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F Groenen

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Everything posted by F Groenen

  1. Whether the bars allow it or not, there seems to be a number of dope smokers that think they can smoke everywhere and that it is not noticeable. Sadly I can smell them from across a room and left no choice but to leave. Thanks guys and galls.
  2. It may surprise the users, but many people do not like marijuana and now have to put up with the stench from the ones using it. Sadly these users seem to think that it is ok to smoke a joint everywhere. I now avoid many bars, simply because I cannot stand the smell. My wife gets physically sick from the smell of hash. Be considerate, smoke outside and pay attention to not force your stinky habit on others. Why can't they make this stuff without it smelling as it does ?
  3. InstaRem. I have done monthly transfers with them for 4 years now, between Malaysia and Thailand. Excellent speed (1 day or less), low fees and good customer service.
  4. No clarity on this. The annual check with immigration supposedly only validate your residence and health insurance. Keep quiet about change of employer and keep the visa. The LTR visa is renewed after 5 years. One would expect that your employment is validated at that time. There are no refunds of the visa fee's, so if it is cancelled after 5 years, you paid 10,000 THB per year. Still not bad.
  5. My LTR visa was issued within 2 months. For the LTR-Work from Thailand visa; - No WP is issued, work is allowed without WP, as long as do not interact with any Thai company. - Under existing tax agreements, there is a tax liability for your employer. This must be removed, otherwise the visa is useless. Still waiting for clarification from BOI on this.
  6. Go down 1 floor, many food choices there, be it at higher prices than outside the airport.
  7. For local carriers, it is more than 3 hours. For foreign carriers it is 3 hours (at least the ones I have used over the years).
  8. Starting when ? Today ? Until when ? Forever ? Check-in counters only open 3 hours before the flight. Arriving earlier serves no purpose (other than to grab an overpriced drink or bite to eat).
  9. I did get a LTR-WFT visa, but a critical parts are still missing, still preventing me to work from Thailand permanently. No official document explains that work from Thailand with this visa is allowed without a Work Permit. There is no documentation for safeguarding your employer of Permanent Establishment (PE) rules, which opens up the door for the Thai Tax office to penalize your employer with taxes and fines. Until the BOI can close these gaps, many people cannot apply for LTR-WFT as their employers cannot allow it.
  10. As with everything else this is confusing; The LTR-T visa stamp says 2032 (10 years) Another stamp says 2027 (5 years), I have not asked someone to translate the text. There is a 'Stay Permit' and 're-entry permit' until 12jan2025 (my passport expiry) And an insert that says 'Notification for an alien who has been staying in the Kingdom longer than 1 year', with a date in 2023. No visa is ever guaranteed and can be revoked at any time.
  11. The ex-girlfriend and her (boyfriend) Civil Servant live happily ever after under new names, never to be heard of ?
  12. To answer your questions; 1. Online application. Can upload all documents online. 2. The 50K is collected at immigration when they issue the visa in your passport. Last year payment was by Bank-app transfer only. Some people have reported that cash is now accepted at OSS for LTR visa only. 3. The visa was effective on the same day. I did not have a current visa. You may have to coordinate this with BOI if you do not want overlap. Mine is only valid until expiry of my passport 2 years from now. I assume I need a trip to OSS to get the visa endorsed in my new passport, hopefully for free.
  13. In case the visa is not renewed after 5 years, the cost is 10K/year since the 50K fee is non-refundable.
  14. The LTR visa is renewed after 5 years. According to current statements by BOI, there will be no fee. So it is 50,000 THB for a 10-year visa. There is an annual reporting requirement, instead of the 90-day reporting. This reporting has been free of fees. The annual report should also be free. As with anything, things can change. I will find out in November what the annual reporting is. If I do not qualify for renewal in 2027, I will have paid 10K per year for this visa. Your 1,900 THB/year for renewal is a better deal. Lucky you.
  15. Response received today from BOI: For details/laws about Permanent Establishment (PE) in Thailand, please click https://nam02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Flibrary.siam-legal.com%2Fthai-law%2Fu-s-thai-tax-treaty-permanent-establishment-article-5%2F&data=05%7C01%7CFrank.Groenen%40Teradata.com%7C14d6a87ae40943e69fb408db00654d05%7C9151cbaafc6b4f4889bb8c4a71982138%7C0%7C0%7C638104207378532083%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C3000%7C%7C%7C&sdata=c6hmVAm8N4ZjG2mGiBRwUID6h8po0jf%2Fs2DSLuy2wGM%3D&reserved=0Generally, the nature of the working activity of Work-From-Thailand Professionals should not be considered an activity relating to Permanent Establishment if it does not fall in one of the activities and the term specified in an article from the abovementioned link._______________________________Kind regards, LTR Visa Unit
  16. I have a LTR-WFT visa, but my employer is not alowing me to work from Thailand, until their PE and tax questions have been clarified in official publications. I had a conversation with one of the LTR employees yesterday and he stated 'with an employee using the LTR-WFT visa to work from Thailand, there is no liability for the employer for PE or taxes.'. He said this was already published. He promised he would send me the document that states this, but so far I have not heard from him again. I will call him again tomorrow. My employer also has contracts with a distributor in Thailand, to sell and support our products. However, I cannot work under this distributor, since I would be a contractor to my employer and the 1st one out the door in the next reorg. MicroB, I would be careful working for a subsidiary as it becomes so much easier to get laid off.
  17. My employer is working with one of the big 4, to work through regulations for 'Digital Nomad visas'. Ultimately they will need a statement from the Thai authorities confirming their findings. I don't think the compliance and tax issues have been worked out by BOI-LTR. As nice and helpfull as the LTR staff is, they are not experts and statements will need to come from other authorites. Even the documents already posted on the LTR website, leave many item undefined. I'm somewhat disapointed that BOI-LTR is not updating their website with the new rules and guidelines.
  18. The documents I submitted included; Annual reports for my employer for past 3 years. A certificate of employment issued by my employer. A number of certifications I earned related to my work. My complete CV. Year-end payslips for the past 5 years. Tax returns for past 3 years. Company provided Health Insurance (limited coverage in Thailand). Local Thai health insurance policy. Not sure which were used for final approval, but in my experience more docs is better with any Thai application.
  19. I applied on day-1 (Sep.1 2022) and was approved on Oct.4 (exactly 20 working days). In the approval email, I was told to update documents online, but it was not clear what. At that time, the LTR online application allows you to add documents ONCE. If you try a next time, the documents are not uploaded. Best option is to email them to BOI-LTR. Hopefully this has been corrected. Many emails with BOI (they do not respond most times) and a few calls with BOI, it became clear they did not accept my health insurance. I have Thai health insurance for past 7 years and approved for renewal next May, but this was not good enough. I had the insurance company cancel my policy and re-issue for 12 months in November. This was accepted. The final approval was given on Nov.22, unfortunately with incorrect 'apply by' date. I visited the BOI-LTR office on Nov.24, got the date corrected and was able to make the appointment with One Stop Service center (OSS) for the same day. (Same building, same floor, across from BOI-LTR office) The LTR person was nice enough to walk me through OSS and get things done. The ONLY payment accepted at OSS is with Local bank phone app transfer (QR code). That is when I learned that LTR-WFT cannot get a Work Permit. It took 3 more weeks to get an email from BOI-LTR office, stating that no WP is needed for LTR-T (work from Thailand) visa. There is however a list of restrictions, basically stating that no work can be performed for any Thai company, directly or indirectly. It seems the rules for local health insurance have changed recently and a guaranteed renewal is accepted now (can request this from your insurance agent/company)
  20. I got mine at OSS on Nov.24. Payment is with QR (local Thai bank app) ONLY ! (UOB and TMB excluded) It took me 30min go get my darn app to do the right thing (pay).
  21. I'm another happy recipient of a LTR-WFT visa and as confused as many by the unclear definitions. My employer is concerned that there are compliance and tax obligations that still apply with their employee (me) working from Thailand under this LTR-T visa ; The Thailand Revenue Department (TRD) has not issued any special regulations or exemptions from taxation for foreign employers with staff working in Thailand under the LTR-T visa. Since my employer does not have an active entity in Thailand, it is not able to meet the employer reporting, tax or pension related compliance requirements dictated by the TRD. With the employee's permanent presence in Thailand, my emploeyr has a Permanent Establishment (corporate tax exposure) issue. Has anyone on this forum gotten any clarification on the Liability of their employer ?
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