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Posts posted by aka_jack

  1. Before i start the task of phoning all the local thai embassys, anybody have any success storys of getting a multi non o based on marriage in local neighbouring countries, have done PENANG and KL and was wondering what other countries nearby where issuing these type of visas, was looking for the cost to be about the same as going malaysia ! Thanks

  2. Why do you have to show money in thai bank when applying for a multi non o based on marriage in neigbouring countries? Last time i was in kl getting one i was queing and waiting to apply when i glanced through the sign on the board telling you what you required to apply and nowhere did it say about money ! So why do they ask ?

  3. 15000 baht fine = scammed, how many thais have instant access to 15000 baht when they are a catching a bus ? And what happens to all these ladies in pattaya who are caught with sleeping pills trying to drug foriengers are they made to pay high fines or go to jail ? I would not think a fine of 15000 baht is the real fine for not having a prescription!!

  4. in the uk you would get a slap on the wrist and a small fine ! Seems to me they had a bigger crime commited against them buy the bib ! Yes if so they stole doesnt justify there treatment but they made there choice to pay and get the hel_l out ! Im sure in the courts they wouldnt be sentenced to years in prison like some are suggesting!!

  5. Well didnt lose my busines but stopped of at a bar on beach road pattaya after a couple of beers decided to have remy coca, was served it first sip started to gag as i absoultely hate scotch whisky called the staff over and told her the problem but she assured me it was remy, and i assured it was not, but it was mixed with whisky she calls the boss who takes the bottle and shows me the label, remy! remy!, no no is my reply, she says yes and produces a brand new bottle from under the counter un-opened at this point i want to prove them wrong as i am now peeved about it so i tell her that i will buy the remaining couple of shots in the bottle and you can pour me a new one from the un-opened bottle and we will see if they taste the same, away goes the new bottle, cannot cannot and then completely ignored should of seen there faces when they where about to be proved wrong not happy bunnys, check bin bye bye!!

  6. just booked with etihad 50000 baht return for 1 adult and child with 2 hour stop over each way. quatar was quite good also emirates if you fly to birmingham longer stop overs though. I think if you book it a week before you go you get better prices just tweak the dates a bit until you get a decent price.

  7. you know if nthey really wanted to cut down on the drink driving deaths over songkran there is a very simple soloution, make songkran 1 day on the 13th back to work on the 14, job done only carnage for 1 day!! Like in the uk new years eve you still have to go to work and have newyears day off!! Quiet simple !

  8. ha ha this one made me laugh i was recently in phuket over songkran and walked in to one of these so called pharmacys only wanted some rehydration sachets as i had been on the piss for a couple of days, well picked up 3 sachets and walked to the counter got the falang calculator out and added it up to 60 baht well i dug my hand in my pocket to pull out 2 twentys to pay the 24 baht bill which was the real price 3x8 baht sachets. She says ok 40 baht i point to the bottom of the sachet which says 8 baht she re-types 24 baht i pay and leave she couldnt even look me in the eyes after i pointed this out to her especialy in front of her friends who where laughing at her for being caught out!!! Why do they do it?

  9. hey my sister in law is also the maid! she started slacking and becoming lazy i complained to my wife who gave the dont worry attitude i told ok she could do the stuff the sister in law wasnt doing after she came home from work, was ok for a couple of days until it started to mess with her playing badmington with her friends after work, she soon got her sister back in check!!

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