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polpott last won the day on November 14 2020

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  1. Yep that certainly give him the vote, Its what the British people want',
  2. Did I say that we were back in the EU? You're rambling now. Goodnight.
  3. We know what didn't happen.
  4. Listen to Nigel, it isn't failing. it has failed. Which part of Brexit do you want to discuss? The economy? international trade? Immigration? All not failing, failed.
  5. But it wasn't different. That's a fact and you can't argue facts or change history. History will, no doubt, record Brexit as a failure.
  6. Which, in plain English, means that Brexit has failed. Doesn't matter whose fault it was, Brexit has failed. Don't say that I didn't warn you.
  7. Probably untrue. As viruses evolve they tend to become more infectious but less harmful. Many will be infected but very few will die.
  8. Straight from the mouth of the St. Petersburg troll farm. You couldn't make it up........Oh, actually you did! 555
  9. My eyes and ears. Virtually everyone outside St Pauls were fervent Royalists, typical tory voters. They cheered and clapped virtually everyone except Boris. judging by the reaction of a number of Tory MPs, they saw the same optic as me.
  10. Its not the left wing who are going to vote no confidence tonight, its his own MPs. Boris is bulletproof to attacks from the left. He can only be removed from within.
  11. I'm sorry to repeat myself but the collapse of support for Boris has little or nothing to do with what the Left wing did or didn't support. This is an internal tory party matter. As such your questions are irrelevant and can only be construed at a deliberate distraction. This thread is about Boris being booed. He was booed by, primarily, tory supporters, not looney lefties.
  12. Not the Lefties, the great British public. Its caused his support to collapse from those who voted Tory for the first time, in 2019. Wakefield will be an eye opener for you. Labour seat since 1932. Ahmed Kahn won the seat for the Tories in 2019. Forced to resign after being convicted of a sexual assault on a young boy, The resultant by election is on June 29th. If Boris is still with us then it will be another nail in his coffin.
  13. I watched Boris' entry live. Only person to be roundly booed on entry. If there were cheers they were drowned out by the boos. Harry and Megan had a mixed reception but, in my opinion, the cheers drowned out the boos. A very different reception to Boris. Those gathered outside St Pauls were there to celebrate the Platinum Jubilee and cheer on the royals, hardly a bunch of lefties. Its now accepted that this single event broke the camels back of MP's support and caused a number to put their letters in and many more on which way to vote tonight. The people gathered outside St Pauls were seen as the court of Tory public opinion. The people have spoken, Boris must go. An MP, above all, must protect his seat. Those who broke through the red wall in 2019, have seen support for Boris collapse (mainly due to Partygate) and realise that the only chance for them to retain their seats at the next election is to get rid of Boris. Bye Bye Boris.

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