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Fat is a type of crazy

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Posts posted by Fat is a type of crazy

  1. 8 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    That is unfortunately not so much the case anymore. Many students feel the need to censor themselves and don't argue according to what they think. Because if they argue a standpoint which is not woke then the woke will cancel them. 

    Talking about new ideas and having arguments is fine. Not being allowed to have other ideas is a real problem, especially in western universities. 

    The reality is that most students, including myself back in the day, are just looking to get laid and to find out where the good parties are and to get sufficient study done.

    The students that are political lefties join the political lefty clubs and right wingers the same and they mainly debate separately amongst themselves.

    On the odd occasion if a political or controversial person might visit there might be a protest or something. Most lecturers in say the arts faculty would be a bit lefty and preach to the converted. Not ideal but nothing new. 

    Most other students just do their thing and politics is not at the forefront of their mind.


    But now the minority of students that are political have a social media megaphone to do what they always did but get noticed whereas before they talked in their own little student world.  They had time to develop their ideas before but now they are taken to task before they may have thought things through. I have said this before.

    I am sure there are examples from time to time where political correctness gets out of hand and Fox News and those in the videos above will be there to tell people when it does. Let's hope they present it realistically and not as though it's a massive threat to society as a whole. . 

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  2. I see the odd politically correct thing in my life.

    One minor light hearted example is in lots of advertisements in Australia there is always a young pretty black curly haired girl - don't see many more broadly - just a way of corporations to show a sense of fun and  inclusion - or so they think - to make a buck. Who cares.

    At work, meetings often need to start with thanking the original custodians of the land, i.e. indigenous Australians.  A nice gesture, that  might make sense at one meeting a year, but at every meeting? No big deal though.

    But most of the things you mention are not mainstream, or likely affect your life, and are just extreme examples picked by tabloid newspapers and sites to keep you concerned and keep you coming back.

    Don't think too much. 

    It's often the young who want change. In my lifetime you see more extreme students and others making good and bad arguments to change society and over time the good ideas stick, such as fairer treatment for women, gays and blacks. Other ideas may fall by the wayside.

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  3. 4 minutes ago, BangkokReady said:

    Any real evidence they were actually doing that and not LARPing though?

    Clearly there is but even if some were silly billies stuffing around and taking photos inside did Trump know that. Did he not have the responsibility to act as soon as possible to take action to stop what was happening. Did it not have broader implications for democracy as a whole. Is he just stupid or malicious to let it keep going. Not sure why you and others hold Trump to a different standard. It's like you are mesmerised by his stupidity and maliciousness. Wake up. 


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  4. 3 minutes ago, BangkokReady said:

    Didn't they just march into the building and take selfies?  You really thing they were going to lynch politicians or overthrow the government?  Or that they believed that either was actually within their power?


    More likely, they had seen the left-wing have their fun and get away with it, and they wanted to have a turn.


    Think about it.  The far-left, backed by the left-wing government, went on a rampage and attacked businesses and the police, which could be considered to be something that conservatives consider to be more their space.  So the conservatives went on their own little fun expedition into left-wing territory.


    If the left-wing is allowed to do that, why can't the right?

    One was a protest, lead by Trump, some of whom became seriously violent. Trump watched on for hours clearly having knowledge of what was going on and doing nothing until reluctantly making a statement.

    It is a huge concern if a potential nominee for 2024 is that delusional that he thinks the election was fraudulent. Even if he did though is advocating the march, and then watching a violent protest ensue, where lives of politicians were clearly at risk, and which stopped congress doing their job, something that should be acceptable and go without punishment. 


    The other march, when Trump was in power,  was a disparate group of BLM protesters who took the streets and did not attack congress, some of whom became violent. Not lead or advocated by Biden. 

  5. 7 minutes ago, KhunLA said:

    I never enjoyed working at any job, but that's what I was paid to do.  So made the best out of it.  We're all prostitutes, just a different industry.


    Paid companion's job is to do just that, keep the company of their employer.  If it's in the bedroom, at the mall or the bar or the beach ... so be it.

    To a point yes. But that's where we have to be honest and say that some things we do affect us more than other things. Some things hurt us. We have to decide whether there is a line. 

    In my job I feel I do some good, enjoy it sometimes,  and make a buck. The girl might feel she is offering a needed service and doing good, maybe enjoys it sometimes,  and makes a buck. 

    I think though humans are such that that sort of intimacy affects us deeply in ways we don't fully understand so it might be best to keep it private and not to flaunt it like nothing matters and we have hearts of steel. 


  6. 2 hours ago, BritManToo said:

    I would rephrase that to 'Western women appear to hate men and Thai women appear to quite like men'.

    I can't see how participating in an activity you were biologically programmed to do could be described as 'degrading'.

    I think western woman just got their independence and took on characteristics held previously by men. I think most are to their benefit. If I was a woman I would want freedom. But some characteristics maybe not and they are missing some natural femininity. Not sure. Leave it up to women to work that out. 

    I don't think a wide range of western women hate men but some do. I think a lot of Thai women hate men too.


    Prostitutes having sex are the same around the world. I don't think it's good or bad. I just meant the add ons seem degrading. Could you imagine a western lady of the night wanting to, or being happy to, spend the day at the local mall with the customer. 

  7. I have a theory about Thai ladies that is not fully formed.

    I used to think Thai ladies were big strong hearted ladies. The smiles, the relaxed nature, the taking care of their man, the peacefulness, the lack of thinking too much.

    But you can turn that around and say Thai women tend to be weak or faint hearted. Lack of curiosity or intellectual thought. Too simplistic. Shy. Don't like to try something new. Put up with stuff. 

    Western women tend to be more brave, thoughtful, questioning.

    It might explain thai prostitutes of which I have no experience. They appear to be willing to put up with stuff, don't care or are unconcerned about the world around them including the farang on top of them. Happy to spend time with them in public. Look after. The girlfriend experience. Pretty degrading if you think about it.

    Men can see this as being big hearted as it can make THEM feel big hearted. In comparison. Someone cares. White knight syndrome. Maybe I am handsome.

    Disclaimer: this is a broad comment that of course does not apply to my Thai lady or your Thai lady because we picked big hearted smart ones. 

    Disclaimer 2: This is not too suggest western women are better for western men. They are not in my opinion. 

  8. Think it's normal and healthy to look at the positives and negatives of where you are. Reading a nuanced discussion is welcome. Reading about someone getting upset over an extra 100 baht at a national park or the fact that a few forms need completing once a year, with no thoughtful solution offered, gets old fast.

    I will say when people put 'democracy' in inverted commas it tends to be because they think that, as no democracy is perfect, that democracy is not something to aim for. Disagree. But I'll leave it to the news section to elaborate on those type of topics. 

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  9. I don't really have expensive habits. To date embarrased by girlie bars. Can seem fun in theory but leering men with dumb smiles is more depressing than fun. Terrible at golf. Could retire comfortably now based on this discussion but for reasons I won't go into hanging around at work for 2 more years makes it significantly better for retirement. 

    Today was below zero when I went to work but thanks to covid rules and living in Australia the working from home opportunity makes a good transition to retirement. Hope I am not too old when I finally take the plunge but time will tell.  I am that guy waiting on the sidelines but still having an OK life in Australia with friends and family and with the odd Thailand holiday or bringing my on and off lady to Australia. 

  10. 1 hour ago, PJ71 said:

    Nonsense - most women would simply laugh at this.


    Would it affect your connfidience is some bird flashed you her mot?

    You may have spent too much time in Pattaya.

    Ask your mother, wife, daughter if they would think it was funny and whether they would be comfortable with this guy lurking around their local streets not sure  what he might do next.  It is all about coercion and control. 

    No it would not concern me as a 6' 5'' man if a little thai lady did it though it would be odd and I might choose a different road next time. 


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    • Haha 1
  11. 23 minutes ago, The Big Mac said:

    I was actually reacting to his hyperbole. Maybe he should tone it down a notch? I'm not the one saying we should execute former presidents I don't like. BTW, I don't actually need your tips or advice. You can keep those to yourself. Sanctimony and condescension . . . two traits I never get tried of from lefties. 



    Given what happened leading up to and on January 6 what is the best course of action? Laugh it off? Say attacking the capitol is like some protesters somewhere some other time breaking windows at a shopping center and forget it? Say everyone is as bad as each other so just carry on? What would you do about it? 

  12. 5 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    Not all renters are idiots relative or otherwise just as not all landlords are evil.

    You do infer though on other posts that landlords who charge market rent in a rising market are evil. Can you see that that is not sensible. You may limit rental increases because you have a good tenant, or give them time if they hit hard times,  but would you really rent out to someone at say half the market rate just to make life easy for them. Someone you hardly know. It would be nice and makes a good story if people did it but charging market rent is not an evil.

    If you manipulate the market or something that's a different thing. 

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  13. I recently went to MK and we ordered on a computer screen at the table and a robot brought out the food. Actually it was a bit of a gimmick but this R2D2 sized machine did bring a couple of the easier courses. 

    A different observation was that you used to get big plates of vegetables that often have a big pile of good stuff like mushrooms, kelp, and a range of good quality vegetables. This time it had a big pile of cabbage in the middle  and less of the good stuff around it.  Duck seemed a tad small too.

    When I went to leave a tip it did cross my mind that I had not much staff interaction so not sure what the tip was for. 

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  14. 2 hours ago, Sparktrader said:

    Work hard doing what? My work is only good in summer. Even then patchy.


    I could buy a small townhouse but property is going to tank.


    In 5 years bhp (say 30 entry) will outperform property imo plus dividends. Townhouses cost u money.




    Fair enough. It sounds like you'll be happy in Thailand. Who knows what will happen when you get there - could be all sorts of opportunities. 48 is a good age to have fun. A bit harder though without a pension or job.

    It seems most people say go for it so I am saying sometimes being careful and saving up first is good too.


  15. I think people are struggling through an Australian winter, cold, floods, having to go back to work for no good reason when you can work from home, inflation etc.

    Though I can see the appeal of going I think your mind might be a bit too active too sit around in Chiang Mai, watching your capital deflate, living off its income which could be inconsistent.

    I have a friend who went to Thailand about your age, left his business and sold up, had a low paying but fun job in Thailand and had a ball and 5 years later was in a bed sit back in Australia and a bit lost. I've mentioned it before. Can you cop being 55 and back in Australia in a bed sit. Or is it best to work hard now, put your investment ideas to work while the market is low, and look forward to life in Thailand a bit later and doing it the way you want to. 


  16. For what can go wrong, and a bit of comic relief, google Thailand bound cartoon episodes. There are 10 I think.
    I am in a not dissimilar situation to you in terms of working in my home country, being fond of my girlfriend, but deciding to live separately. We get together for 5 or 6 months or we did pre Covid and are now somewhat separated. 
    Are you being ripped off? Are you being cheap?

    Would you be better to marry her and be looked after like a king or is the loss of freedom and possibly assets too much?
    Tough to know the best thing sometimes. 
    Look after your best interests, be aware that Thai girls can lie easily, be ready how to deal with one of shocks, e.g. debt, in your case daughter problems, buffalo problems, but don’t be so careful that you miss out on something special. 

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  17. That average mental age thing asks fairly loaded questions. Do people say you are old, do you hang out with older people, are you a boring sod that stays at home.

    It seems the average by country ranges from 25 in Portugal to 28 in Japan. So nearly everyone is mentally young. How nice. 

  18. I make some observations on that video. 

    He is in Portland which is a famously liberal city.

    The video shows people who came to him and were affected by what he was doing.

    In fact later one of them notes they are all social workers.

    Not nearly a representative audience of students as a whole.


    After initially some of them being rude on the roof, they were polite and the real issue they had was that he had a sign on campus saying 'There are only 2 genders'. 

    Universities have always been inclusive places so having this presented as a statement of fact on campus can be seen as an issue for them. The point is it is on campus. Wouldn't have worried me and probably wouldn't worry students from other faculties such as  science, economics, and medicine. But if it did I can see where they are coming from as they are on campus.  After he explained that it was a thought experiment they seemed fine.

    They didn't shut him down and heard him out. 


    The girl saying that she was a different gender in a binary society, i.e. men and women, seemed polite and harmless. When she says there's societal things associated with being a man and a woman, and that we have to sometimes fit stereotypes, I think there's some truth. Especially in times gone by. I would disagree from my experience  that not fitting that that makes you a different gender but the concept of letting people be free to be what they want is not so bad. 


    Having said that the language they use like  'triggering response',  'feeling safe', 'harmed', 'oppressed', and the woman saying they needed someone there to support a trans person if they feel triggered or hurt, was over the top a bit.

    But I think it confirms what I said. They are in a University setting which has always been a bit like that, and being young and idealistic and worried about hurting people's feelings seems normal for that setting, especially among social studies students. They seemed to accept that others have a different opinion and seemed nice. 

    If students are overthinking things and overdoing the niceness and caring and trying too hard, but otherwise going about their day, it's not so bad.

    If I was a professor I think it wouldn't be hard to have a different say by saying I am basing my opinion on science that there are 2 genders, that science is never finalised and there could be a range of genders depending on how it is defined,  and then being respectful to those who have a different opinion.  

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