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About cjinchiangrai

  • Birthday 11/08/1959

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    Cole Molyneaux
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    Cole Molyneaux
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  • Location
    Chiang Rai, Thailand

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    Mae Suay, Chiang Rai

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  1. Like RFK Jr.? Hershel Walker was already rejected as an ambassador.
  2. Tried and dismissed, Jordan has nothing, including honesty or intelligence.
  3. Oversight of Federal activities, not state activities. Jordan has zero standing to interfere with a state case. Now that she is off the case, she has no standing to talk about it.
  4. It is still an ongoing case and Jordan still has no standing.
  5. No it is a fair response to someone that constantly complains and starts innuendo about "other" groups of falangs. This is race baiting nonsense.
  6. Yet you are the one disparaging "those People" in your posts. If you can't live with "Those People" go home.
  7. I did, if you don't like it, go elsewhere.
  8. You are free to leave at any time and stop your incessant whining.
  9. A confession from someone that can't find Pattaya?
  10. The same funding that was cancelled by Trump? ICE is not the State department.
  11. But my wife, an MBA with a fat bank account and multiple properties can't. You obviously have never dealt with the US Embassy.
  12. Nonsense. The majority do not get visas and they are about to start a war on foreign visitors. The US is not all that great a place to be and it is about to get much worse.
  13. Well we won't need to worry about it for at least four years. The Fourth Reich will see to it.

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