told her to pay for it out of her own wages ! she did ! sorry family no money she says ! obviously different when it was coming from her pocket and stopped her luxuiries !

  8. Anybody any experience in bringing cigarettes in to thailand ? thinking of bringing some duty free ones through maybe 5 or 6 packs of 200's . I have heard of getting extreme fines if getting caught but what about if you declare them and pay duties up to the thai price of cigarettes which shouldnt be that much ! will they do that ??

  9. Hey might not get u it any quicker but will certainly give u some satisfaction, i had a problem with the electric company with a disputed bill ! they werent budging and were going to cut us of if we didnt pay the bill 3 months after the dispute, anyway cut to the chase get all documents ready and right and when all is checked and ready to proceed and they ask for the payment make sure youve been to the bank and withdrawn the fee in 1 baht coins and then empty all said 1 bahts into tesco bag to make sure they have to count it !!

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