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Fat is a type of crazy

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Posts posted by Fat is a type of crazy

  1. Because we are older we may not have the same life experience  as the target young audience, and don't feel as stimulated by the modern approach to love songs, and such.

    But more importantly, in my opinion, there are limits to pop melodies and tunes and we have often actually heard it before - like watching a new movie where you've seen the same approach, plot moves etc, before.

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  2. 9 hours ago, Led Lolly Yellow Lolly said:

    You see, this is precisely why I spend little time on these forums, people like you, attitudes like this. TVF is full of bitter old men.  People marry into Thailand without understanding the people they are marrying. That's their fault. When my money ran out, I was thrown a lifeline by Thai family and I'm not going to be the farang that ran out when things go bad. . . Everyone's experience of life is different of course.


    9 hours ago, Led Lolly Yellow Lolly said:

    I think you kind of understand what I'm saying. To me, all taxation is fraudulent, and none more fraudulent than making tax payers pay for the elderly of others.

    Not sure if you believe in this specific concept or just in being good to people who are good to you. 

    The concept seems to be based on obedience and devotion, possibly without question, almost a religious thing. Would you support it if they had not been nice. Or do you think by supporting the concept, and living in a certain way,  it made your family nice respectful and good people.  

    Isn't taxation itself a broader form of devotion and support of our fellow people. Or are those without a family to be discarded with no support for health, housing and basics such as food.  

    It is noted too that as we get older the concept of helping and respecting the elderly can seem a more desirable concept. 

  3. 36 minutes ago, SunnyinBangrak said:

    Meanwhile, back in the real world.


    "We've given Ukraine nearly €1 billion. That might seem like a lot but €1 billion is what we're paying [Vladimir] Putin every day for the energy he provides us with. Since the start of the war, we've given him €35 billion, compared to the €1 billion we've given Ukraine to arm itself."


    Sanctions are hurting the Russian economy much more than the changes in $ value of oil and gas sales. 

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  4. 54 minutes ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

    If you are concerned about atrocities, why didnt European Countries step in  when there was genocide happening recently in Myanmar , with about 1 million people being chased off their land and murdered , raped and killed or the continuing atrocities occurring in Yemen , in both Countries, far worse things happened than are now happening in Ukraine .

       Is it because Ukrainians are Caucasian that you feel the need to help them  ?

    The Myanmar treatment of Rohingya was of course abysmal. The west took action but it was inadequate. The situation in Yemen and the background battles between Saudi Arabia and Iran is having terrible impacts on the country.

    One answer may be that as a westerner we do relate more to suffering of people who are a bit more like us. Who we can relate to. The other is that it is happening on the boundary of the western world of which we are familiar and there is a clear fight between western democratic and authoritarian values. The other is the affect on our lives such as higher petrol prices and grain prices. The other is the fact of a focal point on an evil individual being Putin who many of us have thought was evil and corrupt long before this. The other is the fact that Russia is a nuclear power and for the first time in a long time there use has been threatened.

    You may be able to find some inconsistencies and contradictions in the moral outrage and general concern. Hopefully though we can all concur that the specifics of this case should involve moral outrage and general concern. 

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  5. As a non gay observer I take your point on these issues. It is a concern and seems mostly just political frippery. It could do harm to gay kids who could do with role models and a helping hand and an acknowledgement that they are normal.  

    I don't though like comparisons with Putin and Russia. A teacher having to be careful about what they say about their personal life, or about expressing how they consider the world is, may not be ideal but of course it's not comparable to the limitations in Russia. You may think it's a slippery slope but it ain't that slippery because even the proponents are being very careful about how they are expressing themselves. It is 2022, and in the United States the gay freedom genie is out of the bottle, and isn't going back in.

    The other thing is, there is an element of truth in the concept that teachers in general need to keep personal values and ideals and preferences out of the classroom, as much as is possible. Especially as it relates to transgender stuff which is controversial and needs special care. Before kids are at least teenagers I can see that parents don't want to give teachers the ability to take the conversation down their own personal rabbit hole . You can still teach that it's good to let people follow their own path without getting into specifics.  



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  6. 18 minutes ago, Tony125 said:

    Probably the way you were brought up kinda a prude who probably believes old guys 70+ don't or shouldn't be having sex. My wifes gran-pa died 2 weeks ago at 92, he was still messing with women when he was 91.  My father died at 95 was still having sex at 93 living in his own aprartment till he had a stroke and had to be put in a nursing home.  If you workout to stay strong/verile and possibly use viagra and/or Testosterone therapy/suppliments  many guys can still function in later years especially if they have a younger, attractive  GF/wife  and not one that looks and feels/acts like a gran ma.

    It's not what he's doing but the way. I think if he was wearing decent clothes and doing something with a bit of dignity instead of trying so hard on camera to say look at me I've still got it and I can keep up with the young ones it might be OK. Not saying older people shouldn't have sex.. with young or old.. whomever is willing to go there. 

  7. 5 minutes ago, zyphodb said:


    A Lou Reed song lyric puts it perfectly, can't remember the name of the song, but it's on the Transformer album...



    you still do the things that I gave up years ago"...



    Such a good album. To be honest I'm still doing the things I was doing back then too. Creature of habit. One day I'll retire and move to Thailand instead of just holidays. 

    Talked to her and her new partner for an hour tonight. She's pregnant. Interesting times. 

  8. Most people agree that blacks had it bad for a long time and the only debate is whether in 2022 there is an ongoing need for positive discrimination. 

    On the CRT thing most agree that teaching America's failings, along with the many triumphs and successes, is appropriate. Some of the interpretations of CRT were a bit over the top, in terms of racism in 2022,  but the idea of teaching kids balanced history is not that controversial.

    On gender issues, most agree with letting people be who they want to be, but might draw the line at coming to conclusions on gender as fact e.g.  teaching young kids about what is known, or what is not known, when aspects of gender fluidity are scientifically controversial.

    The point being that the difference between opinions on such topics is not that large, but those differences are often exploited, and exaggerated by politicians and the media, for personal gain. 



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  9. 3 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    I'm well aware of all that, but it takes more than I have to be happy living here these days. My biggest and most frightening problem is finding a DECENT place to live, which is an impossibility for thousands in NZ now. The prices have become ludicrous and the government does nothing but make noises about it.

    When the only alternative option is living in a car it's hard to be happy with life. I was happy in LOS when I could live in a decent hotel for a lot less than the unsatisfactory situation I find myself in now, with no light on the horizon for hope.

    You should look into public housing. I am sure in New Zealand there is a waiting list but you might get lucky now if you are happy to live a bit out of town. If not now maybe a year or two. Then you can save your money and have a holiday in Thailand. 

  10. 25 minutes ago, ThailandRyan said:

    Fear mongering, can you expand on this for at least me....I mean it is known that most sausages/hot dogs etc...are known carcinogens and cancer causing.  Not scaremongering but at least one knows what's possible.



    The World Health Organization (WHO) has classified processed meat as carcinogenic, or cancer-causing, to humans. It’s in the same category as cigarettes and alcohol. Think about that for a second. Cigarettes, alcohol, processed meat. All bad for you.

    I think though there's a big difference between fresh premium sausages I buy in Australia which, I hope, use pretty good meat and not much preservative and they go bad like normal meat. You can tell when you cook them not much fat and not salty. A step down are normal cheap sausages, and a step down from that is hot dogs, and worse still is processed meats such as salami and cabana. 

  11. 13 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

    He mentioned PCR test in his opening post, then mentioned Saliva test in a follow up post, so, the info is not clear. 

    This is not a money making scam as implied by you. If they are positive they need o isolate somewhere. Anyone else can isolate at home. 

    Tourists don’t have a home to isolate in and thus need to isolate in a location where the staff are fully vaccinated, have full PPE and isolation protocols in place ( Hospitel ).  This may seem extreme for a mildly symptomatic omicron and perhaps could be reduced to simple isolation in an SHA Plus + hotel… the costs are likely to be similar.


    Ralf001 - what would you do with tourists who have tested positive? 
    they are unable to travel so have to stay somewhere ? 
    a hotel of their choice ? Putting other guests and staff at risk ? 
    what is the solution ?

    I concur. But as I have said before for asymptomatic cases they just need to spell it out in detail and give options so tourists know what happens and what is the worst case. 

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  12. 6 hours ago, LaosLover said:

    Liked WH best in Altered States, Ken Russel's most left-field film and surely a GobaGlob-5 star-er. It was full of the hippie science of the day: talking dolphins, Carlos Castaneda-like mind transformation, isolation tanks.


    It's a big cult film in Mexico. It suits their favorite plot of being transformed into a monster -and then saved by a good woman/saint. The same storyline pops up in Thai ghost soap operas.


    Tremendous market in the historic district of Mex City where no film is too obscure to bootleg for $2.  Stuff like the uncut El Top or Buenel's documentaries. I got Andy Warhol's Trash the last time.


    Vientiane used to have a store where if you were a repeat buyer, you could get 20 films for a $10 bill (must be in mint condition). Huge selection due to the French expat community, they had New Wave-everything. There was also a guy on the corner of Suk and Soi 11 who would get on his phone  to get you any title the next day for 50 baht.


    The cream of bootlegs were Chinese, often in box sets like all the Kubrick films or Film Noir vol's one, two, and three. How was that ever a profitable business for anyone? It was prob some rich Chinese guy's hobby.


    Anyone else here remember buying movies at Pan Tip Plaza?

    In the 2000's, seems like yesterday,  I would walk up to the Hello Kitty stall full of fake stuff of course, and the guy would give a furtive look around then take you into his DVD shop behind a curtain. Those shops and big internet cafes came and went. 

    I recall Bali had cassette shops back in the 80's too and they would have some strange best of compilations with added obscure tracks that seemed good at the time. 


  13. 9 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

    Thailand makes no money on the day 5 test. 


    Positive Day 5 ATK cases can isolate at home... thats if they even bother to upload a result or just keep it quiet. 


    It is the Day 1 PCR test which ‘could’ prove costly as Thailand over-reacts to international cases and ‘may’ place recent PCR positive arrivals in hospitel quarantine rather than letting them quarantine at home. 

    You seem to know your stuff. If I test positive during that first night is there something that says   If you are sick.. this happens ... and if you are positive but not sick.. this happens. There is no 'home' in Thailand for tourists of course. 

  14. 2 hours ago, cmarshall said:

    Morality and ethics have as small a role in this conflict as they had in the illegal American war on Iraq, which is to say none.  Putin is going to achieve his goal of destroying Ukraine.  He probably won't annex all of it, but Zelenskyy's successor's will think twice before they say the word "NATO" again.



    It is obvious that good does not always wins against evil and that this will not have a Hollywood ending. Of course, there is no such ending for the dead, and many lives and cities are devastated. I am just saying that normal people's sense of morality is having a big impact on this battle. 

    It is obvious to note that the Ukrainian reaction, and outrage around the world, is resulting in huge support to Ukraine, and a prolonged war for Putin, and is dealing a huge blow to the Russian economy. 

    I guess I am just pointing out that your argument of the inevitability of a Russian victory, based on power and selective history, is being offset by people's moral outrage and this has lead to Putin becoming a much diminished figure and Russia seriously struggling to succeed in their war. 

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