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  1. Hi everyone. I have a smartphone which frequently shows a message that my PDF Reader is out of date and prompts me to fix it by clicking on a button which generally sends me to Play Store and a page which asks me to install the PDF Reader. It's now got to the stage where I am wondering what to do. It seems that all these PDF Readers are similarly named and I now have several PDF Readers installed, and when I get a message that my PDF Reader is out of date or requires updating I don't know what to do. Should I try to uninstall all of them? I have Googled and Google says that Adobe Acrobat is good. I have Adobe Acrobat installed. Advice is now requested here on what steps I should take to rectify this annoying situation please. Thank you in advance, thoengthaied.
  2. Does anybody know of, or has seen a Nautica men's clothing shop in Pattaya? I believe there may be one in either Terminal 21 or Central Shopping Mall, but I would be travelling from Jomtien on public transport so I would like to know before I set out. Thanks for any info. Regards, thoengthaied
  3. Seems that English is not your native language!
  4. Hi. It's been a while since I used Skype but now I need to use it to contact the UK Income Tax office. Looking at the Skype app on my smartphone I see that I have I have a small amount of Skype to Phone credit but probably not enough, so I want to add some credit. I have clicked on Skype to Phone and a new page appears with options to add credit of different amounts of Thai baht. If I click on "Add THB 350.00 credit" I get 2 options... 1) "Skype Credit" 2) My credit card (presumably the card I last used) and I want to use this same card again, so I clicked on that and another screen appears with my credit card at the top with a tick beside it. If I tap on that I get another screen which asks me for my password which, of course I have forgotten, but I really don't know which password they are asking for and it's confusing me greatly. I'm at the end of my tether with this now, and now I want to get some help on how to progress, or is there another app similar to Skype which members can recommend if I decide to ditch Skype and start again? All help and recommendations will be really welcome. Thanks in advance, thoengthaied.
  5. Hi all. Recently, when trying to install an app on my Windows 11 laptop I get a pop up message which is confusing me and I don't know what to do. The message is "Do you want to allow this app to make changes to your device" Options below are "Yes" and "No". "NO" is highlighted. Which way should I jump? Regards,thoengthaied.
  6. By the way, how would I be able to tell if I have data roaming or another type of roaming?
  7. Yes, the app works fine now, and I am such a dinasoar when it comes to IT that I'm scared to uninstall and reinstall...something will go wrong for sure. Thank you Upnotover.
  8. I cannot remember whether I installed the app on wifi or on a data connection. I think it's better to uninstall and reconnect using data.
  9. I am going to UK very soon at short notice, and when I am there I will need to use the SCB app on my smartphone. I have been told that it's possible if I use the phone with my Thai AIS pre paid SIM card. That throws up some questions from me: I assume that I will need to have credit on my SIM. Should I top up before I go, and if so how much is recommended? I'm guessing that my use of the app will be about 10 minutes. Do I need to have Roaming enabled? Any other recommendations please.
  10. Member 200 Posted 27 minutes ago I have been using Fascino regularly for over 10 years and used a Gold card for much of that time which gave me points on every purchase. I was able at times to convert those points to cash and use against purchases. However last September I asked the pharmacy assistant how much credit I had accrued and she pointed me to a sign on the counter which stated that the points system would be discontinued until 2024 but that the current accrued points would be still valid upon resumption of the service. I have continued to shop there and accrued a new set of points which started at zero in September. Now it's 2024 I've asked again at the counter if I could use my points for a purchase and was told that the company had not informed the staff about recommencing and I still could not use my points. She told me that she did not know when the points would be available again....maybe October/November! I did not accept this and asked her to enquire with her head office. Upon my request she just shrugged her shoulders and walked away. I will not accept this behaviour and stood at the counter until she returned whereupon I asked her for the email for head office which she grudgingly wrote down for me. Back home I have emailed Fascino but although I see that the email has been opened I have received no reply. Fortunately I have retained all my receipts which give a total of points accrued and unless I get a reply to my email within a couple of days I shall take all the receipts to the Pattaya main branch on Pattaya Nua to see if I can get some action. Unfortunately, as many expats here will know, receipts fade with time and some are barely legible now. Has anybody had a similar experience and can give me some (constructive) advice on how to proceed? Further to this post I found Fascino on Line and sent a message which was replied to stating that the usage of points as a discount is still not feasible due to ongoing maintenance of their sales system. A nice reply but not helpful. should I be surprised? Nah!!! If there were another pharmacy similar to Fascino I would use it.
      • 1
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  11. I have been using Fascino regularly for over 10 years and used a Gold card for much of that time which gave me points on every purchase. I was able at times to convert those points to cash and use against purchases. However last September I asked the pharmacy assistant how much credit I had accrued and she pointed me to a sign on the counter which stated that the points system would be discontinued until 2024 but that the current accrued points would be still valid upon resumption of the service. I have continued to shop there and accrued a new set of points which started at zero in September. Now it's 2024 I've asked again at the counter if I could use my points for a purchase and was told that the company had not informed the staff about recommencing and I still could not use my points. She told me that she did not know when the points would be available again....maybe October/November! I did not accept this and asked her to enquire with her head office. Upon my request she just shrugged her shoulders and walked away. I will not accept this behaviour and stood at the counter until she returned whereupon I asked her for the email for head office which she grudgingly wrote down for me. Back home I have emailed Fascino but although I see that the email has been opened I have received no reply. Fortunately I have retained all my receipts which give a total of points accrued and unless I get a reply to my email within a couple of days I shall take all the receipts to the Pattaya main branch on Pattaya Nua to see if I can get some action. Unfortunately, as many expats here will know, receipts fade with time and some are barely legible now. Has anybody had a similar experience and can give me some (constructive) advice on how to proceed?
      • 1
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  12. Don't mess about with you health. Go and see a specialist. I would recommend highly Rutnin Eye Hospital, and in particular, Dr. Jutarat. Inexpensive and also a very attractive lady.
  13. Good information. I think I'll ask Nord for this option when my subscription is due.
  14. I have used Nord for about 6 months for exactly the same reason as the OP. When I first started with it I connected to UK and Nord gave me one of their London servers which worked ok, but as time went by I started to get the William Hill message about using a Data Centre. I then had multiple similar issues. I had to keep refreshing the London server location to get the server which William Hill would not detect. I resolved to change my VPN but had subscribed for a year. At some point about 3 weeks ago I decided to try Nord's server in other cities in UK and eventually landed on Edinburgh. That has been stable since then and now I don't have any issues. How long that will last I don't know but I'm crossing my fingers. To the OP..will Surfshark allow you to select different servers within the UK? If so, try the others until you find one that works. Edinburgh might be a good location for you. Best of luck with that and good luck beating William Hill.
  15. In Jomtien...there's a lady with sewing machine on soi 7 next to a pharmacy. This is about 3/4 way up soi 7 from Beach Road on lhs.
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